Sup Forums Comfy Minecraft 1.7.10 Server

Anyone have the discord link or server IP?

I can post one! just give me a minute.

Thanks senpai

No problemo bruh!

Any links?

Don't worry I'm gonna get on it. Just gotta watch this new tfs episode.


You're welcome.

Joining crashes my client

keeps crashing

It's probably really laggy. Are you trying to join with Wurst? Because the server kicks people automatically with wurst

Sorry about that! I'll post the link to the discord in a moment.

Please go away. You are of no help

Hey man I'm giving my time and effort to provide you with a quality discord.

server is outdated

drop me
the link
set custom version

I know and I apologize for that, but once I'm done helping out in the kitchen I'll post the link.

alright now the game just crashes when I try to load the server; guess there goes that

we know

I don't know what's going on with you guys.

I haven't touched minecraft and years and was able to connect just fine with vanilla.

Like I said man I'm on it we're having a rush right now so I have to attend to that. I'll definitely throw up the discord link though.


Soon! Like I said there's a dinner rush so it''l be a bit til I throw it up.

Should I just create a discord and throw a link up here?

Why is no one joining?

Server crashes my game when I try to connect

You on 1.7.10 vanilla?

Why 1.7 and not the newest one? Haven't played Minecraft for years...

I understand your concerns. I will be throwing up the link once things die down in the store. Thank you for your understanding.

Thanks pal

No problem! Sorry for the long wait, but this store is a madhouse right now!

>inb4 this filthy weeb doesn't have the link

What makes you think I'm a weeb bruh? Anyway here's the discord

I told you to just give me a moment I got you senpai!

Link expired for me

Yeah, expired.

vanilla is 4 fagggsssss

Seriously one of you joined, but whatevs. I'm sorry about that I'll throw another one up as soon as I get the chance, but I have to go back to work so it'll be a moment.

Discord has such a shitty invite system jfc

Stop avatarfagging.

No, that user is memeing you guys. There are invites that last for like 24 hours and so on. He does that in every thread like an autist for anyone that wants a discord link, spamming the same anime avatar and with the same excuses

Platinum makes everything way better.

I don't get the joke, but don't you guys worry the link is on it's way. No need to bully.

I will admit platinum is the best thing about BlazBlue