Faces of Sup Forums

Let's try something different, let's see what all you gamers and game-ettes out there look like state you age, age you got into games and your current favorite game GO

>age: 28
>age I got into games: 22
>current favorite game: Horizon zero dawn



Probably when I was 4 or 5, not sure though. I just remember getting a Gameboy when I was super young and playing with my parents' NES. The first game I actually remember playing was Super Mario Land, but my parents said I was playing stuff before that.

Don't really have a current favorite game. Recently played through Dark Souls again, and I've been enjoying GTAV Online a lot. Nothing really stands out as a current favorite though. Once Persona 5 comes out that will likely be it.

For now, my favorite games ever are Persona 4 Golden, Fallout: New Vegas, and Legend of Mana.


Ahhh yes...the "im desperate for real human interaction thread"...a nice thread... heh...

is this like. a troll thread or what.

fuck you wanna see my face for?

age: 27
age 1st vidya: idk 4 5 6?
fav game: dont got one. really like last of us, but playing alot od for honor


This is not allowed on Sup Forums and the thread will be deleted soon. Go to /soc/.

>showing your face on Sup Forums

Bad idea

Your face makes me want punch your skull in. This is not video game related, reported and saged.

>age: 27
>age I got into games: 7
>current favorite game: Megaman 2

>age: 51
>age got into games: 45
>current favorite game: MGS3

i started with pokemon go

Nice face bro



don't hit on me, boys!


Age: 19
>age got into games: 12
>current favorite game MADDEN 17

i posted my pic on r9k and they said i was so nerdy i made nerds look like normal ppl so no thanks

ah yes the original angry video game nerd



I wonder if Jaakko is doing his vague videos and occasionally demonstrating how depressed he is.

I honestly can't even tell if this is satire lmfao

Honestly not that OP is bad looking but posting this on Sup Forums with a literal numale type of look...

It makes me question things.

As much as I want to see old dudes be into videogames I still feel like it's not really plausible. You're a cool guy though.


>age: 21
>got into games: 13
>current favorite: Zelda: BotW

It is damn good, and you poorfags jelousy won't change that


that's Mads Milkenson or whatever his name is.