Anyone else got themselves a GPD WIN? If so, what are you playing...

Anyone else got themselves a GPD WIN? If so, what are you playing? I just finished Arkham Origins (which was a bit of a mistake, desu), and am thinking about playing through Skyrim or Kingdoms of Amalur.

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How am I shilling? I'm not telling anyone to buy anything, retard.

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I'd consider one if it weren't for the cost. I'm not going to pay $350 for a handheld.

It's a PC, though.

I bought it because I like UMPCs, not for the handheld gaming attribute, that was just a nice bonus.

Wish the thing could sleep without fucking up, though (I have mine set to hibernate).

Can anyone tell me why I can play Skyrim on medium, but every time I try to load up dolphin to play Skies of Arcadia, I get like 25 FPS and lagged to fuck?

>computing power is a singular generic resource and everything uses it the same way

I guess what I was really doing was asking for help with Dolphin, but it a snarky, defensive way. I often use these cynical methods to cover my true intentions since being abused as a child.

the processor isn't fast enough. your processor doesn't matter for skyrim because the game was made to run on a nokia cell phone from 1993 (aka xbox 360)