Did Bioware not fucking hire a QA team? Who thought this was acceptable?

Did Bioware not fucking hire a QA team? Who thought this was acceptable?

I think something even worse happened, their QA filed bugs for all of this shit, but their producers said it wasn't critical enough for devs to work on before launch due to pressure from EA

I doubt anyone takes this game seriously enough to "loose immersion".

If this is all you have to complain about it must be pretty good over all.

What am I looking at here?

The NPC that's walking away vanishes into thin air

Legs because the thing walking behind vanishes.

Oh right.

I honestly thought it was the salarian's hands held like he was holding his huge cock.

Say what you want about DAI, at least that game felt like AAA production. MEA looks it was made by the same devs that made Bound by Flame.

put the blame where it belongs, Bioware fucked this up.

Say what you want about QA. At least Andromeda felt like a true AAA production. MEA looks like it was made by elite professionals in the industry.