They are crow on Splatoon. Now they eat crow on the Switch

They are crow on Splatoon. Now they eat crow on the Switch

> GameStop chief operating officer Tony Bartel recently spoke to investors during a post-earning conference call that was held today. There, he told people about chasing supply of Nintendo Switch consoles. He said that “the demand is incredibly strong for this. As soon as we get any in our stores, it’s out within hours. We anticipate we’re going to be chasing supply this entire year”. It’s another sign that the Nintendo Switch is selling more than expected, and an indicator that people who want to buy a Switch may not have an easy time doing so for the rest of the year.

Switch doesn't interest me because I don't like Nintendo games.

the failing gamestop will say anything to have more business

>I don't like Nintendo games.
how can some one say shit like that? have you ever played any F-Zero games, for example?

Wipeout was better

It's just shit posting.

To say you don't like a Nintendo ip is one thing. To say you don't like donkey Kong smash brothers zelda, mario, metroid, f zero, animal crossing,pokemon ect

If you don't like a single Nintendo ip you don't like video games.

I want to play Mario Kart I pretty much have to pre-order right now no?

>tfw when you get excited that the switch will do better than the Wii u so everyone you know will have one and you won't have to game alone. Only to remember you have no girlfriend friends and limited family

so they're underselling the switch like the wii to enforce fabricated scarcity?


Good thing I got mine

I showed some of my friends Zelda on it and even the ones that never buy Nintendo games were considering buying the Switch

It's really not though. They've shipped something like 2 million units to date, right? And still we're seeing sales in the tens of thousands every week. Why not significantly more? The demand is obviously there. Why hold back?

in rephrased words:
>"Nintendo hires the cheapest manufacturing plants which can't keep up with the demand"

>Caring about the opinion of one jackass on Twitter who does a coin flip on his opinions about sales

And Dynasty Warriors is a shit franchise. RotTK is the better Koei title.

>The demand is obviously there. Why hold back?

Because maybe the Wii U sold poorly and wanted to play it safe with the Switch? little did they know they have another Wii situation coming.

Not him but I don't really like any of the ones you mentioned.

Don't particularly like platformers, don't like fighting or racing games, don't like Metroidvanias, Animal Crossing just made me angry and Pokemon I grew bored of after red/blue.

The major exceptions being, I haven't played the Prime games, but Metroid seems to be dead anyways, and I have enjoyed Zelda games at times. Though I also tend to get a bit bored of them. BoTW looks pretty dope though.

>tfw it's never been out of stock in my country

Why does Americans have such shitty taste in consoles anyways?

>looks pretty dope
Madden and call of duty right bro ?

I, what?

Is dope a dudebro word? I thought it was a more of a silly older word people didn't use anymore like rad.

Being out of stock isnt across the board. My wife works at walmart and they have consistently had stock this entire time. Shes had to do multiple returns on them as well lol

Mario is fat. So Americans identify with him.

it's not like the systems AREN'T already made though, they've said themselves that they've got stock, obviously it might be running low at this point but it doesn't excuse them shipping out a pittance of 5-10 systems to every fucking region every week. It's literally, 100% the same shit as the wii, and to say it's not on some level, scarcity being manipulated is dumb.

And to even insinuate amiibo weren't fucked around with is just retarded, because that ignores the fact some amiibos were only available at certain retailers. Literally the definition of artificial scarcity.

For the game? I don't think so, since they can easyly match every switch in existence and are still below this years sales prediction. If you want it with the console though, it might be a little more difficult. Lets hope the next charge arrives by the end of april since quite a few games will release on apr. 28 in the west.

No, for the console. I just don't know about the Switch though, it's a huge investment for just two games and I already bought an Xbox One S two months ago just to play Halo.

>bought an Xbox One S two months ago just to play Halo
Now that is just depressing.

People are going crazy trying to find these things.

My first one was easy, the second one was a bitch to find.

Fucking why?

Also, what's with the disgusting keyboard?

Honestly it's an alright console, I had a lot of fun with Halo and then I played Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive, two decent games and I love Remedy. Forza Horizon 3 is a great racing game as well. It's just that now I only have the Gears of War series and then that's it, nothing more I could do with the console.

I was a bit surprised that most Microsoft exclusives tend only to be like 7 hours long.

>Animal Crossing just made me angry

Isn't Quantum Break fucking awful? And on PC? Same with Forza and GoW.

Mind you I've only emulated the GC one.

It just controlled so badly and everything was just tedious to do it felt like.

One was a gift.

That keyboard is perfect for browsing. I have a wired Filco with MX browns for anything serious.

There's a bunch of them around where I live in the UK, there's even physical games but the only copies of Zelda around are at £60 which no one is willing to pay.

I almost picked one up but decided to sit it out for now. Zelda, Fast RMX and Snipperclips are the only things I'm interested in until Mario. MK8 would have made me buy the system day 1 if I didn't already own it on Wii U.

They have gotten better over time

I enjoyed it. I don't have a PC user so that's why I bought one.

But the Switch, it's just I'd pay $400 to get the console and one game and I can't even do anything else with the device, like play older bing bing wahoo titles or watch some netflix. And I never played a Zelda in my life so I don't even have a nostalgia hard on.

>I don't have a PC user so that's why I bought one.
Then that's fair I suppose.

Fuck off, dope is fine.

It's only a dudebro word if your a NEET who spends all your time here. Lots of people use dope/swag ect.

New Leaf is definitely the best one. Though nostalgiafags will stick with GC

>20 people want it
>only get 2 in Stock
>woooooaaahh bro the switch is fucking amazing bro man its fucking so hyped and wanted and selling out everywhere it's fucking the best ever!!!!!!!
Christ Nintendo fanboys are the worst. The switch is the worst Nintendo release yet.

Sure thing user.

A Switch+Zelda is around the same price as a PS4+game was around launch in my country.

It's fucking ridiculous. All that for really really old tablet hardware.

What about crow?

Unfunny shit show

shit taste

Fuck off you fedora tipping autist

>don't like platformers
>don't like fighting
>don't like racing

Back to Steam discussion forums with you, filthy casual.

Ah Sony shill

>It's doing amazing!
>Stores are basically getting dripfed about 10 to 20 a week across all of NA instead of just a much larger shipment every other week

As someone actively hunting this console, Nintendo is absolutely retarded. Not only in remaining as tightlipped as humanly possible, but even the fucking WiiU sold out and it had what, 3 or 4 million units at launch?

It's fine to undershoot, but they literally undershot by half and it's probably biting them in the ass.

Hopefully April isn't such a massive fucking shitshow like March is, because the future doesn't look bright in that event.

>Why hold back?
Dude, they just DOUBLED production. They're not holding back. They started off with their standard launch amount and have started to ramp it up.

I know that the average consumer today is completely divorced from the process which makes his consumption goods, but you understand that it takes TIME to make things, right?

shitter taste

Holy shit are you retarded

unfunny, shit opinion

I'm not talking about production of NEW ones, i'm talking about the two million they supposedly shipped, but have only sold around a million of total. What happened to the other million? Why are they drip feeding 10-20,000 a week?

I do enjoy a few platformers, with Ninja Gaiden on the NES probably being my favorite. I just find them a bit too simple so I tend to get bored of them real fast.

As for fighting and racing game, I'm not competitive so I don't get much out of playing them. I did play Soul Calibur 2 and Carmageddon quite a bit back in the day but that was because it had some pretty nice single player content.

>10 to 20 a week
>drip fed

Not sure what you mean by this, user. Worked at Gamestop for a good long while back in high school into my early 20s, and we never received any more than that for a console, regardless of how fast they sold.

>reddit opinion
And you think I'm going to take you serious?

>i'm talking about the two million they supposedly shipped, but have only sold around a million of total. What happened to the other million? Why are they drip feeding 10-20,000 a week?
>they supposedly shipped
If they've been shipped, then that's the end of their involvement. If they shipped 2m units and only 1m have been sold, it's either retailer error or a lack of demand. There's no lack of demand, so it's retailer error.

>Animal Crossing controlled badly
What did he mean by this?

Good lad, good taste

>but have only sold around a million of total.

I worked at gamestop above store level for years.

We always had to chase stock with nintendo hardware because they always lied their asses off about supply related things and short shipped us on hardware whenever we were promised something.

They even tried this shit with the wii u but we didn't care cause it wasn't moving.

That's at most. Every store in my area beyond launch day recieves MAYBE 5 a week, and they sell out almost instantly.

10 to 20 is a very safe estimate, and very much so a drip feed given how insanely desired this console is.

>dude ull never eva eva EVA get a swutch EVR unless you preorder or get from a scalper!
>Literally showed up to target the day of fifteen minutes before they opened, got one just fine (they had thirty of them), and made it out of the store with no hassle unless you count me threatening to shoot the guy who was crawling up my ass to get a peek at it
>Went to class, took an exam, went to work for a couple hours, then went the fuck home and played Zelda for all of spring break

fuck you bitch. Wipeout 64 is only one I even played.

Not your blog.

I thought it felt slow and awkward to do stuff.

Though it's been a long while since i tried it. That's just what I remember being a bit annoying with.

The slow as fuck tutorial didn't help much either.

People with good taste

Convince me not to get the stupid deal Gamestop is offering that guarantees it will ship out by the 31st.

>a drip feed given how insanely desired the console is

How were Nintendo supposed to know it would be like this? 2 Million initial run was healthy, and considering that is like 1/4 of what the Wii U sold in 4 years, I'd say they must have been pretty confident and weren't drip feeding anything.

So the system ends up being way more popular than anticipated, they respond by ramping up production and are shipping more to retailers SOONER than they planned because they didn't expect all their initial shipment to sell in a week. What exactly are you expecting? Do you know how manufacturing works? Do you know why making 10 Million of a brand new product might be a bad thing and cost your company dearly if it isn't sold through quickly or there ends up being a recall or something catastrophic happens?

Don't buy a console for one game, and always wait until it has at least 5-10 games you really want to play, that have already been released and confirmed to be up to standards.

You only gain by waiting, both in cheaper prices and a better experience(patches, goty editions and all that crap). Being an early adopter is for blind fanboys and 11 year old kids.

Buying the first iteration of any nintendo handheld has always been a bad idea, the games aren't going anywhere and you are just paying the most the system will ever cost for the worst and likely most issue prone version of it that will exist.

You will be happier if you wait.

Here's the thing: Nobody lives in your shitty country. Nobody knows about your shitty country. Nobody LIKES your shitty country. I'm surprised Nintendo even ships to your shitty country.

My general rule is to not get a system until there are as many games you want for it that equal the cost of the system. Genuinely want, not like "It's launch and since this is all there is I guess I kinda want steel diver" want.

It has paid off pretty well.

There is pretty much 0 chance they drop the price on this thing within the first year. I just want to play Zelda

If you are so impatient you can't wait for the improved version of the system then you aren't actually asking us to convince you to do anything, you are just trying to get permission so you feel better about being impatient and making a poor choice.

I'm not asking for something absurd like 10million.

It would've been nice if they had shipped 3 million and had another million more in the back pocket or fucking something. It just feels like super poor form and lazy to not think the Switch would sell out in the first week when the WiiU sold all 4 or so million of it's units in the first month.

It's fucking whatever though. March is nearly over and hopefully April brings larger batches of the damned things.

>Don't buy a console for one game, and always wait until it has at least 5-10 games you really want to play
But then nobody would own a PS4 right now...

>only played wipeout 64
>thinking it's better than f zero

Nigga this is a port of the 1995 game and is shit. Wip3out, Rollcage, F-Zero X, Extreme G all shit all over this. Your opinion is bad and you should feel ashamed for yourself.

I want to buy the system as is. I don't want to buy the Gamestop bundle.

Either way you are making a poor decision driven by impatience.

We have a few, not a huge amount but a few, a lot of people know about me country, ESPECIALLY these days, many people both hate and love my country, and Nintendo has an official distributor here.

Care to take a guess what country it is? Shouldn't be so hard.


The Wii U shipped 3 million, thinking it would be like the Wii. They initially sold out, but then got fucked when the scalpers returned them all a few weeks later. The result of this misstep was the first period of losses for Nintendo in decades, maybe ever.

Did you miss the "blind fanboys and 11 year old kids" part.

Well, that and Fifa.

Ah, say no more.

Tu parles francais? Comment ca va? Tu parles francais comme un vache espagnol?

You mean one of their many forgotten franchises? I already have a Gamecube so I can play the latest F-Zero.

Fair enough point.

I still think nintendo remaining pretty much silent throughout and leaving even the retailers selling their shit guessing when they'll get more as horseshit.

>Buying the first iteration of any Nintendo handheld has always been a bad idea

Except the original GameBoy was unquestionably better, sound-wise, than the pocket. Also, the original GBA had a way comfortable form factor and buttons than the SP.

Close. But not exactly.

Hint 2:
We didn't invade Poland.

They doubled production to try and meet the demand. I don't want to defend a faceless corporation, but they seem pretty reasonable to me thus far.

I'm just going to wait for the second iteration of this console.

Didn't stop him from writing about it nintenbro

I also enjoy waiting years to get a product

Okay, if you go back almost 30 years, and most people by far will say the battery and backlight of the sp make it a far superior handheld.

Their last two systems had a huge amount of hardware revisions, with the 3ds having almost one revision release a year. After that, you'd be dumb to buy a launch handheld.

Nintendo is still playing like it's their home console

As odd and gay as this is, I can sympathize. Nintendo games means Nintendo first parties, which is probably well-tread ground. If you don't like any of those, what's the point?

I did the exact same thing

with a xim4 it's the closest i'll ever get to halo 3 on the PC

If nintendo handles it anything like the ds or 3ds, he'll probably only have to wait about a year and a half tops.

He also won't have to sit through as many dry spells.

And will pay less for all his games and maybe the system.

What if they handle it like the Wii U, the system it is a direct successor to?

Something we won't necessarily see the results of until April at the earliest.

And that's fine and all, but if stores basically have no idea then they'll get them, it's about as good as moot.

It's whatever at this point. I'll remain angry at Nintendo playin' it insanely safe and retailers that sell the damn things all being pretty goddamn retarded.

It's marketed 90% as a handheld, cause it is one, and they always double speak themselves with hardware to not scare consumers away. Once they finish their current 3ds support they'll stop the bullshit.