Plebs are still waiting

>plebs are still waiting

>eops still haven't cleared it

I could wait for a fucking decade and I don't care, as long as I get to play it for less than ten dollars.

is that on the outside of a window? what the fuck is that background?

>People want this shitty anime JRPG game

At least I'm not ugly like you

>using the term eop

you have to go back

How did you get it early?


Is P5 a good place to start the persona series

is return of the king a good place to start lord of the rings?

Does P5 have 2 direct story related prequels that we don't know about?

you can start from 3, 4, or 5. those are the only good ones.

it has 4 or 5 depending if you count eternal punishment and innocent sin as one game or not

I stopped caring. I wanted to buy persona 5 but so many good games came out

Never played a Persona game before. Should I buy 5?

>1 copy
>Not having 5+

Give me one m8.

>playing P5 without the jp audio DLC

My country is a civilised and well-ordered place. Stores don't break street dates. The rules must be observed!

My local shop got it early, but I've never played a Persona game before. Is it worth it Sup Forums?

if you like turn based rpgs yes, p5 is a huge improvement from the rest of the series, and a good starting point

This. Even I got my hands on one early, I wouldn't even touch it until the Japanese Audio DLC hits PSN.