90 degrees where I live

90 degrees where I live

hows everyones rigs holding up?

Speccy Thread

>90 degrees

anime image
very nice speccy thread



You never had sex.

He never said nor implied 90 degrees was hot.
He was just stating his ambient temps for reference

you do know Sup Forums was based on anime right? the whole culture is based on it you normie cucks


Take your own advice buddy virgin weeb.

>AMD build

pic related

Stop derailing very nice speccy thread!

>Weeb normie
>someone who comes to a site that was made from another weeb website and complains about weeb shit isn't a normie

Not him but you are broken right senpai?

I can never participate in speccy threads because people always make fun of me :(((


You just don't get it huh stupid ironic nu-weeb poster.

this is a speccy safe space

Just take the plunge. I did and I'm an amdfag.

whats your specs

>sunny January, no snow
>starts snowing hard early Feburary
>sunny late Feburary
>snows again early March hard
>sunny clear skies for a solid 2 weeks in the wake of Spring
>it's fucking snowing again today

Fuck Maine


what the fuck man, it takes fucking centuries to load these god damn images, what kind of shit does hiromoot have us on now.

>tfw poor

Same friendo
New Fampshire here

>he doesn't know how to force image retrieval from normal servers instead of shitty canadian servers

>24GB ram
>2 monitors
>500GB SSD
>2 1TB drives and 6TB worth of externals
The 970 is the poorest thing about your PC

bitch you're, just upgrade your gpu next year

I wanna build a pc but only have 400

Who is that?

that linux thingy is there because my phone is connected

you need some of that ryzen 5

I like that wallpaper. You WILL post it.

>90 degrees
How are you not boiled yet?

>you need some of that ryzen 5

I was planning on getting a new mobo and processor when I get my tax return, but I haven't decided on what yet.

>tfw actually poor.

>Tfw I can't have a nice anime background because I pirated my OS and it found out

You're better off just saving up more and getting something decent than building a budget PC

Nice wallpaper, faggot. Check mine out.

still doesn't excuse your shit taste and meme waifu


>tfw BR


>he doesn't have wallpaper engine
How does it feel not having a moving wallpaper, fags?

Use windows loader from mydigitallife.

You do know avatarfagging is bannable, right?


Rem from Rezero.
I have her nendoroid. She's cute

its a fucking wallpaper not a avatar

Thank you senpai

It just sets your background to all black and gives you a little popup in the corner that tells you to buy windows if it detects it's a pirated version

I hate weeaboos so much

I suppose that's bad then?

4790k bro's unite

you do know you can fix that easily right?

Nice Rem. Shame you've got her trapped in Windows 10.

Head on over to mydigitallife and fix it then

only need a gpu upgrade really

make it a desktop thread too then

i need to upgrade soon

>literally the same shitposting faggot making these threads

It's 32°F, 19°F with windchill where i live.

>Playing Eternal Crusade
>Speccy says GPU is at 80C
What the everloving fuck

>Playing Eternal Crusade

Why are you doing this to yourself

>falling for minimal wallpaper meme
What is the point of having a desktop if you don't put shortcuts on it?

I'm talking about you posting your waifu in every reply before this one.

To clutter it with downloads, screenshots, and every other file except shortcuts.

surprisingly nice and cold today, normally my CPU floats around 60 degrees

It looks neater and everything put nicely into their own space within subfolders of those folders, except my collection of pictures anyway.

Also what's the point of a Wallpaper if you're just gonna cover it in a massive mess?

>gaming on a thinkpad

Could be worse.

>10 TB
what the fuck is wrong with you...

>90 degrees
woah familia you're literally melting

That's like 32 Celcius man, that's just normal temperature.

Here's that background without the Square stuff


fuck off with your autistic cartoons you faggot, you're a grown man, fucking act like it.

Being poorfag is suffering.

>4 degrees outside
>40 for you clappers

Already have my air-conditioner installed blowing at full blast

How the fuck do you people deal with temperatures like that?

season 2 WHEN

Just gotta get my 1080p monitor and I'm all done

joke head etc

When White Fox figures out a way to make rem into a potato without getting death threats from retarded Otakus

That's not a lot. I have 4 more 4TB drives in another computer. Problem?

I want some Warhammer that's not a strategy game

4 degrees fucking what? That could either be kinda chilly or freezing weather.

Built this machine last September. How'd I do?

I'll get a good pc someday

Temps are fine. This thing is sub-PS4 Pro tier though.

Can't really upgrade though. Don't want to fuck with Bulldozer and Ryzen isn't AM3+.

Gotta do a whole new rig and I don't feel like it.

I'm happy with my current set up tbqh, does what I need it to

>normie cucks
stop using facebook slang niggerface

Running a little warm for some reason.

t. Scotland

Who is this chick.


CPU on a H100i
Rem from Re:Zero anime

>mfw I live Arkansas

Imagine 99 degree Fahrenheit summers on average with like 70%+ humidity.

It's fucking brutal. At least parts of Texas have low humidity most of the time.

Eh, White Fox is at least doing another 'Zero Kara Hajimeru' next season though it is not related to ReZero.

Read my post, I said 40 for you clappers.

Snipping Tool has a crop option. You dont have to waste my time with a 1920x1080 image of an anime girl when it could be a 600x500 crop of just the speccy part.Your PC is shit anyway, and im saging your faggoty thread.

Holy Shit it's cold as shit here today


someones mad

>gtx 980, 4790k


I would think that cooler would work better, is it really hot where you are? I just run a cheap ass hyper 212 and this is my current temp for cpu, 70F-ish inside the house

Dono why people are posting her though, best girl of show is Elsa

Choose one and explain why:
>AMD FX-8350

AMD seems better on the surface but IDK.

What's a clappers then? Just type Celsius or Fahrenheit man, or even just C or F.
It's not hot either way though.