Is New Vegas the best 3D RPG?

Is New Vegas the best 3D RPG?

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No, it's the best RPG, period

yes and the sole reason is because it wasn't actually made by Shitesda


The memes have to stop

fable: tlc

(the patrician's choice)

>no quest that would require you to think, walking, talking, poor shooting simulator
oh, really tells a lot about your age, user

Yes and it's not even really close.

The only RPGs that can be argued are:

Gothic 2

Both of which are great games but they fall flat in the RPG aspect. Sure they have great build variety but Morrowind for example has a shitty dialogue system that pales in comparison to New Vegas. Same with Gothic 2 (Gothic 2s is better than Morrowind). The fact that the voice actor is voiced in Gothic 2 simply ruins role playing potential.

As for combat, all 3 games have shit combat.

inb4 somebody unironically says the Witcher 3 even comes close

Just got the game, what mods do I get for it.


Kotor 1 and 2 were never good

Gun packs
Armor packs
Realistic Wasteland lighting
Unofficial patches
Superior texture packs

These are the main ones.

>on the PS3

No, what kind of profligate doesn't play this on the PC? If there's one game you play on PC it's this.

Do at least one vanilla play through.

After that, Project Nevada, weather mods, ENBs if your computer can handle them, etc


Is a solid 7/10, but not the best of the bunch.

Gothic 2
Vampire the Masquerade

Those are better.

-Project Nevada for sprint, grenade hotkeys etc. (Core and Equipment are the best parts of it, don't use Rebalance if you plan on using a another rebalance mod like Jsawyer)
- Project Ultimatum
- Weapon Mod Menu (without this you cannot take stuff like silencers off guns once you put them on)

- Essential Visual Enhancements (EVE)
- Nevada Skies
- Millenia's Weapon Retextures
- Enhanced Blood Textures (the vanilla ones are very low definition for some reason)

- Anything or everything by Someguy2000, especially the New Vegas Bounties series, those are probably several days of content in themselves, although I have other suggestions if you've played these, such as
- Pizza Boy (just play it)

I'm going to stop this post at this point because everyone always recommends most of these and you probably know them

Describe something you're looking for and I bet you I know where to get it.


Thats not how you spell the Witch 3

Why do all ENBs look like the ground itself is emitting light / everything becomes oily shiny? They always look really nauseating and unnatural.

That's not Jade Empire.

Project brazil is a must,if it ever comes out. Seems like a well polished and thought out game.

Most RPGs in the last 2 gens are way more dumbed down than it is. Bethesda did everything they could to fuck Obsidian during development and they still delivered a wonderful game.

I've never been able to get ENB's to work properly, so I just use dynavision

I just installed the game fresh and then installed Nevada Skies and the lighting and colors seem just right

4Gb patch, New Vegas Anti-Crash - increased stability.
New Vegas anti-stutter.
YUP - general bugfixes.
CASM - unfucks autosaves.
JSawyer.esp - rebalance mod from the lead designer of the game. Makes it harder.
Some interface mod - default interface only displays 3 tows of text in the dialogue box, which is pretty much unplayable on the PC. Most people use DarnUI, but the default font in it sucks.


Basically it's like the vanilla UI except it's not compressed to a tiny spot in the middle of the screen



factions reloaded - legion
increased legion presence
legion quests expanded
vulpes inculta companion

Kotor 2 has a way better story but its kinda short

Nevada skies caused quite a bit of lag when I tried it, so I used realistic wasteland lighting along with the enhancement that adds weathers to it.