Where were you when ME:A got BTFO by Naughty Dog?

where were you when ME:A got BTFO by Naughty Dog?

Other urls found in this thread:


Playing Zelda.

Or conversely, they were lazy as fuck and EA wanted to shit out one last ME game before Bioware's next IP they could milk dry



hmm are you sure about that OP



Why don't more developers go the route of simple Stylization instead of throwing money at the AAA Gloryhole of High Resolution Animation?

I'm pretty sure that only the most important characters in HZD are mocapped plus Erend was glitched prior to patch. All them have issue with animation reseting but it is hard to say if that is due to jump cuts in conversation between face and upper body shots.

>A baseball player takes a routine ground ball and throws it into the stands
>This is as much his fault as the left fielder who was nowhere near the ball