Got bored of all videogames

>got bored of all videogames
>haven't played any vidya for almost 2 years
>people meme about Dark souls and its challenging gameplay
>fuck it, let's see
>Normal enemies get killed easily by 1 dodge and stabbing them
>When i get killed it's mostly because of the shitty camera or enemies being able to stab through walls
>Bosses get easily killed by just rolling around them and stabbing them in the ass
>Tedious bonfire system, which some people see as "hard" because you have to kill every enemy again, I just found it boring
>Have to travel back to the hub everytime I want to level up

What the fuck is this gay shit?

Oh and cathedrals everywhere

Well meme'd.

DS3 is by far the easiest.

>a bad thing
your taste just isn't A E S T H E T I C enough

DS3 is faster than the previous ones, but I'd say DS2 is pretty easier than DS3. Most bosses are slow af and the only challenge comes from technical issues, aka retarded hitboxes (smelter demon n friends) and the shitty camera.

A shame the biggest casual filter is an optional boss located in a secret area that you sure as fuck won't find unless you're looking for it

You're the one with the boring taste and I think op was complaining about the over abundance of cathedrals

How does it feel to know that no matter how much (You) meme DS3 will still be one of the best games of the generation?

Here's (you)r you

It feels like memers and anyone who started with it or Bloodborne say this