Just ordered pic related for 90 bucks off Amazon, should I hack it or should I support the devs
Just ordered pic related for 90 bucks off Amazon, should I hack it or should I support the devs
Jose Sanchez
Julian Perez
Hack it, and fuck over Jewtendo for suing R4 developers and shutting down fan games.
Evan Harris
You can do both.
But be a hack
Elijah Turner
Jackson Thomas
You should play games on it
Aiden Thompson
>90 bucks
how? they haven't dropped below 150 for months
Hudson Lewis
Jack Cox
90 dollars? used? i literally just bought a black N3DS normal sized on amazon for like 205, but it was new
and i hacked that shit as soon as i took it out. downloading all my games now for free on freeshop
Landon Turner
Is there any new games coming out for the 3ds or is Nintendo putting all its focus on the switch?
Leo Perry
other than the new fire emblem, some oasis game, idk what else. there isnt much