Is he /ourguy/?

is he /ourguy/?

Is his channel dying?

It's a great game.

He probably just uploaded it like 20 minutes ago.

>118k views in less then an hour


>that title
>is he /ourguy/?
Apparently so, probably shitposts here daily.

Oh you're one of those obnoxious bro army I heard from.

in 40 minute 135 k views is a lot


He can afford a better PC, so why does he run that piece of shit?

lmao you're beyond autistic his channel is exploding.

All these threads about jontron and pewdiepie really show the average age of Sup Forums posters

he's a pleb

Because he plays games for the actual quality gameplay, not terrible games with super realistic graphics.

And now Senran Kagura has officially hit ironic weeb territory.


Does he like Yumi?

it should be a bannable offense to link pewdiepie on Sup Forums

Finally it can die

He literally shilled his videos on Sup Forums when he was starting out, so yeah.


I hope so. Yumi is so yummy

But EV was released years ago.

I admire SK for not changing a single thing after all this SJW drama with everyone. Long live titty ninjas.

>Owning a console

This is our /guy/.

>Estival Versus
Shinovi Versus. EV just has Kafuru and a better OST and that's it.

>manages to get hundreds of thousands of young kids behind him
>gets on south park and gets even more kids and some adults behind him
>introduces them to cute anime girls and conservative politics
he is literally indoctrinating kids with our beliefs and culture. if there ever was an /ourguy/, it's him

Doesn't change the fact that EV killed the series.

I had just assumed that Sup Forums was curiously obsessed with e-celeb reviewers all of a sudden but now that you mention it and thinking back to that one South Park episode you might be on to something about the average Sup Forums poster being

Got to bed son XD

I'd argue that the wheels were already in motion before EV happened. SV sold while SK2 didn't. Granted, SV had far greater exposure and marketing while SK2 was kinda just tossed out there but it also partially cemented the notion that Yumi sells. EV was simply the first major game after that realization.

He knows this is potentially damaging to his career but he does it anyway for the good of society. I respect that.

When will this ironic weeb meme end?

>potentially damaging to his career
m8 he's literally a millionaire. he doesn't give a fuck anymore and is just doing controversial bullshit for the sake of attention at this point

Fuck off, Destiny. You named yourself after a shitty game

Built for breeding

>annoying streamerfuck everyone hated years ago that's latching onto politics to try and get viewership back

yeah nah

Plus, his fanbase is almost entirely teenage girls. Teenage girls love being edgy. He's not losing any viewers.

your age doesn't matter if you're a manchild that tries to pretend his hobby is mature anyway


The Sup Forums that I thought I knew would have chewed this thread up and spit it out. Am I seeing you people actually saying you like this guy now?

You guys are fucking unbelievable. Or is it that the children that this guy raised are the ones posting here now?


this is the same Sup Forums that also likes kingdom hearts instead of shitting on every thread

Sup Forums is dead, come to 8ch Sup Forums its much less faggy

I hate it when normalfags play games like this just so they can overreact, it's aggravating

Yo bro whats up

* brofisting

I wouldn't be able to stream the game. I have to jack off pretty much every hour of gametime.

>you lived long enough to see unironic pewdiepie threads on Sup Forums and everyone loving it

I guess we need to rename this place to "Sup Forums - YouTube Personalities and Politics"

Sup Forums is one of the most underage board on the site obviously, it's a board for video games.

I swear if he slanders best girl I'm gonna fucking lose it

Sup Forums had unironic pewdiepie threads.
>still has a gamergate thread up
>less faggy

It's called the little snot nosed failed cum stains growing up. Sad but inevitable.

You've got no idea what you're talking about. Go on over to Sup Forums or /soc/ for a few minutes and think about what you just said. The average age of Sup Forums must be 14 max. It's literally just a bunch of people who came here for the fappening and stayed to post and view porn.

lol what are you talking about, if I wanted to go to pol I'd go to pol.

There was a good long time where Sup Forums complained about never talking about games while SIMULTANEOUSLY talking about games. Now this place is thread after thread of "I wont buy this but I'll talk about it every day for 3 years before release" and "MUH POLITICS."

Neo/v/ is the fucking worst.

And Sup Forums is a bunch of then-15-now-18 year olds who came for gamergate and stayed for the eceleb drama. what is your point?

Underage is not an actual age, it's a mentality.

he only questioned why she uses her rifle as a weapon and not shooting it

>Underage is not an actual age, it's a mentality.
fuck you're retarded
Words mean things buddy you don't get to just change the definition

Sup Forums IS Sup Forums now, sadly

Okay that's not too bad. Still disagree though, you can't take out 100 ninjas swarming you with a rifle but he coulda been like "OMG SHE LOOKS 9 YEARD OLS" or something

thanks for watching so i don't have to user


I barely recognize any of these people.

shooting a rifle, that is

>Best anything

Seriously, I came into this game with no opinion of her and I left wanting her to fucking die.

I'd take a 2010's 15 year old faggot who just wants to talk vidya over 2016's 2-something Sup Forumsshitters any day of the week.

That's okay, everyone has their favourite.

Who's yours user?

Then have I got a board for you buddy

hyper-realistic spoop games, or gtfo

The goth midget.

Now Senran can be popular and sell

Good choice, I like Bashou too

especially since reading a lewd story an user wrote about her

He's just tired of Marzia's lack of tiddies

He keeps shitposting Sup Forums memes irl

And a couple days ago he was literally watching videos off /gif/ lmao

You're now realizing that, due to the inexorable passage of time, people who were 12 when Pewdiepie first became famous are now old enough to post here.


The guy is a huge weeaboo and socially awkward as fuck.

You might not like to hear it but he's been a channer for years. All his "you laugh you lose" videos are based on Sup Forums threads, where the idea first came from

'Sup neogaf

Thats not Bashou, that's Naraku have you even played these games.

The guy has been on Sup Forums longer than most of the guys in this thread. I remember he used to shill his videos here before he got popular.

>le ironic weeb
He should kill himself and you should too, shill.

So you're admitting that Sup Forums should hold the same opinion forever despite things changing over time?

PewDiePie is OK in my book after that Andromeda video

So conflicted bros... he's our based leader, but he doesn't like based BotW, the most red pilled game to date...

He is laughing at this game and you weeb losers for playing it.

you first bitch nigga see

Say what you want about the guy, he knows how to pander to his audience. It used to be children, and he could always hook them in with ease and now it's edgy, ironic weeb teenagers and once again, he seems to have no issue winning them over.

This desu.

>all this Pewdiepie hate
He's changed over the last year and his content is actually funny now. I don't get why you people dislike him so much.

>literally 90% of his subs are inactive
>lost deal with disney and youtube
>shits on all his fans that keep asking him to play horror games an "be 2012 pewdiepie"

Nah, I think he just stopped giving a fuck about putting on an act to pander to kiddies. His more recent videos seem more honest. He just fucks about and only ever plays games he wants to play, rather than taking requests.

Honestly I wasn't a fan of his until thee WSJ debacle, but I saw his stuff and the crap he's made in the past year or so is much better than the cancer he produced back in the day.

Honestly it's much more organic and real than a lot of other youtubers who are still trying to build their channel. Cos he doesn't really need to anymore.

It´s understandable. He even admitted that he has been pretending and was pandering to kids for years

>that chest
Why does she even pretend to be sexy?

All those inactive viewers are the exact reason he needs to change his act,and he's doing it by pulling in the edgy Sup Forums crowd. Those kids that used to watch him are older now and they don't want to watch some guy screaming. Now he's appealing to them by making "jokes" about Jews instead, putting on the tired gamer act and by giving the impression that he used to be pretending and now he's just relaxed and being himself. The reality is that he's more likely just putting on another act because this is his job and if he was sick of vidoegames as he says he would just stop making the videos seeing as he has plenty of money already.

He recently invoked the wrath of liberals, so all the high school & college kids now hate pewdiepie for that reason.

You are fucking retarded

If that were true then why is he playing senran kagura

He's not being false, he's just showing a part of his personality most guys keep hidden (the part that likes boobs)

That's his brilliance really, in being so likeable and popular

It's always been cancerous weebfag territory. Now it's just further reinforced by the biggest youtube cancer faggot playing it.

Weebs have always been the cancer killing vidya, and PDP has always been the cancer killing youtube. It makes sense that he'd like this trash.

Make that every e-celeb

Maybe you buy his act but the fact that he suddenly acts just like exactly like the typical Sup Forumsv/ crossboarder at the time his former target audience reach the age of around 15, which is also the time when his views started going down, is not something I believe to be genuine. This is his job and he's good at it, as evidenced by the fact that you think this is what he's really like. I'm sure the 10 year olds that loved him at the peak of his popularity also thought that was what his personality was truly like.