Its over PC won...
Its been a great ride guys!
Its over
Reported to Nintendo, thank you for showing it.
For what?
Shitty childish game. I am playing rdr on pc now thanks to psnow.
IF you really like Zelda that much, then you should support Nintendo by buying it and a switch.
Ans so you don't think I'm a shill, the game is just another open world with crafting turd, but it's from the japs which makes it 10x better than every "generic" western game that does the same exact things
it's still at 15-25 fps famalam
Have fun with 10 fps.
botw is 9gb +2 of update from tikdownloader
why is it 25gb?
>Epic misdirection
Complements to your coach
How did they manage to double the fps that it reaches on it's own console?
Yeah, it's a real Switch experience.
I'm honestly convinced there's more people shilling for cemu than any actual videogame around here.
Seems like pretty accurate emulation then
Just fucking wait til December when the last DLC pack releases and the emulator likely can run it decently.
will the dlc be coming to pii poo at all?
You are so cool right now. Wanna be my friend?
That's still 10 FPS more than the Switch version
Now you know what they are doing with the 25k/month.
Also, delayed release till april 2nd to get more of that patreon money lol
How did these faggots manage to stabilise this in one month?
Nintendo had five plus years and it still runs like shit on the Wii u
No.... NO!!!
How "playable" is it at this time?
Why would it not?
15 to 25 FPS
everything else works
Nobody knows. There are posts saying perfect and posts saying not at all. No evidence exists that shows that anyone here has even played it though.
Cemu has been worked on for a while
But yeah, what they've done is pretty impressive
>literal count frames per second
because it's a dead console
not very playable on 1.7.3. Wait for the new version of the emu that's coming out in april. looks to run so much better.
If you're desperate though, 1.7.3 will run, but most have been using cheat engine for its "speed hack"
because grrrrr I hate Nintendo!
so why isn't half of Sup Forums playing it an posting webm?
>stabilise this in one month
Wait, it actually runs at a decent framerate on Cemu now?
>runs like shit on the Wii u
Probably because of its paleolithic hardware. I haven't played it on Wii U, but at least it runs perfectly fine on the Switch with a few exceptions.
There were some videos on their patron about the April build
Seems playable
Everything seems accurate except the element effects
not at all. no sound and many textures are missing
they don't want my money or they would release it on PC, I won't ever support console cuckery ever again after having owned a PS3
Next update fixes nearly every majot issue EXCEPT the camera (which is needed for some missions, but can still 'beat' game without it) and cut-scenes, though someone has made unofficial support for cutscenes. It's a bit hack-y and only works for BotW atm, so won't be implamented into an official build, though it's been suggested that the guy will put it up for download as a add-on of sorts.
>settling for less
I thought PCfags had standards
Guess not!
the switch is approximately 15% weaker than the wii u
>Wait, it actually runs at a decent framerate on Cemu now?
Looking at the recent video posted on their patreon for the 1.7.4 build, it runs pretty flawlessly. Physics are fixed and it's only missing some optimization.
Why do ports look and run better on Switch?
This is false. Go kill yourself you swine.
i don't need a 80$ tablet with no games
>1.7.4 runs it almost perfectly
>10 FPS on switch
>Settle for less
Shill please
you mean the one game originally developed for the wii u and then intentionally scaled back and lowered resolution to make the switch look more tempting in the eyes of the zelda fanboys?
Most of Sup Forums don't have a CPU good enough to run it at even those frame rates.
Nintendo paying y'all bonus for this?
>10 fps
Dumb PC poster
If it was scaled back, it should have no problem hitting 30 FPS all the time but the WiiU version drops frames even worse than the docked Switch version and can't even hold a candle to the 720p handheld version. Unless you think Nintendo purposely tanked the WiiU performance as well?
>Settle for less
This is you nintencunt
I would buy a switch, but Nintendo has to pull they're usual shit and deliberately underproduce the hardware so it falsely looks like there's a huge craze of people trying to get this sold out product.
I want one early without having to preorder. Why should I give Nintendo my money after they've put me through this shit.
Cemu can get me the game today. Not next month. Today.
And after I've played the game today, I'll have no reason to buy the switch next month since it is basically just a Zelda Machine.
I love how people have been deluding themselves by saying this is the definitive edition.
If previous emulators have taught me anything, is that if it takes that much time and effort to have it even remotely run--say, literally a whole team dedicated to getting it to run, more likely than not, even if it looks halfway decent, it's going to be a glitch-filled mess.
As paranoid as Sup Forums is, I'm surprised more people haven't seen this is a scam. They're quite literally going to milk this as long as they can until they actually get a decent version, or they get a cease and desist from Nintendo, then they're going to take their money and run.
Dumb PC poster
>weeb embarasses himself
just another day on Sup Forums
please get a trip so I can filter your degenerate ass
>I am playing rdr on pc now thanks to psnow.
>giving Sony money so you can STREAM ugly shit with input lag
>I thought PCfags had standards
>15 to 25
So unplayable. Ill wait.
I'll be happy if i can run the fucking game better than on the shit u
That seems like it's already the case...
Toys R Us is getting stock tomorrow, impatient baby
What are you talking about? On Switch, Mario Kart and FAST run at 1080p while better maintaining 60 FPS. I'm guessing you're referring to the debut trailer that has always been a big bullshot? Retards make no sense.
>Cemu can get me the game today
You mean next month, once they get their money.
And a 'playable', glitch-fest version that probably runs at a max 20FPS.
And that's assuming you decent hardware.
open your eyes
where do i get this torrent?
>the images you post reflect what you like
>IF you really like Zelda that much
I don't. I think it's the most overrate series of games that ever existed.
But I'm willing to play it only to see how actually shallow and average it truly is.
Still more playable than the Wii u
God, you sound like a hipster
When you go into things with this sort of mindset, you're setting yourself up for a bad time
>glitch-fest version that probably runs at a max 20FPS
Just take screenshots and collect delicious (You)s, nobody actually cares about the shit game
>damage control
what a loser
suck my nuts fag
I went with an open mindset into Oot and more recently TP an WW. they were massively underwhelming. The only worthwhile game on the Wii U is the donkey kong one. The zelda titles were the weakest ones of the bunch.
don't get me wrong, they're not bad games by any means, but are just MASSIVELY overrated by their fans and the general public.
You mean the most underrated?
Name a single Zelda game that is not a 10/10
protip:you can't
even your darling OoT is nothing special. It wasn't even the best game of 98. You say shit like it was revolutionary but then fail to answer what actually makes it revolutionary. It was extremely average even by 98 standards in both gameplay, story and graphics.
OK, grandpa
Obviously you do since your care to even fucking post in this thread
every fucking time.
If I asked you what makes botw, a recent experience, so exceptional, I probably still wouldn't get an answer. Not from you, not from any nintenbro on this board.
> It wasn't even the best game of 98
It was the game of the year of 1998 and 1999
What is your favorite game user?
Cemu threads are the best threads for collecting (You)s right now, i don't even play vidya anymore
>It's okay for companies to treat me like a moron
How's your wifes son?
fuck OFF you piece of reddit undertale baby
>It was the game of the year of 1998 and 1999
>Half Life
>Grim Fandango
>Metal Gear solid
>Baldurs Gate
>Might and Magic VI
>Quake 3 Arena
>Planescape: Torment
>Age of Empires II
>Silent Hill
there, all better and more relevant games than OoT.
>gee whiz I really want this new thing and I already know the company has a tendency to understock
>doesn't preorder
Who's the moron?
the retarded goyim that pre-orders
This game is good enough that im glad i gave nintendo money for it. Im willing to put money into a new console and games if it means they'll start making better games. If i don't support quality video games i'm part of the problem.
Funny considering it's at stable 30fps on the Switch 99% of the time
Kys if you honestly believe this
>P Cucks have to resort to streaming a game
There's literally no downside to preordering, it doesn't even cost extra
Ok Grandpa
its 22gb on eshop
nice arguments droid
>Preordering NEW consoles when the 1st wave almost alwatys comes faulty