>tfw read a book by accident and it made me too intelligent for videogames
How do I retard myself back to enjoying vidya?
Tfw read a book by accident and it made me too intelligent for videogames
This is why you don't read books and play vida instead.
Drop a brick on the top of your head
You can't go back sorry
Just browse Sup Forums for a couple hours and you will be back to your old retard self again.
>back to enjoying vidya
Try again
but user reading the great gatsby doesn't make you intelligent, it means you are still in high school.
Weed & alcohol
Play sex games. Your hormones will make you enjoy them
Play BioShock Infinite its a smart game for smart gamers
Read The Great Gatsby
Watch livestreams or lets plays
also watch comedy news shows who tell you who to vote for ex: John oliver
Name one (1) book.
Protip: You cannot.
Play call of duty. It takes a great mind to appreciate it's flawless mechanics
Play a more intelligent game. Books challenge your brain in a different way than games can. Find one that challenges you to think about choices, or contemplate life like a book would, or challenge your tactics or input skills.
Planescape: Torment
Why on earth would you want to become a brainlet again?
Anal training
How do you accidentally read a book
>Play a more intelligent game
Name 2(two) "intelligent game"s
Dota and overwatch
Read the Idiot, by Dostojevskij.
It will make you sufficiently tired of life to enjoy
pretty plastic worlds again.
I simply do not understand why someone would enjoy reading books.
Maybe its because I have no inner monologue and have never heard a voice in my head before.
play some tetris
grow a beard, buy some black rim glasses, smoke some american spirits, and play some atari.
You can't.
You have to go full intelligent now.
You need to:
>perform quantum physics experiment
>program a neural network in Lisp
>get fucked by a man
>plant a bonsai
>paint a Dadaistic painting
>become a vegan
>do LSD
What was it?
Intelligence doesn't change, only knowledge. You aren't any smarter than you were before you read that book, you just have the added knowledge that said book provided. So go enjoy some vidya, and don't worry, you're still a retard.
>tfw to smart for books
I don't need them, I already have all the knowledge.
Focus on getting gud to distract yourself from shitty writing.
Watch some anime, it never fails.
you are already retarded
You might be too intelligent for vidya stories but if that was ever your concern you will never be too intelligent for gameplay.
smoke weed