>"Coming to bed, user?"
"Coming to bed, user?"
no way fag
>design a young boy
>call it a woman
I'm gonna marry Alloy!
muh deeick
tinder profile pic
how she actually looks
Not until you take a bath you dirty skank.
Holy shit she is ugly.
I'm sorry, there's someone else.
Did you really buy her game Sup Forums?
Beat me too it.
Yes and It's fun despite the sjw undertones.
>Aloy is clean shaven despite being an outcast who had to live off the land
You know what, i'll take my chances. That requires fucking dedication.
Alloy a cute. ACUTE!!!
Requesting Effron shop.
what are we gona do on the bed?
i'm already in bed
W-what would my mom say if she checked to make sure I was sleeping?!
No armpit hair. What a sexist game.
Why does this meat look like the 3DS' shitty 3D?
Sorry bae, I'll be playing TLOZ a couple of hours more.
Thinly sliced and each layer is slightly higher than the one below it.
>Sup Forums mercilessly shits on zero dawn and alloy before release
>probably 75% or Sup Forums ps4 owners buy the game anyway
>do a complete 360
>alloy waifu threads
yall are pathetic
thinkign about it
Because you're living in a simulation and this is proof.
user you might have eye damage
It's almost as if v isnt one person you fucking newfag retard
Are there female characters with armpit hair?
No, I don't fuck men.
I don't fuck women either
I was posting about hotgluing Aloy's statue way before the game came out. I was always ready for Aloy and her eyebrows.
Yes I am
>Supporting SJWs
Wew, KYS
I just posted a pic proving there is none. Fuck off with your shitty pit hair fanfic.
>clean shaven
Women don't normally grow beards in the first place.
They really fucking are, bunch of sorry ass cucks.
No, I'm playing Nier with 2B
>``Coming to CEMU, user?''
>sjw undertones
same desu
Sorry Aloy I don't like men.
404, ass not found
Sorry I am reading this great new datapoint I found exploring the Overworld
Wow, were people really that racist like this "Nigel" character? Jeez, #FuckDrumpf and FUCK white "people".
are you just pretending to be retarded, or do you just know nothing about the game?
ass thread
no idiots like you and this idiotare retarded and i have the game you fuck
got the platinum
Aloy is sassy as fuck
She's incredibly bland.
>and i have the game you fuck
You should try playing it sometime.
Are you implying Zac Effron isn't pretty as fuck?
How does a recluse learn modern liberal sass?
Who is this fluid druid?
fuck off retard
Why can't western devs make good looking characters? Is it illegal?
>people who state facts are retarded
unless you want to explain how either refugee themes and having a muslim woman in charge of a big company in Iran isn't pushing SJW agenda...
I haven't played the game, only read about it, so maybe I'm wrong, and they were lying about everything? enlighten me, user
No, this is what happened
>Sup Forums gets a wiff of sjw propaganda, shits on the game immensly
>some anons buy it to shit on it with more details, others didn't believe, etc
>realize the game isn't like that at all and Aloy is ok
>over emphasis she's "cute" to combat the shitposting from people who didn't play
This happens with every big game on Sup Forums nowadays, one way or the other
Her voice isn't even that bad, it's actually really nice to listen to but holy shit she barely put any emotion in her performance other than sassy at times.
get out
i might get this game is it good all the threads are retarded
regressive left at its finest
Nope, she's really refreshing.
You should probably kill yourself.
ok show me all the sjw shit in the game
man i fucking love that game
I already mentioned some of it in the post you ignored
now enlighten me on how those are lies and I've been fooled
wow fucking nothing that matters
Just started a new playthrough so I got lots of new screenshots.
no thanks, i am not attracted to trannys. This thing is beefy.
that wasn't me, but it is part of the SJW agenda
here's my post you just ignored
oh, who am I kidding, you'll just sperg out and dismiss anything, like you dismissed that image
yea im going to get it again never did the dlc
Why aren't you fucking the superior girl?
that's not SJW
wow, it's fucking nothing.
that's not SJW
If you do, play Blood and Wine after finishing the main story.
>muslim woman in charge of a big company
she was incharge of uploading history into a program dont know what game you where playing
Nice argument.
I don't know about you, but when I found a small snippet of text that mentioned a Muslim woman in passing, the gameplay mechanics just fell apart.
ok i will
read my fucking posts you fucking blind retard, I never played the game, I glossed over some threads and now I'm asking information about it
I give up, fucking moron
Niggers were a mistake.
You might just be retarded then.
im too tired to think of the exact emotion but basically she always sounds sad. at least thats what it sounds like to me.
then you are one stupid fucker holy shit
then your opinions are invaild
case closed.
not him btw
kill yourself
you think you can reprimand me for asking for information?
think again, cucks
Have fun user.
Not them but maybe melancholy would be a better description.