Happy shitposting everyone and keep it to this thread.

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



Gas SJWs

this game is as dead as MN9 now

Playtonic/Team17 is well within their right to remove Jon but the best move would have been to do absolutely fucking nothing and letting the controversy blow over.

Just here to mine the Sup Forums salt.

aww they're cuddling, how cute!

Would you rather the game turns out good regardless or the game is not great/a complete mess?

We already had this same exact thread and it 404d no reason to make yet ANOTHER one.


>The way games have evolved now, there is no strict border between 'real life' and video games, they're practically one and the same now in regards to how they weave our day to day being.

DAE hate borders? We're on the right side of gaming history!

Why can't we just have video games without political bullshit ruining them.

Even if its a retarded reason now we're going to see political backlash bullshit added to games just for bad advertisement.

what sort of (you)s were you looking for?

How much salt do you get from this picture for example?

The last thread is in the OP and it isn't even archived yet retard


Dog: Jontron
Snake: Playtonic
Shovel: Gamergate

And the consumer is well enough to talk about their displeasure and ask for a refund or chargeback

They should've done nothing and just ignored it.

But the kiddies here need to realize that when you say/do controversial shit out in the open, the results can have consequences.


I've been out the loop

whats happened?



Women give blowjobs, maybe when you're not underage you'll get it.

who would record this?

Sup Forums is getting triggered again.

Jontron has been a very bad goy

Shouldn't you discredit IQ tests since they were created by Jew psychologists?

Uh, sexist and homophobic much?

this is so fucking stupid

Jon tron got removed from yooka-laylee because he said niggers were subhuman

It doesn't matter if you believe he is wrong or right (he's wrong), but just know that there are people out there defending this nonwhite obese fuck 4FREE.

Feels good being right and not a cuck to an Internet fatass

Jontron does a debate on immigration/racism in general

He didn't handle the debate well and many of his points came off as more extreme right wing than he intended. This basically blew over after a few days

Now playtonic have removed him from their game because of Neogaf/neon haired community manager


The owner of both those animals is irresponsible.

We did it reddit!

It feels great to live in an age where online trolls can use psudopolitics to shape and change the world we live in by bitching like children.

I hope you die of ass cancer you motherfucker.

parrot Sup Forums pay the toll

Who wouldn't?

>all opinions are my own
the irony

>Jontron, who's that?
>Oh he's pretty dumb for saying that
>What game was that again?
>Yooka-Laylee, looks cute and fun

reminder that only screeching autists like you care about politics in media, normies will see this game posted next to some dopey jew fro fuck's face and just notice the cute lizard game

ITT: Sup Forums electric boogalo

Would Trump defend Playtonic or JonTron? On one hand he's hugely pro business, on the other he promotes genocide of inferior races.

I think you might be an actual nazi.

why would you not? have you seen the retarded shit on the internet? this is probably in the top .1% of "should i record this and put it on the internet"

Honestly, I'm starting to think that FTL was the only good game to ever come out of Kickstarter.

>Shovel Knight was okay, but making Spectre Knight a timed Switch exclusive felt like a dick move to the backers
>MN9 is lies and garbage
>Shantae is cinematic weeb trash with no good gameplay

Kickstarter was a mistake.

>people don't like the idea of being shunned for having "the wrong opinion"

gee who would have thought

Enough of these fucking threads already

I'm considering buying multiple copies now

Reminder that "hurrr e-celeb drama nothing to see here" is shills trying to sweep this under the rug so people stop canceling their pre-orders.

Can we contain ALL youtube eceleb bullshit in a single containment thread from here-on (starting with this)?

It keeps the younger generation of gamers who are obsessed with everything OUTSIDE of video games, and not actual video games themselves, occupied and not shitting up everywhere else

LOL lol is so triggerEd by progress

Racism isn't acceptable
Sexism isn't acceptable
Nazism isn't acceptable
Trans people have rights


>what is PR?

Post the sources
What method did hey used to evaluate I.Q?
What was the sample size for each group.?
What it randomize sampling?
What was the date and place of the study?

What does that graph has to do with anything?

War for the Overworld is a pretty good game. I backed it and on release it was hot garbage, but at this point it's pretty good.

What are your thoughts on Super Hot?

is it too late to unback if i supported them on kickstarter? i don't want that blue cuck to have my money

I guess Doug Tennapel should've been fired and blacklisted long ago for not liking gays

The game is still coming out right? It is still going to be everything that they initially pitched right?

Nope, you've been had buddy

>Sup Forums flooded and ruined Sup Forums with Gamurrr Gayte and Le Fappening xD
>Sup Forums floods /vg/ every time a game series gets a new game, making generals completely unusable for months on end
>Sup Forums floods Sup Forums with Dragon Ball and Naruto shit
>Complains about "/pol"/
There's a reason all the other boards know Sup Forums as Sup Forumseddit. Please keep this gamer e-celeb crap on your containment board.

>Reminder that "fight for your rights , SUPPORT Sup Forums now , RACE WAR NOW" are shills trying to make more habbening for their pathetic lifes.

>said the little teenager
None of this is vidya. All you little fucks care about is ecelebs and politics OUTSIDE of vidya, and barely ever the games themselves. It wasn't always like this until you guys grew up and started shitting everywhere up

Freedom planet is actually pretty good. Only KS game I found pretty good

>>MN9 is lies and garbage

And which community manager was pulling multiple strings to help fuck it up, I wonder?

Shows a lot about the ideology of the people involved, doesn't it?

Those whining about him being removed are biggerer embarrassments than those who were whining about him being in it

do you think there's a fair equivalency between that guy wearing that shirt and what they do to women in Islamic countries?

stop being a fucking Daily Show-tier hack.

remember to file a chargeback with your bank if you want a refund

Based Mongol genes




They aren't legally obligated to refund you, but the fact that theyre instigating and provoking backers is not fine. They're behaving like children.

This is what you can do:
Kickstarter backers can charge back, your KS account may be terminated, but that's the only negative that can occur.
Steam buyers can refund.

why the fuck isn't he losing more subs????


>better make sure our relations with racists and xenophobes are good

ah yes, i'm sure that demographic is huge in the cutesy kid-friendly videogame area

>Shantae is cinematic weeb trash with no good gameplay
Shantae has issues but not those, it's okay if you didn't play it.

Whoa... it's almost like countries with better quality of life, education and that value intelligence as a way of ascending socially have better IQs when compared to poor countries with little to no education to offer to the average citizen... No that can't be it! It must be genetic!

And we certainly see that happening on here, oh no wait well their own forums, maybe twitter. no well steam.....er well neofgaf oh wait they are just sucking themselves off.

In fact everywhere is just talking about the politics not the game

>Sup Forums flooded and ruined Sup Forums with Gamurrr Gayte and Le Fappening xD
>Sup Forums dindu nuthin is a meme they said
really activate my almonds

>Trans people have rights

Men and women have rights.

Perpetually confused in-betweeners don't.


Charge back the scum if they deny refunds.

>basketball is equivalent to racial violence
Who are you quoting?

>His statistics he cited about wealthy blacks in America being more violent than poor whites were willingly false
That's not exactly what he said, but speaking to what he did say the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth shows young black wealthy kids are convicted of more crimes than young poor white kids.

You haven't cited a video on his video-game humour channel where he spouts political garbage.

I WILL call upon my allies if necessary.

Nobody cares.

Why are you fucks shitting up everywhere we want to talk about vidya? First the retarded Anita shit (useless YouTube shit), then the stupid GG shit (drama created FROM the Anita shit), now this crap.

Your generation is cancer

>But imagine being someone who JonTron lambasted and you see and hear him in a game you've invested time, money and passion into, how would feel? Relaxed? Happy?

How about indifferent, because the people who Jon "lambasted" probably didn't give a shit about JT in the first place?

Watch the latest trailers it looks like it's barely a game

because only Sup Forums losers like us are even aware of any of this shit. Most normies have no idea and just like Jontron for his funny meme videos.

>gamergate kids getting triggered by eceleb bullshit
>Trump gets BTFO hard the same day
Post your fucking face when

>Trevor Noah equating saying a woman sucks is as bad as the oppression in the middle-east

God why is he such a fucking idiot, his goons are too.

This is why you shouldn't support kickstarters

Where do you think whitey's success came from?

I want to fug that dragon


Don't forget to fight the SJW cancer. I am not a Sup Forums faggot I just hate the SJW faggots BRINGING POLITICS INTO MY FUCKING VIDEOGAMES! REEEEEE!


They are legally obligated, according to uk law. Well as long as you paid more than €42.

same, even harder if it had a dick though

Who did Jon lambast?

>Wanting a fat redneck youtuber screaming over a nostalgic retro like game.
>Wanting sounds from a youtuber inside a game that wants to feel like the 90's.

They did the right thing.

>buying western games
>Donating to kickstarter

haven't you learned anything from Ouya and Elysian shadows?

I'm not sure what wave of mongoloids you've washed up alongside, but those threads gained little to no traction on Sup Forums, because Sup Forums didn't care, but Sup Forumsedditors would use their usual tactic of going into unrelated threads and linking to their threads that were being suppressed (in reality there was no interest on Sup Forums's part)

>Trump gets BTFO hard the same day
>B-b-but it's 4d chess


So far 2,000 people have refunded this game on steam. There are only 73,000 Backers on kick starter and if more people issue charge backs and refunds this game is dead on arrival.

>not being as bad as middle east is an accomplishment
God when did US get so cucked?

>a long time fan gets to get an easter egg in the game
>SJWs ruin it
>neo-Sup Forums thinks this is a good thing

Remember when v stood for video games?

Historically? Many things, none of them genetic is the sense you're thinking of.

>aimed at children and not nostalgiafags who literally paid for the project

delusional m8.