Now where could my pipe be?

Now where could my pipe be?

Other urls found in this thread:

In the first panel John is staring at the headline. He's not reading the paper at all.
Why is he lying

did he say he was reading it

Actually, look at it, in the first panel there's a weird shadow behind Jon's chair and the shadow on the wall runs diagonally
In the second panel the shadow behind the chair is gone and the shadow is horizontal

Wtf is going on here

Actually, this comic came out in 1978, but back then there didn't exist software to render and create pictures like this.

So how does this image exist???

The shadow represents the malice in the world which slowly tips and grows the more Jon intervenes.

Actually this comic doesn't exist

What are some games I can play forever?

>the smoke goes through the top of the strip

The deepest lore

Jim Davis is a genius.

>the smoke surrounds the strip

It's all a pipedream

>smoke is everything around the garfieldverse

The Binding of Isaac. There's no Pipe item though.

this video will change your life

This game.

>not posting the sex survey results vid

Now where could my video games be?

What the fuck is this

Remember that the cat has your pipe.

Why did he just assume that his cat has his pipe? What kind of reasoning is that?

the world is full of wonder and mysteries and missing pipes.

Well Odie wouldn't have it. That wouldn't make sense for a dog to smoke.

Who's there?

Really makes you think...



The best video on youtube.

