its 15$ on steam right now, should i get it?
Its 15$ on steam right now, should i get it?
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I have well over 500 hours on it and more hours than any other game in my steam library
It's a free to play game that costs $15 and you still need to grind to get currency to unlock operators.
Avoid it.
I hate the fact that the servers are shit and you have to grind, but I think it's a great game in it's own right.
Don't buy the starter edition
>free to play
>but it's 15 dollars
Fucking retard
And it isn't grinding if it's just playing the game, you get renown at a pretty damn high rate
Smoms and Montnom master race.
Learn to read you faggot.
The grinding is horrid, why the fuck do you have to grind to unlock operators? Even casual game like overwatch solved this because YOU WILL NEED DIFFERENT OPERATORS ALL THE TIME
>be new player
>unlock few operators
>team picks operators before you
>now stuck with rook
It's stupid as fuck and they need to get rid of this free to play model on a godamn full game like this
Game is shit and it forces you to download uplay.
It's also Ubishit.
i hate it when me and my unranked teammates get matched with plats and golds
Fuck of nigger you were already BTFO'd when r6s went mainstream
Also stop spamming Le dead game in for honor general cause it's not even close to dying
DESU uplay did'nt really bother me.
If you enjoy FPS games where you're not playing a bullet sponge and like being forced to contemplate your decision to enter a room, than yes.
Good aim and quick reflexes are a bonus.
Stop playing Casuals? Ranked is more fair, and easier since you fight people on your skill level.
anyway to fix ping?
my ping was 70 in red crow, now its like 250
That's why you play Terrorist Hunt to learn the maps first.
Yes, this game is worth $15.
>You need to play the game so you can play the game
Oh the horror! What were they thinking when they made this game!?
Sounds like someone never finished the tutorial
Fucking idiot.I bet you like for honor to you grind loving cock sucking faggot
Somebody accidentally posted this in the zombie thread.
That was me, I'm ashamed
I was hoping no one would notice, fuck you for being interested in both Siege and zombie games
I have never grinded in this game. I'm 300 hours in and all I have been doing is what I do now, play the game with friends and have fun
Not an argument.
You need currency to unlock operators
You need to grind to unlock operators
That's that. It's a f2p model game that costs $15
>play all situations and complete all objectives
>have enough for at least 4 ops
>play multiplayer with the ops to get more ops
in like 10 hours you should have unlocked most ops you want, excluding the DLC ones
It's called playing the fucking game, jesus christ
ignore this retarded comment, operators unlock very quickly and you can have all the base game ops in less than 20 hours
You cna also grind the few good ones coming with season pass, it takes longer but you don't need them all
I'm the OP of the zombie thread. I will go there now and reveal your negligence to the entire world.
>You need to grind to unlock operators
You get enough from playing the tutorials and watching the vids to unlock 2 operators IIRC. Unlock an attacker or a defender and you are good to go
it takes hundreds and hundreds of hours to unlock all characters.
I'm level 90, 250 hours, and would only have about 2/3 unlocked max without paying real money, possibly as low as 1/2
I kinda agree, I'm level 130 and don't have them all, but honestly I main Rook, Thermite, Thatcher, and Mute so there's no need for any more operators.
Play ranked, you get tons of renown on ranked as opposed to casual
Are you that retard from a few weeks ago who complained about the grind but refused to buy anyone else but the DLC characters?
>2 operators
What's that?
You can't play other operators because you need renown? Too bad!
>excluding the most broken ones you'll need to actually be the slightest bit competitive
Cool story, Ubishill.
Oh god I remember that guy, kept going on about MUH OPERATOR AESTHETIC yet he liked Caveira, one of the worst looking ops in the game
German recruit with a shotgun can be quite fun actually
The DLC ops are no better than the base game ops
The characters that are most commonly used by pro players are both base game
>implying rookie is bad
he has access to most weapons in the game and gets 2 gadgets for the lack of an ability
only real problem is he will only have iron sights
Pick faster. Also, there's nothing wrong with Rook.
>overwatch has all heroes unlocked when you buy the game
>in siege you not only have to buy the game. But also grind to unlock operators.
Wow so this is ...ubishit
>tfw had urge for tactical FPS on PC but no friends and dont feel lie using mic
>didnt get Counterstrike cause too many kids and fuck valve
>didnt get rainbow six cause serious tactical game
>already have bf4
>got insurgency for dollar on bundlestars
>tfw no friend too insecure to get on mic so I play the B rank CSGO/rainbow six where people dont care as much
I think I'll get a resident evil on sale steam this weekend
you get like 150 more renown but matches are longer.
Put the extra $5 in for the full game so there's no BS grind
There's a reason for this. In Siege new players don't really know how to use the gadgets, thus they should use the simple operators.
After getting the hang of that, then they can start using the others. I met a level 17 that died in the first thirty seconds who didn't even move an inch toward the reinforced wall as a Thermite.
I shudder imagining him on other classes.
>You need to grind to unlock operators
Man, in every RPG ever, you had to play the game to get better gear and skills. Why the fuck do you need everything at once? After just a few hours you'll have all the original operators.
I play on the starter edition. What do you find so bad about it?
But i agree, spend the extra $5 for standard. Only reason to ever get Starter is when its available but Standard is fully priced.
I need a new shooting game since BF went full SJW and made a completely nut job of a WW1 game.
Does this game actually have any tactical decisions and strategies or is it just a different CoD where you run and gun mindlessly.
I like slower, almost crawler competitive shooters, not run-twitch-shoot ones.
Should I get this?
It's like CoD but slower but it's fun.
Its like a half way point between run and gun and slow paced tactical VERY heavy on things like map knowledge and sound cues
The netcode is complete shit (at least in Europe) and the matchmaking is absolutely broken. Also it has tons of DLC. But otherwise it's a great game.
Strategy is a thing in this game. How you approach the objective can win a round.
It is slower paced, but if you want to go fast, just pick Ash.
Nope. First time on Sup Forums in like 5 years, what kind of autistic faggot keeps track of internet arguments from weeks ago?
Sound is a massive part of the game. Having a good pair of headphones is a nice thing to have.
Nothing greater than killing a dude through a wall in a 1v1 because you heard him wiggling and he gets upset
Do i buy the standard edition if i don't wanna grind
How's the community? Is it full of meta faggots that scream at me for picking a random class like in Overwatch?
You don't have to. The dlc ops are expensive, the vanilla ops are not. All the best ops in the game are vanilla
if you do the missions/tutorials before MP you have the money to buy every starter operator.
I agree that grinding for the dlc ones is a pain in the ass.
Also, rook a best.
It's pretty based. A lot of teabagging though, but don't get butthurt over it, it's just dudes having some fun. No harm done.
Standard and Starter are the same game. Difference is Operators cost more to purchase in the Standard edition.
But the game has a high skill ceiling. I have 300 hours into Starter edition, and while I could have all the Ops, i don't. This is because I have no incentive to get all the Ops. I've found ones I like, and haven't gotten tired of them enough to get any new ones.
On Standard its estimated 30 minutes to 1.5 hours to get a new Operator- playing casually.
But this game has Daily and Weekly missions you can do to get bonus currency so shit is easy to get.
Now I get it. The "grinding meme" is a shill invention to get people to pay extra shekels...
Sorry, typo. Operators cost more to purchase in the Starter Edition*****
Montnom looks fucking badass. Someone needs to forward that design to ubisoft.
It's the best shooter in years.
If you want something new play it, if you still enjoy games like cawodooty/overwatch or other shooters with no depth then maybe still get it. The only real con to this game is that Ubisoft is garbage but at least they weren't HUGE jews. Vanilla operators are still fine, DLC operators are strong but not necessary for enjoyment of the game
I can only speak for the PC Community. Its overall good. Worst I have experienced is a team full of people not talking.
Never any spammers, votekickers, ragers or memers. The community over at /r/rainbow6 is also pretty good. The game is in a period of growth, we get 4 seasons every year which brings 2 new Ops and 1 new map per. Every patch brings interest in one way or another and the game seems to only get better. The community recognizes that so theres an air of positivity.
You could not be a fag and you knows, play the game and unlock some more.
Any time I've played and a guy said hey can I have mute he's my only operator I switch off mute, most people aren't dicks
Only if it's the standard edition and not the cheap recruit one that makes every motherfucker 12500
but like the first 4 operator are dirt cheap.
Literally just play the game. The only grind are the DLC operators
I'm the normal version new characters are only like 500-1000 in the cheap one they are 12500
Buy the standard edition instead of the cheap 15$ one. You can get every standard character on 10 hours
Buy standard always.
The fuck is wrong with Rook!? Motherfucker has the best defensive gun in the game and is a tank
>he doesn't know the awesome that is Recruit Shield.
True, but getting renown isn't that hard. Plus it has you sticking with characters and learning them more thoroughly. I also bought it when Standard was still at full price ($80).
Its probably just a personality trait, but if I'm over saturated with options I'll grow tired of the whole thing faster. I have enough renown to buy the rest of the vanilla Operators but have no urge to.
Starter Edition also comes with 4 Operators (2 randomly drawn from a selection pool + enough premium currency to buy 2 more).
Plus we get "Weekly" operator discounts (reduces costs to 10k renown) every couple months.
Pre nerf BB was pretty OP, bur for the most part you're right. Although I don't think some on here are being fair. To get every op, you WILL need to play for about 300hrs.
I've been playing on pc and in 80 hours I've only had 2 games where we had people screaming in the mics and we told them to fuck off and they team killed and got kicked.
I'm gonna assume you mean the starter edition.
The game is fun and fine after you get the cheaper operators that goes 500/1000/1500 renown, which you'll get from a few games, but do not fucking buy the starter edition. The starter edition ramps up those prices to 25000 renown, which is basically ramping up the operator prices to Korean MMO tier of grinding. Bite the bullet and spend the extra money so you don't waste more time. You'll be better off if you actually intend to play the game in the long term.
>300 hours
That's a huge overestimation.
Try 50
If you buy the standard edition you'll get all the basic ops in like 10.
I've been playing 100 hours + 50 hours in Terrorist Hunt and I still don't have them all.
>pre nerf BB
I don't have a fucking clue how ubisoft thought he was a good idea
He's still annoying even today when his shield is made of paper, back in the day he was the absolute worst OP piece of shit ever
Lol, fuck off with that shit. Each DLC op is like 15-20hrs alone.
Then you bought the 15$ and not the standard edition where all the ops are cheaper.
Yeah, basic ops, but with the DLC ops, it's much longer, and the DLC ops are the best imo (I usually main Hibana).
>Year 2 STILL not on sale
Come the fuck on ubi, i dont wanna spend 30$ on something that cost more than the base game for me
I mean the dlc ops are good. But Fuze is hands down the best character, mute and blitz are high tier as well.
Mute counters Fuze
Yearly Pass is a bonus. It exists to show forward support of the game and Ubi's development team on it. Like a kickstarter bonus.
Did they ever put the previous year pass on sale?
As does being in the room and shooting the window that you hear his loud as fuck gadget being placed on
Well, yeah. I don't wanna give Ubisoft extra, and I don't mind the grind. I'm just saying you're wrong.
Just cause there are counters doesn't mean someone isn't the best in the game.
Fuze is cool and all, but he's still a 1-speed.
>I'm saying your wrong because I bought the grind heavy version instead of the standard version
This is a PSA for anyone considering this game at the moment:
Get the normal version
Do Not get the super-cheap "starter" edition
it literally adds like 10x the grind. It will annoy the fuck out of you, and make you unlock Ops way fucking slower than you otherwise would.
It's $20. Don't get the "starter edition" unless you have played the game already or intend to buy the season pass.
Seriously. Don't get the starter edition. It's shit.