In the long run it is better to sell 400k~500k games every 3 years than sell 8 million with two games and eventually lose your job/your studio is closed down and you end up working making mobile games or kickstarter shit
Then western devs don't know why their games don't sell
Other urls found in this thread:
If I were a developer I would want a game like OoT or RE4 that sells a million copies a year every year . That should be the goal
>someone pointed out your shit argument in the last thread
>had to remake it
Rare: Kinect games and online for a dead platform.
343 Industries: can't even sell dudebro multiplayer
Ubisoft: without Just Dance 20255 they are going to bankrupt. People are tired of alpha releases for 60 bucks + 39 cosmetic season pass
>A shill reported the thread.
>A kosher approved mod who allows gay porn deleted it
Rare is a case of poor management
Same with 343 with Microsoft corporate suits at their helm
Ubisoft is Ubisoft
Why would you include Neil in your post though? ND games sell, a lot, for exclusives.
>My goal would be to create one of the greatest games of all time every single year
Japan is a superior culture. the weebs were right from the start. Western civ is a joke in these modern times.
Not every single year, fag. One game that sells well for 20 years. Developers try to get as much money as fast as possible and run to next project. A good game will never stop selling
>Western civ is a joke
don't worry, it wont be around for much longer
praise allah
>The ending of TLoU is inspired by my politics
Woah, so he's a retard psychopath that hates science and kills what may well be the last bastion of hope because he wants to fuck the ugly loli that's already doomed?