For people who actually played it what did you end up thinking...

For people who actually played it what did you end up thinking? After what an ACTUAL mess looks like Mass Effect and how disappointed I was with Zelda I was curious what people who liked Horizon thought.

I've watched some reviews and seen people talk about it and I'm still not really sold on it being anything different/better than most open world games, BotW included. The combat looks really disappointing too I can't get over the sniper bow.

I don't really care about diversity quotas as long as its a good game.

Other urls found in this thread:

Zelda is better.
Let me explain
As an open world game, it limits freedom, holds your hand, leaves little secrets to discover and limits where you can go.
Besides that it's great but Zelda has more staying power and secrets to discover
I mean you can make bosses fight each other in Zelda.

>you can make bosses fight each other in Zelda
Woah shit. Really?

Zelda has like no secrets to discover though. It's literally shrines and koroks.

Apparently collectathon = secret these days

>disappointed with zelda
>should i try zelda but worse
come on OP

I mean the game is a blast mechanically but it just baffles me that people pretend the world isn't dead as hell. All it has on it are what amount to the fetch quest checklisting that we hate every other open world game for.

Yeah but you actually have to find them yourself and don't have a trail marker or whatever that guides you.

Zelda is fucking boring, all that exploring, for hours at a time, and you know EXACTLY what you will be rewarded with, either a braindead shrine with that exact music and textures as EVERY other shrine in the game, or a fucking leaf bitch. The game has zero progression, zero sense of reward, zero secrets, zero incentive to fight anything in the overworld.

It's a good game. There are all kinds of things you can do in it, and discovering the gritty details behind what happened was fun. Don't listen to the Nintendo shills. HZD is 40-50 hours of fun.

No, there are only 4 bosses in the game in their respective dungeons, you can not make them fight lol

i played the game beat it did almost everything i liked it but my brother fucked up at deleted my save so i dont want to play any more im going to trade it in for persona 5

I loved it, and I hope they take after CD Projekt Red when it comes to releasing proper expansions instead of short DLC.

Combat is fun, although you can easily beat the majority of the game will just sticking to barebones bone+arrow and melee. I wish the game would encourage you more to use all the different gadgets.
Story is alright.
World and sound design are great.
It has a few cool side characters.

On the other hand the game had too much handholding and the world feels kind of sterile in that you can't really interact with it that much.
Also Aloy and many other main characters aren't really that interesting.

>I mean you can make bosses fight each other in Zelda.

thing that is literally a mechanic in HZD that they encourage you to use

>tfw you're a nitendobaby who will never get two mechanical trexs to fight each other because you think it would hurt Nintendy if you bought the game

btw surprise surprise, the first comment was from someone who didn't play the game. if only they had that type of dedication to getting pussy

Thanks for the honesty. I'm thinking it's probably not for me. I've come to terms with the fact that sandbox games just aren't fun.

I'll hold out that Red Dead is good still

>4 bosses
>Sup Forums is no not counting Guardians, Talus, etc

Except those "bosses" in HZD are easier than anything in Zelda
Zelda doesn't have button press to win bosses.
Also if I hadn't bought HZD how do I masterabte to it?

So what you're saying is you haven't found any of the secrets yet.

>On the other hand the game had too much handholding and the world feels kind of sterile in that you can't really interact with it that much.

why do these idiots still come in these threads?

>xD pretend like i play the game so i can bash it
>get elementary stuff about the game wrong

HZD has a pretty good story that is easy to get into and the combat picks up about ~90 minutes into the game when the big bots start showing up. The world is pretty big and is densely populated with villages and shit to discover. Big recommend

Great examples of secrets user. I put 70 hours into the game.

>Zelda doesn't have button press to win bosses.

neither does HZD, stupid console warrior. Your opinion is literally based 100% on memes other people who haven't played the game have tried to put out on Sup Forums

Tons of mini games
A few unique and interesting side quests that stand out from the rest
Quest where you help build a new town
Several unique horses and mobs
Badass dragon miniboss

The real problem is not Zelda's lack of content, it's that modern gaming has poisoned your mind to believe that playing a game isn't worthwhile unless you get some "epic loot" for doing it.

I really liked Zero Dawn, the world was absolutely beautiful, the character models were the best i've ever seen in a video game, and the gameplay was super fun if you experimented with different tactics.

The stealth was really well done and satisfying if you purchased the highest tier of the Stealth outfit and added two 20% stealth weaves to it.

You could practically ghost your way though all bandit camps and missions, which are designed perfectly for those who wish to go stealth only.

Also, Aloy's story and the lore is pretty interesting. I loved how if you do every side quest before the final mission everyone you've helped comes together to help you, including based Nil

Aloy is also sassy as fuck and I love her now

lol, as they try and kill link and happen to hit each other
BotW bosses are some of the easiest bosses ever made, the last boss specifically might be the dumbest last boss of all time

It's truely a 89/100 game, the metacritic was spot on. The robot combat is heaps of fun on the highest difficulty, the lore-based story is top tier, and the graphics are amazing. Voice acting, side missions and human enemy combat are a lot less good. Like most/all open worlds there are soms visual glitches but it's very rare in comparison to ubisoft or otter bethesda's. The economy and outfit/weapon mods are too shallow. MĂȘlee is a joke. But the myriad of other weapons makes up for it.

The sound design of the robots is stellar btw, and OST has a few amazing tracks.

Also, Aloy is kinda hot.

On an empty world that isn't much of a problem i would say.

Aloy makes me feel funny feelings

>Horizon has metal flowers that lure you to special locations and big Boss battles (picking up the one between two thunderjaws was completely badass).
>vantagepoints that showcase the beautiful environment in puzzleform with the bonus of being the best lore in the game.
>banuk figures that are climbing puzzles.
All marked on the map by a large perimeter where to search. Those were open world doen right

>aloy is kinda hot


maybe only in a side shot, but looking dead on she looks like a damn mongoloid

Nice meme.

she's CUTE

>posts a picture that only proves it

that entire face is literally fucking monstrous

>tfw you will NEVER be put in your place by Aloy

>pcbro detected

If you use all the different gadgets you become obscenely overpowered, it's great

>but looking dead on she looks like a damn mongoloid
Not with a helmet.

It's a good game. There are all kinds of things you can do in it, and discovering the gritty details behind what happened was fun. Don't listen to the Horizon shills. Zelda is 40-50 hours of fun.

Was pretty dope.

Combat feels good. Making use of traps, elemental arrows and stealth to mix things up.

Enemies are neat. Changing their movesets by removing parts or uncovering weakness gives you a few different ways to approach things.

Story over all is good but the characters and writing could use some work.

Solid game, can't wait for the DLC.

That's it?

I have 70 more hours put in BotW than the max I would get out of horizon.

Fucking horrible for the world they created.

Its a good game. Go for it.

>dat spoiler
No fucking way...
I mean the first one, the second spoiler I agree with totally.

>60 hours for a 60$ game
>160 hours for a 450$* game (*DLC not included)

Wow, might as well put a paper bag over her head, covering up literally 90 percent of her facial features.

Fucking retard.

hurr durr

>No fucking way...
Not them but it's real. You even get a trophy for getting everyone together at the end.

>he didn't kill Nul
Edgelord detected


I'm honestly surprised horizon is still getting talked about, it has no staying power and has sold abysmally compared to all the ps4s out there.

They won't be getting my money until it drops to 20 bucks, maybe 30.

Good thing Zelda isn't the only game I have for my Switch, bucko.

You're missing out.

>2.6 million in 2 weeks
>literally fastest selling new IP on PlayStation ever
Nintenbro detected

I thought it was shitty.

The combat was generic, unpleasant, and grindy and the human A.I. was absurdly bad. Also the hit detection and hit boxes were shit, I can't tell you how many times I had an arrow end up floating in the air directly in front of an enemy's head just because they were standing NEAR a pole.

The open world was too big with no fun way to get around.

The climbing was inexcusably bad.

And all in all, it was generic and brought nothing new to the genre.

Shame, I really liked the concept and it is a really pretty game.

It's okay. Made me want to go back to the Witcher after a while though.

I too can regurgitate the same views as my favorite youtuber.

Thanks for proving his point.

Nil is optional for the trophy, just don't kill him.

look at this Aloy

Cool, now to get the other 48+million to buy, myself included.

Nice try, though, friend.

Also, I'll gladly say I like Nintendo, they pretty much always pump out quality titles. Have you heard of BotW?

Platined the game not long ago user, here's my thoughts if it helps you.
The combat is pretty fun. The robots are pretty agresive and can wreck yoir shit, like to gang up on you, and are pretty distinctive in their attacks. Laying traps and luring enemies, as tying them to the ground is satisfying as fuck, and the enemies are pretty challenging themselves. On the other hand, fighting humans is rarely engaging or exciting, and sometimes it feels like a drag. Meele is pretty underwhelming and stealth is a bit broken. Luckily, it only works against small enemies so you probably won't use it much. The world is beautiful as you probably have seen in trailers, so you want to explore it. Story is pretty subjetive so I leave it to your opinion, but I liked it, and the worldbuilding is interesting.
I can't tell you what does better or worse than BOTW because I haven't played, but if you finished not long ago, maybe wait a little before throwing yourself to another open world. It's like the reviews said, a round 9. It's not groundbreaking in it's mechanics, but they're quite polished and in the end you will probably have a good time.

>complains about hit boxes
You haven't played the game, that's obvious now. The hit boxes for this game were top notch, probably the best ever.

Are you literally retarded? Are your brains so dumbed down by playing the toddler games of nintendo that you don't understand that acquisition percentages are meaningless and only absolute sales are important? It's not Horizon's fault the PS4 is a massive success and on track to becoming the best selling console of all time thanks to a mix of both excellent exclusives and an amazing variety of multiplatform releases, attracting gamers from all kind of genres.

It's a totally derivative open world game like an Ubiworld game, most closely based around the Far Cry design.

The story is interesting but not particularly well acted or well delivered.

The machine combat is the highlight of the whole thing, well, that and the stunning visuals. If you like open world games, don't mind constant handholding and have a PS4 Pro with a 4k TV then I'd recommend it.

It's nowhere near the quality of Zelda or Nier though, but for Guerilla it's a huge step forward.

Remove all the waypoints and map markers and give the player some freedom and Horizon 2 could be something really special.

Also super disappointed that there's no bikini or revealing outfit for Aloy when the photo mode is this good.

This man speaks the truth

How can you play it with such low fov and the controller sensitivity is atrociously low, it is impossible to turn the camera especially when in close combat with beasts.

I get physically sick form the low fov + slow speed camera and this has never happened to me before, in any game...

Love how it looks except these issues.

Thanks for the (you), friend.

Your little essay doesn't change the fact that 2.6 million out of 50 million is absolute shit. Don't forget that I plan to buy the game, but only after it goes down severely in price.

Stay mad, while I play the GotY. You know exactly what game I'm talking about.

>Are your brains so dumbed

Breathe, user. In n out

It seems you aren't getting enough stimulation to the old noggin while pla- watching your movies.

>meanwhile Zelda 19: the sequel of the sequel, a major franchise, the only game that WiiU and Switch owners can play this year, sells less.
Really makes you think huh.

Horizon and Zelda use open world completely differently.

Horizon is a traditonal story driven singleplayer game and the open world is a framing device. Zelda is much more of a sandbox game, the world is more dynamic but there isn't the same amount of plot stuff.

Obviously Zelda still has plot but it is much easier to focus on the world when you have 30 years of world building so you can carry story with more blanks and let player fill them with prior knowledge.

For now, sure.

In the long run it will outsell horizon, that's not even an opinion.

>Horizon sells """abyssmal"""
>Zelda sells even worse
B-but it well s-sell better in the f-f-future, I-I-I'm sure.

Not once CEMU 1.7.4 gets released next week it wont.

I'm almost at the end of the game, already got all the side quests done except the hunting grounds. It's a ton of fun. It doesn't do anything new, but it's sort of the culmination of the last generation or so of open world games. Everything in it is taken from other games, but each piece is done better here than it was in their respective games. This isn't the game to evolve the genre, but it is the game to set the new bar for how open world games should play.

um the hitboxes are borderline autistic you can literally sticky mine individual armor plates with the mine really landing on them and not on some invisible barrier.

>Implying everyone plays on PC, and doesn't want it on the go.

You keep on trying but can't seem to get anywhere.

I want some bow action, currently I have the sniper bow and the default but I always run out of ammo for the sniper one. I think they are both green quality.

How do I proceed killing Sawtooth? There are two in one place and I can't melee them because they both jump on me at the same time. I could probably take one.

What is the best combo for bows? Should I acquire specific bow, I'm clueless, I have been just buying some different weapons and they all are pretty shitty.

>Remove all the waypoints and map markers and give the player some freedom

Uhm the hud is 100% customizable just disable what you dont like.

Upgrade your ammo pouches, go collect a bunch of shit and buy the shadow weapons. Get the bow that uses tearblast arrows and the sling that launches fire, ice, and shock bombs.

I have the purple sling already but for some reason I haven't used it too much. I'm at the location, I guess I try to sling them first then melee and put some ropes around them.

I really like the game but the PS4 is holding the potential down. Could be so much better with greater fov and smoother controls. 21:9 screen, 4k resolution...

>implying Zelda fans hadn't all preordered the game (and console) so the largest chunk of sales is already over. People on the fence will pirate, no one will buy a DOA overpriced console with no multiplats. Everything so far points to Horizon being a bigger commercial success.

Finished it yesterday and enjoyed it alot, I rarely use my ps4 so as a pc gamer I was surprised how good it looks and how stable it was, they did a really good job

Story is pretty good, game world is lovely, lots of wow moments and encounters. I didn't get bored with the quests etc but I don't often play open world/RPG like games so it was newish to me.

I wish they'd have given more armour items as loot though, as you only get armour through merchants which seems weird. Would have given a bit more purpose behind exploring what is a lovely looking world. Same with weapons.

If i could take anything from Zelda it would be free climb cause HZD is gorgeous. Lots of places I wish I could have climbed up but couldn't due to uncharted style climbing. Having said that there are lots of 'fun' climbing sections and great views/vantages. The football stadium one was awesome.

Would play DLC if/when they do it.