>leave a quickplay match because team is full of trickling retards >'HURR DURR IF U LEAVE ANY MORE U WILL GET A PENALTY'
Why are neo videogames so obsessed with controlling every aspect of your life while playing them? It's like East Germany: The Video Game.
remember in the old source engine games you could just join a server and leave whenever the fuck you wanted? what ever happened to that shit?
Parker Peterson
>play shit game made by shit company >complain when shit things happen
really makes you think...
Jayden Campbell
>caring about exp gains after the rank level rework >caring about penalties that do nothing to your rank >playing overwatch
Jose Carter
haha epik pol meme dude
Austin Gray
>play team based game >get mad when team is bad
dont play team games then retard.
Logan Wood
>doesn't have friends >is douchebag to people forced to interact with him
wp OP
Landon Jackson
>leaving a game is being a douche
snowflake spotted
Jacob Sullivan
>be user >leave game because muh rage >ruin the game for 11 other players >get mad when they threaten you with penalty because you ruined the game for 11 players
Kevin Sanders
Benjamin Miller
>ruining quickplay after blizzard enforced the 1 hero limit
Kayden Peterson
>leave 20 games in a row because you lost your killstreak >game warns you about ruining games and mentions you might get an XP penalty WOOOOOOOOOW how was I supposed to know
Wyatt Anderson
>6 people lose >6 people win
Grayson Cox
nu Sup Forums
Nicholas Lopez
I leave qp games on a daily basis, I've never gotten this message. I think it's based on a completed games to abandoned games ratio. Considering QP can last as short as
Tyler Reed
> "I think 6 Meis on Defense is fun"
Robert Edwards
but that's never happened to me when I leave quickplay matches. What do you do? Leave 15 matches a day?
Lincoln Clark
>remember in the old source engine games you could just join a server and leave whenever the fuck you wanted? what ever happened to that shit? You can do exactly that as much as you want in the server browser, dumbass.
Jason Martinez
Basically yea. rip 2006 Sup Forums
James Smith
Hat jemand Ostdeutschland gesagt?
Adrian Flores
>he doesnt like to 6 stack >he likes playing mobas
this game isnt for you then. it never was.
Jaxson Baker
>remember in the old source engine games you could just join a server and leave whenever
Yea, it's called the Overwatch server browser.
Hunter Murphy
Yeah I have a constant penalty on me from leaving games but all it does is slow down your EXP gain which does... what?
I mean, I guess I get loot boxes more slowly but 99% of alternate costumes suck a fat dick and I can't even see my character while I'm playing so who cares.
Jose Carter
We have a no hero limit mode in the arcade and now the server browser where you can create whatever curraazy rules you want. There's basically no reason to complain about these things.
Isaiah Wood
Tell that to OP you fucking hypocrite
Gabriel Murphy
That kitty is actually cute. Post more of that kitty
Evan Hernandez
You get penalties in QP if you leave a shitton of games in a row, like 10 out of the last 20
Problem is that OW is deliberately rigged to keep veteran FPS pros like OP down and Q-mashing no-skill sbrubz at the top.
Liam Scott
Quit being a crybaby bitch and people won't call you out as such.
Jack Reyes
> he doesn't like swallowing lego pieces
Looks like Lego isn't for you then.
Xavier Martin
I don't have more. Sorry.
Gavin Campbell
Given how you cant 6 stack and you want to looks like your the one the games not for fag
Eli Harris
>quickplay You have to leave a fuckton of matches prematurely to get this warning in a 20 game span. You can leave during the "assemble your team" phase without any penalty at all, so if you see that you're stuck with morons making stupid hero picks you can leave before the inevitable rage quit. In short, you're having to be a full-time cancerous faggot to get this message.