Only Yu can save the world

But every characters are fucking ugly like shit, including Yu. What do you think, user?

Is Bethesda going to be next Bioware?

everyone in Sup Forums is ugly tho

But it doesn't mean Bethesda have to make every characters so hideous, this is really disgusting, make me feel repulsive when I look at that promoting post.

Yes they are ugly, but unlike ME:A they are ugly by choice, just like in Dishonored.

Speak for yourself fatso

Pic related, it's me

Bethesda is and will always be on their own special level of retardation.

nasty navel, 0/10 would not bang

Just like both Dishonored games. Looks like Arkane are using a very similar style.

I like the Yus. Girl one looks pretty cute, there's just not much time to do the makeup when you're fighting goo aliens on a failing space station. The man one looks rugged and pretty badass. Did you expect him to look like a fuccboi or something?

It's. not. Bethesda.

holy shit, that video is so retarded, this has to be the worst story in a video game ever.

>t. ugly half breed

>forced combat, dialog wheel and romance
they already are.

>a bunch of scientists and engineers doing shady experimental stuff on a space station don't look like supermodels

color me fucking surprised

that said, I don't know why they're advertising the game by focusing so heavily on the character, I have so reason to give a shit about Morgan Yu

why all the characters look like ugly asians?

Well its their artistic choice, almost every character is ulgy in the Dishonored games too.

The 4th and 5th characters from the left are not so bad though

At least they don't make them ugly in a "realistic" SJW way

they are good kind of ugly, not uncompetent made by student ugly. so i'm good with it.

they want the bioware audience since fo4

Well they're probably all assholes and are supposed to look ugly.

Dishonored had always looked fucking ugly and Prey is no different, in fact it hurts the System BioShock thing going on

The marketing for this game has been pretty shitty. They keep making all these story and character focused trailers, and showing off set pieces. Then I saw one prolonged gameplay video that showed off inventory, skill tree, some neuromods, big multistory open world areas in the station, and robotic minions, all in a video from some gaming mag. Looked a ton more interesting than every promotional thing Bethesda had put out, and made me want to buy it Day 1.

They're just not showing off what the game is very well in their own promotional footage, it's like system shock / bioshock.


they look like scraped Dishonored characters


Kek, western devs are so triggered by porn that they're trying to make their characters as ugly as possible.

There's a difference between gritty and ugly.

This and Dishonored fit more with the tone/setting. Games like Mass Effect Andromeda are ugly because they don't mesh well, or look like no thought was given when making it.

Learn the difference OP

My favorite moment in Prey 1 was finding the video poker machine again in the sphere. The rest of it was boring as hell.

My favorite moment was the intro from the moment they stop with the dumb family/racist rednecks drama and get to the whole alien abduction thing and until you're finally given control in the Sphere.

>Don't Fear The Reaper starts playing

i think the trend of basing a games quality entirely on character design is fucking retarded

>protagonist is called Yu

is it finally happening? is bob's game coming?

>that pic

Ugh fuck I want more but I know there is none. Why is so hard to find girls who know how to make you LUST.