Andromeda is already on sale!

Can Bioware ever recover from this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Let's hope not.

Developers should implement that new "Snowflake Test" other companies are doing to make sure they don't hire company destroying Marxists anymore.


Pretty fucked up for the people who bought it at full price, but they willingly paid for such a shitty game any way so it serves them right.

It's actually 40% in australia already.

can't wait to buy the 3 DLC animations!

Important question. Should I fuck Peebee or Vetra in my playthrough?


you should fuck yourself

I just want the game to run smooth on my system... I mean it's playable but I still get frame dips at certain random times. Smooth 60 fps then its fn in the 20s then back to 60... Hate that shit.

You don't fuck Vetra unfortunately, you hug her in full armor and fade to black. They were too lazy to render and texture turian ass.

That's a shame. Is the romance cute enough to make up for that?

It's the PC version only, and in three sites like GMG, including GMG itself.
These sites always offer sales at launch.

Literally any newly released game can be found for a 20%+ discount on GMG or Gamesplanet... even during pre order.

>People buying on Steam/Origin/Uplay stores.

The face says it all

Is the game fun at all? I'm looking for a video game to play, and I like ME2's and 3's combat system. Will I have fun exploring and shit? I know apparently all of the rpg elements are shit, but if the combat is fun enough I might go to Walmart tomorrow and buy it or something.

Its a solid 6/10 so far for me. I like the story and combat. It's just everything else is rushed and meh. Inventory, research and development... So damn confusing...

Shitposting aside, the game is not that bad. Yes, the music and characterization isn't even on par with ME3, but nuMako rides are pretty fun, and scenery designs are awesome. Some bugs are there, but they aren't game crippling, and those awkward faces fly by so fast, it's hard to hate the game because of them
I rented the origin account for a few bucks, and haven't regretted it yet.

>one shekel has been deposited into your ea account

Uneducated tool comparing marxism with the wave of left leaning swj that plagued ME:A developpement, when their core ideology is actually advocating the inexistence of a socio economical context prefering to replace the class struggle with racial conflicts.

Think what you will. In a year where I don't enjoy vidya anymore, it's nice to play something that I actually feel like playing to the end, even if some major aspects of the game are mediocre or bad. Also, blame other companies for being "hurr-durr, RPG is for fantasy only!!!111"

How do I play without giving money to EA?

Rent Origin account with the game for a few bucks.

Are there a lot of boring side missions?
I was really only interested in the game when I heard exploring planets may not be shit.

you shouldn't be playing it at all

what do you think they meant by this

>it's shit, but it's shit in space!

ok thanks for telling us how retarded you are

Is this a joke?
Vetra is a vastly superior waifu. Peebee is fucking annoying. The only downside is that Vetra has a shitty fade to black love scene.

I have a few fetch quests in my journal, but they don't really interfere with the game, unless I specifically tell the game to "track" (put waypoint marker) his mission.

That you named the weapon like this

When you craft weapons, you can name them.

nothing gets past you

this is literally best ME game by far btw should play it when its cracked yall niggers got rused

male shep2.0 doesn't have as many broken animations as the sister

You should feel ashamed for buying this game. You are the reason the gaming industry is dying.


>game is gonna sell 3million copies
>its your fault for having fun

you should feel ashamed for letting Sup Forums tell you what to buy

neck yourself for playing such a shit game m8

>femShep is the worst Shep
And all is right with the world. Ironically, I haven't even reached the point where they wake up femRyder. I just established first outpost on Eos. Sadly, not much time to play the game

literal GOTY if they didn't have to shove it out for fiscal quarter reasons, people who worked on it are prolly pissed it was rushed atleast were getting a trilogy out of this though

>You are the reason the gaming industry is dying.
Good thing too. Hopefully autist like you kill themselves if it's get's as bad as you think it will.

good lord you sound like a shill now.

Nah japs will save it just like they did last time.

that looks amazing

Amazon Prime also has a discount, but that's Prime

>you should play this when it's cracked
>everyone that's playing it after buying it is putting it down after 10 hours
what makes you think i'm going to spend that much time for free?

It's a 6-7/10.
It's not nearly as bad as people are making it to be, but it could have been MUCH better.
I'd say it's a decent timesink, worth 20 or 30 bucks.

>oh cool it looks like a realistic bar at 1pm on a wednesday
>in game it's 11pm on a saturday

And yet you autist keep spouting

>>You are the reason the gaming industry is dying.

what the fuck did you just say and how the fuck is this video game related

>You are the reason the gaming industry is dying.
Gonna buy it right now then.
Anything to see this industry and every talentless hack that calls himself a ''videogame developer'' having to find some job in his local kebab shop.

bro, she always awake... she got special eyes.

obviously it isn't a GOTY contender at all.

keep tellin yourself that

only on Sup Forums does playing a game and enjoying yourself make you a fucking contrarian

lol. Had another bug recorded yesterday: youtu.be/bm4SkAa0C2U

>in a year with Breath of the Wild and Near a Tomato
>and last year had XCOM 2 and DOOM and Overwatch
it has zero chance this year and it had zero chance last year

There's a marketing company that's hirinf people that have to pass a "snowflake test"

>not even a week later
>24% off

She's dead Jim

Out of all the things that bother me with this game i think the biggest offense might be them doubling down on the MMO tier fetch quest shit Inquisition had that LITERALLY nobody liked.

>Industry went from Day 1 DLC to Day 1 Sales

Traded in old games I didn't play anymore for the cash to buy it. In worth I didn't pay a cent for it.

Those sales have been up for months now.
That's the gig of websites like GMG, they sell you the game at launch at $45 instead of 60 or 70.


When it goes under 20% of it's original price i'll happily get it for the multiplayer alone.

>$0.02 has been deposited into your account by EA, Inc.

You are shit at getting your ideas across. You definitely need to work on this.


that deer is going after some dank buds lol

SJW otherwise known as cultural marxism is a natural extention of marixst ideology to the social classes of society from the economic classes. Both are retarded and don't hold up to argument.

>shit at getting your ideas across
or implemented, i.e. a marxist

by far best ME game, story isn't literally retarded like the other games and the combat is better

its EA's fault for pushing it out in March for Q1 Fiscal reasons or whatever the fuck the rumor is

Go hang out at Sup Forums for a while if you want as quick a run down as possible. Seriously how can you be this far behind after the 2016 election? Or are you not American or western European?

For christ's sake. Why did I expect Bioware to be competent in at least one field, the one field they've been banking on since two thousand fucking eleven.

romance vetra and jerk off to her porn, this is the definitive way to play the game

Can someone tell me if the multiplayer is as good as it was in Mass Effect 3?

If I knew your name I would use it as a slur for the differently-abled

>openly discriminating based on political views
that's a bit shitty

also maybe illegal


It's Pratt

that just ruined my night.
i immediately created a story
this woman had been paralyzed in combat
as she continued to try and defend herself
fuck... the feels... she's never going to walk again

It's a personality test.

Still too much money, I'll buy it at $20 MAYBE.

that is blatantly political

>It's a 6-7/10.
Review score inflation being what it is, that's somewhere between Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing and repeatedly hitting your genitals with a hammer.

>it's very clear from their armor that they have very broad breastbonoes much like a parakeet, they don't have tits... this is the laziest porn ever... take turian head, put on human female body.

It's shit desu


Lets be blunt and truthful here. Bioware is fucked. Have you seen EA's CEO? The snowflakes at Bioware are going to learn the difference between choking and strangulation.

He's proposing a test that would confirm a developer understands the consumer base and isn't a nu-male "artist" trying to push a political agenda into the product that may result in things like the terrible design of characters in this shitty game.

Wow that's crazy, I didn't think such a fun, full featured game would be discounted that quickly. Must have been a mistake. You guys better buy it before they realize their error and put the price back up :)

Andrew Wilson is going to personally strangle every Bioware employee.

Hold Trump to account!!!
He promised to repeal and replace Bioware.

That 24% off was a GMG pre-order discount (GMG was selling EU keys, which released 3/23 instead of 3/21) + a newsletter code.

Amazon regularly discounts console game pre-orders by 20%.

It's not that unusual.

Anyway, now you can call me a biodrone or shill or whatever.

Trump betrayed us long ago.
Remember when he said he would make anime real?

He'll shoot the token Bioware black guy in the back first though.

it's still discounted on GMG and Amazon

Game does have some good scenery. Shame the characters look so plastic and have retarded facial animations.

Also a shame the writing is so poor.

But he is anime. youtube.com/watch?v=TEM5hW6BMJA

I'll probably pick it up when it hits 20-30 bucks.

Fucking kek

Then what's the deal with their neckguards on their shoulders?