Gravity Rush

Is it even worth making a thread? Unless new anything gets announced, I'm not even sure if I'll bother with another entering another GR thread.
>Deletes Canon

Other urls found in this thread:

I haven't had time to play the DLC. Is it good?

what the fuck were they thinking?

No. Not that it's not good, but bad. Have you seen the threads? Everyone's on suicide watch.

2 hours long and makes the story even worse

I've been avoiding the threads to avoid spoilers.
>Everyone's on suicide watch.
Oh boy

I wish I could erase the memories of this DLC.

It's alright, considering it's free

Got the artbook today
I really hope they release it digitally, it's basicly the GR1 art gallery + 130 pages of GR2 art

>won't receive it before at least 2 weeks
Oh well.
Also, it's pretty funny how everyone drinks beer while Raven got wine.

>Raven's clothing

holy fuck


I'm getting a ps4 soon, is GR2 shit or something? I only heard great things about GR1.

Play the remaster of GR1 first and see if you like it

what are they saying? i don't know japanese

Haven't finished 2 yet, is there any more Kat/Misai teasing besides that side quest?

Kat deserves love.

We had a good run.

It's better than 1 in a lot of ways

Kat belongs to raven

>not sleeping naked


post more please

I'll try, but scannig fat books is hard.
The guide also arrived

No idea I think this what cause black hair kat need to do time travel for the sequel

This is basically a cast wrap party, notice that Kali Angel is there when she's suppose to be dead?

Now then, what happened with the DLC? I heard it was really fucking stupid but nobody wants to talk about it, it's like Sonic 06's story


What's the difference between guide and art book?

That's not love that's forbidden shameful lust.

that old hug in the movie screen looks like an older Kat

The artbook only has art, around 120 pages of GR1 and 120 pages of GR2. The guide is mostly map data, tactics, enemy data etc.

meant "hag" fuck

That's the joke.


Which is better to get art book or guide book am going miss anything

is that a kid Kat? then who is the other kid?


I think that's kail

The artbook is definitely better, i only bought the guide because i thought the artbook wouldn't have much GR2 art, but it ahs tons, it's basicly the art gallery from the first game but with GR2 art, art for every character, every NPC, every car, shield, lamp, town, etc.

What the fuck is up with some of the trophies not popping up on the dlc? I've done the part with the giant collector like 5 times with him focused on me the entire time and I still haven't gotten it

It's the angels

>Raven in the 6th pic
What is even happening.

Kat and Raven went on a big adventure.
But it got cut because business.

maybe it's some fusion thing


Not really just story ideas they had but did not use or showing gr 3

Can anyone sum up the dlc? Cant play it until next week


Toyama doesn't know how time travel works

That bad huh..

It has some nice details in the comic sections and one of the antagonists is hot as fuck. But overall it's not that great. It's fine though considering it's free now

You have no fucking idea

Thinks Sonic 06 bad. It was written to basically write off Raven having a brother or those arc kids. Sayncha no longer exists, just Raven, Raven exists still despite her younger self on longer existing because "MUH KAT" As long as Kat exists, Raven exists. Overall, no wonder they released that turd for free, it was horrible and it basically makes Raven like Lambda 11.

My advice to you is not to play the DLC it will ruin the first game for you and give you a mind fuck

So this is why they decided that the two girls are two halves or some shit, but then how and when did they split and how did they met?

Was looking foward to seeing Kat and Raven doing more cute shifter things, but guess I'll skip it


No its more like Kat very existence is keeping raven from disappearing because she has half of her power the Crow is part of Dusty

Fuck no, never scans are always fucking shit.

I love having it physically, but having digital files of the art gallery of GR1 through the remaster is great

Yeah, think of Raven as Roxas from Kingdom Hearts, she exists because of Kat and will always exist as long as Kat exists. To make it sadder, Raven threw away ALL of her memories, she knows nothing but Kat. No longer does she remember life as the little girl who feel down into the darkness from a bus crash, all she knows is that she's one half of Kat and that's good enough for her.

The real problem is that since her human self is alive now along with the kids living happy lives, Just how does this affect the events of Gravity Rush 1? The answer is simple, it happened and didn't happen at the same time.

Holy shit feels like their staring right into my soul

Fuck, the DLC was pretty underwhelming. The boss fights with the guardians were pretty cool I suppose but everything else was kind of disappointing. At least they didn't blatantly rehash ideas from the main game so points there I suppose. It also feels pretty rushed, like what's the deal with no free roam or chapter select? I dunno, I'd feel pretty bad if I paid for this DLC but it was free so whatever I guess.

No that was zaza grandaughter he named her after is imaginary friend who was was raven all he remembers about her


you free roam ep 27 end

So Raven never was Saschya? is she related to the grandpa?

Man, after that DLC it's good that Kat came back to Raven, I feel like if there is a three Kat and Raven are going to combine and become a new person.

In Kat's story, sure. But Raven's just throws you to the title screen and you can only really start a new game or previous manual save.

No she was adopted the gods just erased from existence to save the kids so she was never in the bus and she never existed and all he remembers he had a imagnary friend

i still don't know what the fuck is going on

Bad idea but I wonder how she would look not a dark hair version but completely different person


Welcome to what everybody said after the DLC that's way everyone suicide watch


Hey look it's mini Kat

Did she deserve it?

They are the same person though, they were split apart into two.

Original Raven:
>adopted by Zaza's family
>on her first day of school the bus falls to the bottom of the world
>she returns to Hekseville accidentaly in some kind of ancient flying motorcycle
>50 years has passed for the people of Hekseville
>orphan again and now alone until she gets her gravity shifter powers
>meets Kat

Post-DLC Raven:
>gets gravity shifter powers
>meets Kat

Which could mean so many things, that it basically says nothing.

This story is so fucking retarded you could make a crossover with Ape Escape canon with implied /ss/ and still make it less retarded

These scans are great, thanks user!

How long is this shit going to be forced?

Except now shits over episode 12 to 17 and how hell do they meet and why did she not poof from existence

What a bitch

Fucking loved her costume though.

>Gravity Rush Remaster out of print

Should I just get an Asian version since region free?

How do you mine as Raven?
I don't see her anywhere on the boat.
I beat both the dlc and main game and she's nowhere. The game doesn't even tell me I can mine as her.

Either that or digital, i think it's also rathr cheap in some parts of EU

Maybe they'll just come up with a different origin story similar to Kat like how she had amnesia too and called herself Raven and discovered her powers, which could fit the two halves of the same person thing.

I mean, you're not wrong but if you're going to look at it that way then that means everything in the game can mean lots of things so basically the game says and means nothing.

Which I guess is the theme.

>Bit in charge of ironing out the bugs of the world
Those creator types eh?

Well there might be a point in Raven's life where she met Sachya, the person who isn't Raven, and a point where she became Sachya herself. Well actually both of that already happened, but seeing things now even if its happened; it also didn't.
There is also a point where Raven inherited some of Kat's powers or Sachya did, thus creating Raven; separate person.

I'm referring to Sachya that the two kids' in the epilogue say their grandpa knew (from his imagination). That Sachya may have actually existed too.

Guess Bit made it so that when Sachya found some of Kat's powers, likely from the Motorbike Ark, it made a double of her and this was Raven?
The light and dark elements were in the big ark, so its not unlikely that the small one Raven remembers may host another element, maybe Kat. After all who else would have once gone to the bottom of the world, if not Kat with her personal mission to save the humans down there.
But this would also create the question of how Sachya would have found one of the Arks.

Unless of course Raven as Sachya still did exist in the epilogue (the one young Zaza and Sachya said their grandpa knew).
Which would lead me to believe that everything in GR1 and Raven DLC still happened. Even if it sounds like retconns happened its all official and it all happened.

So after the DLC its like this now:
>Young Zaza portrait kid (DLC) is the grandchild
>Young Sachya portrait kid (GR2) is also a grandchild; likely still an orphan
>Older Zaza portrait dude (GR1) is the grandpa
>Raven/ Sachya (GR1-2) is a possible friend of the grandpa.
There is no way for the player to know if the grandchild Zaza looks like older Zaza now. But the grandpa probably lost a dear friend named Sachya and this became the Raven we get in the epilogue.

Ugh. I'm just trying to make sense of this in a forward moving timeline. Current Raven is from the old line, with locked memories by Bit.

Yeah I was hoping to get a physical version. Forgot about EU/PAL.

Check the photos in Raven's ending, the first time they met is the same, and IIRC Kat just went to the bottom of the world because she was chasing that letter and then kept going down just because. The DLC erases everything related to the kids though, but given that the CREATORS of this world are like your best friends I don't see how this is a stretch.



Do creators make choices that end up being wrong rom the fans' perspective knowing the fans won't like it or is it a mistake, a misstep that just happens to get lost in the shuffle and come out?

I just want that /u/ fanfic to update already. Something I can understand.

Shit taste confirmed.

No, what I mean it's not concrete in the slightest. When they say "Every royal has their own guardian animal", I have a faint idea what that means in the context of the world without needing to understand where those guardians come from and what they are.
When they say "Kat and Raven are the same being" it could mean
>they are incarnations of the same "soul", whatever that is
>they were one being once that got split after birth, which would make Kat thousands of years old
>they are only the same, as in they both have one half of a split guardian animal, but for this we would need to know more about the guardians
>Raven is Kat from a different dimension/timeline
It's just another question they throw in your face without giving you any hints.