Guild Wars

Sup Sup Forums,
I've been thinking of picking this up again with expansions, I'll probably play through most of the game solo since so few people are left nowadays.So my question is which class is the most effective for 7 hero builds?Something that may go well with the build below perhaps:

It doesn't really matter with these premade hero setups, they're so strong and versatile that you could spend your time jerking off your beast companion and you't still easily get through the content

This, just pick up the one you like the most

Just pick whatever you think you'll enjoy. Also, I definitely recommend making your own (team)builds since experimenting with different skills and crossclasses is one of the best things about the game.

Oh ok thanks, didn't know these builds were that op.

I'll definetally try different stuff along the way.

Assassin works really well with that. At least the melee version anyway

Sup Sup Forums, I have been thinking about fucking up everybodys day by reminding you that we will never ever have a game as good as GW.
Fixed that for you, OP. And fuck you.

Feelsbadman, I'm still hoping we'll see a spiritual successor one day with a similar skill system but less clunky movement/controls.

Dont do it son, you just keep hurting yourself by keeping that hope.

false hope is what keeps me alive user