Whats XB1 up to lately? They have been quiet

Whats XB1 up to lately? They have been quiet

Sea of Thieves is in closed beta, plus Scorpio is still set to launch later this year

OH yea the Scorpio.

>mfw Microsoft makes an incredible comeback this generation because Sony got lazy with their early lead

when are they going to start? I haven't played anything on my Xbone since Gears 4.

Not this gen, probably too late. Next gen I can easily see an upper hand. Since it's kinda clear Sony wants to compete with the Switch at the moment, Microsoft is currently analyzing streaming games over WiFi through phones. Just having a nice screen at your disposal to play on the go might win over people who don't want an entirely new console.

>it's kinda clear Sony wants to compete with the Switch at the moment
Based on what? They haven't announced anything

>sony is trying to compete with the switch too much
>on the other hand, microsoft is looking into mobile gaming!

... You're kidding me, right?

Just be patient.

It still exists I guess.