Other urls found in this thread:

>Buy recently released game for 15-20 bucks
>Sell it at 40-50

Yeah, good ridance.
Burn in hell GameJew.

worked for them for 3 years. only fun i ever had was having sex with one of my coworkers in the store.

cant wait to see them go down

wasting gas to go out and buy a game from some clerk pushing CD insurance credit cards and shitty magazines to you or buy it online for cheaper and get it mailed to your door or instantly have access ya fucking download most games now anyways i get wanting physical copies but thats only for toys (nintendo) in the modern age

fucking gamestop

a decade of bad games will put a video game store out of business. Thats why theyre changing gears to toys and tshirts. 2017 has been a good year for games so far. If it keeps up and 2018 can be good too, then gamestop will recover

All GameStop offers as a retailer is trade-ins and used games. I have no idea how they thought this was enough to base an entire business model on. They have 0 customer service or offer any services that are remotely worthwhile.

You can't just make a post like this without telling us how it went down, user.


Reminds me of the 1990s when EB Games had the same issues.

greentext? or just regular story telling? im goona reg to start. we were closing the store one day and as closing manager i had to count the money. i was off on my count 3 times and getting more and more stressed each time. finally she looks in the safe and saw some of the deposit money had fallen behind a shelf. she handed it to me and i said without thinking "im so happy i could kiss you right now." instantly froze up, thinking i was about to get slapped with some harassment charge, she just turned to me and said "why dont you then?"


hand of the market strikes again?

its almost as if bad business practices have consequences

Sure m8 go ahead

>Greentext it


keep in mind i had never even dated a girl before this, and im only just out of high school, so i kinda froze up and just replied with a weak laugh and a "yea sure" thinking she was joking. i found out seconds later when she leaned forward and started moving her lips against my slack jaw idiot face that she was being deadly serious. we make out for a couple minutes, and then she asked me if i really wanted to have some fun.
>for context, my store had 3 cameras, 2 in back pointing forward and one in the front right corner that faced back. it got cutoff by the ds game display
she pulled me back over by the ds games, and we made out for a bit longer when she suddenly started sinking to her knees



Please continue

sorry man, a bit late for that


at this point i legit DID freeze up, cause we were a strip mall store and i hadn't pulled the front shutters, so anyone walking by on the strip would be able to see me, but not her.

i nervously laughed and asked her what her plan was. to this day, i will never forget her response.

she simply looked back up at me, and asked me if id ever had sex before, before i could even say a word, and without breaking eye contact, she unbuttoned my jeans, and started to wriggle them down my hips. next thing i knew she had decided she wanted a taste test and had my dick half way down her neck. id never had zex before, so at this point i lost all control and just went along with the ride. she sucked me for a good 5 min, and then stood up again. i was super confused, cause i hadnt busted yet, but i figured she was just scared of getting caught by our boss when she checked morning camera, so i started to put myself back in my pants. she stopped me, and then looked into my eyes and asked me if i was satisfied. i didnt get what she was saying, so i asked her to clarify. she said "well you didnt cum yet, dont you want the main event?"


>selling opened games as 'New'
>being caught even gutting boxes of contents

Why do people still shop there?

but gutting is what you're supposed to do while you work there?

Jesus christ get over yourself you stupid autist. We put the cases on the floor to display, what do you want us to do, fucking put shrinkwrapped games where niggers and white trash can fucking steal them and try to trade them into us?

Get fucked.

This sounds like fanfic. Please, keep going senpai

I don't see a reason to ever step foot in one these days.

How about have an empty case for display and keep the actual merch in the back or behind the counter without compromising the integrity of the disc or contents of the case?

If you're implying that you work for Gamestop, then you're more retarded than I am.

im going kids, sorry its taking a while. also sorry its not a super hot story, but its irl, so i guess its not a pornoland adventure


she took my hands and put them on the front button of her jeans. i was shaking hard, and i wont even lie i was kinda scared cause i didnt know how it went from here. she had me unbutton her pants, and then she told me to slide them down to here knees, i did and she turned around and bent over in front of the ds game display, holding onto it for support. her panties were still up (red lace with a little black bow in front, i have a panty fetish to this day because of it)and she looked back over her shoulder, and pulled them to the side with one hand and asked me if i was ready. i really wanted to eat her out, she looked delicous, but i was on fucking cloud 9 by this point, and id never had pussy before, so i decided not to push it and stepped forward. i was a fucking scrub, and shaking so hard from nerves she had to help me guide it in. she thought it was cute though and was giggling up a storm.


The Goystop monopoly seriously needs to fucking end

With Bestbuy and amazon selling games for 20% off... there's no longer any reason to buy from jewstop.

jewstop will have to either start offering the same or get fucked.

Who even goes to GameStop anymore when there's way better options available, like local game stores and amazon?

>post your face when you realized you'll live long enough to see gamestop die

That's what I think. It feels like we've been inside an industry crash but we just haven't noticed it because at least one AAA title got released once a year and that one time a couple of slavs created a masterpiece.


what the hell am i looking at

>Buying from gamestop
>Not going to shady flea markets where AAA trash is 20 buckaroos at most.

You made me hard user. Now i want to have some real fun

too bad im an autistic virgin nobody wants and my parents would find my onahole if i bought one. Im not even home right now


>Walk into gamestop
>its a hollister now
GG normies..
I just wanted my comfy gamestop threads

The only reason I could see is if they had a halfway decent exchange policy.

RIP in Peace

Fuck them.

fucking GameStop

Requiescat in RIP

i kinda wish it were fanfic man. i dated her for 3 years after this shit. broke my heart and soul, buts thats a story for another day i suppose.

anyway, i managed to get inside her and i couldnt believe it was real, started thrusting away, and thats when i found out she was kinda vocal. alot of gasping and moaning and mewling and shit, and she was loud. i guess in hindsight it was a ego boost for sure, but at the time i was just a scared kid trying to get some pussy. i kept telling her to keep it down, but she wouldn't, so in what has to be the dumbass move of the century, i decided id spank her to get her to shut up. IN MY DEFENSE i was not paying 100% attention to my logic, as i was up to the hilt in pussy, but w/e, i got spanked as a kid, it shut me up, so it should still work here right? wrong. she got WAY louder when i started spanking her. and it was like 9:30 pm, so the hair salon beside us definetly still had people in it. and this point i just gave up and started pounding as hard as possible so i would cum quick. finished up about 5 min later, she was super tight cause the jeans were holding her legs together (i could barely fit in her desu) and we got cleaned up and went out to our cars. i thought that was the end of it. it wasnt


But whats causing this? Digital sales or online stores like Amazon?

I only like GameStop because of the cool guys that work in some of the ones I've been in. Rest in pizza.

Its just like my animes.

They actually did start a similar service and it's laughably pathetic.

>swap 50% of their merchandise with useless crap like toys and shirts
>why are people not buying our crap?

>bad business practices
>dying AAA market
>competitors are gaining strength
>digital age
>unjustifiably expensive

my local gamestop is now half Spencers. vidya takes up maybe 60% of their shelf space

>remove game cases and sell them only in envelopes or just straight up handing CDs right to people for full price
>constantly aggressively getting people to sign up to your jewish rewards programs
>only get barely 50 cents for trading in games
>sell used games for what may as well the full price of a new one
>absorb and kill off local stores

Too bad people didn't wake up sooner.

Both. And also the fact that GameStop is always a shitty visit every time you go.

What if they did more used games? I remember some years ago GameStop announced it would purge legacy consoles. Maybe if they did more used old cartridges...

thanks to digital downloads i haven't set a foot in a game store for 10 years

even then local game stores usually give you a better deal for used games. Or you could just sell your shit on eBay or Craigslist like everyone else. There's literally no excuse going to GameStop anymore

Holy shit.

After being disappointed and depressed for a long time, given up in the good will and honor of people, i just wish we had sluts like that where i live. Everyone is a slut, but not of that height, and every girl i know already has a boyfriend.

I just wish i could find someone, or that i could bear it and live through with my ideals of honor and justice. Guess in the end im just jealous and deep inside i wish a slut to guide me through.

They tried. They bought up a bunch of classic games and tested it out in various cities. It failed and instead of storing or selling the games to another retailer or eBay, they destroyed them.

That's the only reason I still go to GameStop. I buy all my games digitally but I like collecting merch so once or twice a month I go looking for stuff at the GameStops in my town and if anything catches my eye I get it.

TOP KEK. both literally and figuratively man. i took a couple games when i left.


had to open the next morning, come into the store, still smells like sex. i mean, smells of it. turns out i cum a lot, so i managed to splatter the bottom half of the ds display when i pulled out (where all the young kids games are, of fucking course) AND BONUS POINTS, all, and i do mean ALL, of the 175 out of case ds games we had in the display had fallen over from the night before when the woman i was fucking was holding onto the display for support whilst i rapidly slammed into her. so the first 3 hours of my day were spent cleaing my own cum off a ds shelf display and then picking up 175 fucking ds carts one by one. im a 6 foot tall black dud with what would be refereed to as "basketball hands" cause my hands are massive enough to palm a basketball. thats great for when your holding a chicks hips while railing her, not so great for picking up hundreds of tiny ds games inside a small glass display case. and to top it off, the lady who owned the salon next door came in my store at about 12:30 with the biggest shit eating grin id ever seen. she asked me if i was doing alright, and if was relaxed and enjoying my day. when i told her i was, she responded with "well after what my girls and i were hearing last night over here, i should HOPE that you are nice and relaxed." keep in mind this lady is old enough to be my grandma, and she spent the next hour hanging around while i was working with customers trying to get me to tell her the story im telling you all.


i remember that article

>fantasy about sex in public
>read this
>at work

My jimmies are rustled. It's not the hottest story ever, but it's still sexy time.

A hooker sounds perfect for you or those fancy escorts

>im a 6 foot tall black dud
and i suddenly loose interest

>i managed to splatter the bottom half of the ds display when i pulled out (where all the young kids games are


idk man. i ended up with her for 3 years and became even MORE depressed then i was at the time. here we are 6 years later and im just starting to look like my old self again according to the people who know me. and honor matters more then you might imagine user. i respect it still when i see it in others, and i find that the people that i truely "love" in life, the ones i want to know and be friends with/ in a relationship with are all what i would describe as honorable people

The Canadian version (EBGames) recently rebranded all their stores and like half the stock is stuff like superhero bobbleheads and other quirky shit now. It's full on desperation mode.

>tells long story to get anons aroused
>ends it with i'm a 6 foot tall black stud
>suddenly everyone loses interest

FUCKING KEK im using this one some time


he is not done with it

>6 foot tall black dud
>It was an NTR episode all along

Haw haw!

Came here just to say this.

really interesting to see people lose their shit when you mentioned your blackness. I suppose everyone just assumed all parties were white.

Good story, though

I'm fucking dying.

That explains all the Switch dicksuckin

When I first saw this I was like "oh shit, its bigger, maybe they stock older games and consoles or something". But no, just an entire 1/2 - 3/4 of the store being taken over by fucking Funko Pops and shitty backpacks, hats and plushes. It physically hurts me to walk in there now.

Sup Forums is always shittposting on my Sup Forums

>6 foot tall black man fresh out of high school
>still a virgin
tickles my brain

>Anons have died before GameStop did.

It sounded hot and uncommon. Then we figure its actually common nig behavior.

It feels like MGSV all over again

Doesn't matter if you're a nig just finish I want the conclusion

>brain washed by the jews to believe black people fuck everything

good goy you can't even compete with them!

>turn game store into toy store
>surprise that their core consumers don't want to go there anymore

>favorite website

ah well, what can you do? guess the fantasy only worked one way for some people.
i know. i felt so fucking stupid, and i had to clean it either way, but i had to be EXTRA sure it was clean cause i didnt want some kid asking what the slimy white stuff on his ds game was.

ANYWAY, about a week later i end up shifted with the girl again. come into my shit and its so fucking akward i dont even know what to say for the first hour. i finally open the conversation with some bullshit about resident evil (it was her favorite game series) and we spent some time talking about hunk and resident evil 6 kid whose weskers son. i cant remember cause it was a shit game, and its not relevant to the story.

we were the slowest store in the district, so even though we opened at ten, we useally didnt get anyone till noon or one. so its about 11:20 in the morning on a wensday, we are talking about resident evil 6, and suddely she gets what i can only describe as a minx smile on her face, she holds up the cover of RE6 and asks me what i see


Hey fuck off, black weebs need poontang too. The world isn't like your Sup Forumsanese animes where black dudes just fuck all your women. She clearly liked him because he was a sperg and could show him the ropes, not because she thought he was some alphabull like in your cuck fantasies

Oh sweet summer retard

>she holds up the cover of RE6 and asks me what i see
Oh boy, I know exactly where this is going.

>but i had to be EXTRA sure it was clean cause i didnt want some kid asking what the slimy white stuff on his ds game was.

Just typical Nintendo pre-order bonuses their fans gladly drink.

correct you are my good sir, its not done yet


i was fucking noplussed on why she was holding up resident evil 6, so i was like "its umm... like a purple 6 logo? and some spiderwebs or nuron networs or some shit?" i really didnt get why she was asking.

she giggled, and said "no you fucking idiot, its a giraffe getting a blowjob" i was rather taken back by getting called a fucking idiot, and i was gonna call her out on that until it sunk it that we had fucked in that same store about 72 hours before that. she asked me if id liked the blowjob ID gotten. i said yes, she asked if i wanted another.


>she holds up the cover of RE6 and asks me what i see


there's no way that this is real, 6/10 for effort

>she holds up the cover of RE6 and asks me what i see

Oh come on now you are just trolling.

What's wrong with being celibate, user?

I just wanted a /ss/ story like in my javanese mangos

>Be a pro member already
>Give us ten more dollars
>Get ten dollars off a small handful of games
This can't be real.

Don't let the whiteys get to ya, keep it going.

Milk Pickles or some shit....Pickled Milk.

actually, not that it matters, but i grew up in littleton colorado, and ive lived in mostly upper class white neighborhoods all my life. the girl in this story was a richer white girl from one of those neighboorhoods. i really would prefer you dont call it 'nig' behavior, as ive always struggled to get away from that shit, and this is more of a "lonely gamestop nerd gets a chance at pussy and takes it story" rather then a "dumb nig decides he wants to get his dick wet at work story"

when i realized where she was going with it i started panicing hard, cause it was the morning and we SURE AS SHIT would be able to be seen through the front of our strip mall store. i swear to you anons, i opend my mouth with the full intent to tell her we had to stop or we would get in a lot of trouble, so i dont know where the signals got messed up in my head, but what really came out was "like right now? again?" she nodded, and i was dumb enough to nod back.

>again some context. the counter in our store was a long capital L shape the the short "arm" of the L towards the bac away from the door

she took my hand and guided me over to the short part of the L where we kept all the strat guides, and sure enough got back on her knees right then and there. next thing i know its 11:45 in the morning and im getting a bj within 50 feet of the front door of my store.


How did you know?

>hair salon beside us
user what state do you live in?

>rich white girl
>works at gamestop