Discuss the Myst / Riven games
Discuss the Myst / Riven games
>no lose condition
They're not games.
I played Myst a few times when I was very young. I had no idea what I was doing. I still hate it to this day.
Make me, Matthew.
Point n click games, whatever.
You can become trapped in the red/blue books in Myst which I would consider a lose condition
But I think your point is silly either way
The lose condition is supposed to be that you're too fucking stupid to proceed but gamefaqs made short work of that
I have Myst on ipod and spend every lunch break practicing my speed runs. I love Myst I will never stop playing it.
I prefer Cosmic Osmo
But I must admit that the Myst soundtrack is GOAT
I would recommend the 3D remake for anyone who want to try Myst for the first time
>myst mobile port
Sounds like it works. How is it?
Fucking great. I'd rather play the ios versions than steam. They also have The Manhole and Riven.
don't think i made it past the second disc as a kid. but i played the fuck out of those two islands
Anyone who doesn't consider the Cyan intro to be the greatest of all time is confirmed underage
I was pleased with Obduction even though it was a little easy. I hope they make another game of that quality.
there are several lose conditions, way to show that you have no idea what you are talking about.
just off the top of my head, you can break the window to the void early and destroy everything, you can let the villain go and he shoots you, you can kill the main guys wife through inaction, you can leave the bad guy alive and he comes at the end and kills everyone
there are many more
I tried Riven on IOS but the image compression was pretty bad so I still prefer the PC version- how bout Myst, is it full of compression errors or does it look good?
the ios masterpiece edition is beautiful
you lose if you can't solve the puzzle retard.
no wonder you don't get it.
anyways, obduction was very good, very refreshing, just a bit short. I hope they have a real comeback.
awesome game, though admittedly the one playthough I've done, which was shortly after release, was with the help of the gigantic strategy guide they sold. There was no way 10 year old me would have been able to figure out a good portion of those puzzles on my own.
>just off the top of my head, you can break the window to the void early and destroy everything, you can let the villain go and he shoots you, you can kill the main guys wife through inaction, you can leave the bad guy alive and he comes at the end and kills everyone
whoa which game are you talking about? I don't remember any of that from Myst
Myst looks really nice. At least one the small screen of my ipod touch. It looks pretty sharp.
Still haven't picked up Obduction for some reason. Will it feel like I'm playing a Cyan game?
Not knowing what to do is the losing condition, you moron, even more than "dying" in a game with infinite lives and saves.
What is the best Myst age, and why is it Stoneship?
>Still haven't picked up Obduction for some reason. Will it feel like I'm playing a Cyan game?
It does feel like a Cyan game, but being full 3D feels weird. I wish they had just made it pre-rendered like the old games.
>, but being full 3D feels weird.
I would disagree, the 3d is very good and they still maintained their top quality graphics and amazing worlds. As far as the feeling goes, it's tip top, the only problem for was that it was kinda short and it isn't hard as the previous ones. but definitely worth a pick.
Stoneship. because of the underwater bits and sounds
Don't get me wrong, it looks great. I just miss the old style.
Sega Saturn got riven in North america via brazil
To bad no proper release in murica
last year I sat with my old dad and we beat together Obduction like in the old days. And I have to say it was amazing for me, yeah it was short compared to the old ones, but if it were longer, we wouldn't have the chance to beat it in that short period of time we spent together. Wish Cyan all the best and hope for a new title soon.
>not the Riven verson
Are the Myst games playable on tablet PC? lot of point and click adventure games, while theoretically playable, cant really be played because you can't drag the cursor properly to scan the background for objects you can interact with.
Who /neverbeatRiven/ here?
downloading now, gonna give it another shot
obduction was great but i would love it if they re-did riven (staying in 2d) with just really nice high res renders, remastered music, and stuff like that.
There's only clicking so it should work, and well too if can be trusted
Each disc only covered certain areas, you had to change discs to move from one to the other. Fucking palaver
I only beat it because I watched my dad play when I was a kid
It's one of the only games he's ever played, but he liked Myst, Riven, and Starship Titanic, which is even more impossible to figure out than Riven
is dad kill?
me. i bought it during a gog sale a year ago with the intention of giving it another shot but i couldn't get it to work on my computer :(
Never beat it. First time in Myst I had a sense of what needed to be done, every time I start up Riven I feel totally lost.
still remember the first time i solved this puzzle, one of my favorite moments in vidya
Been ages since I've played the series.
I always wanted to play Myst, but Steam is filled to the brim of various versions of Myst, and I really have no idea which one to buy.
Man, I forgot how great the art on the CD cases is.
Yeah, the art on each case is nice. Sorry that the "case holder" is upside down in the pic.
Sucked to switch between 5 CDs though.
RealMyst Masterpiece Edition.
Just pirate the GoG version
masterpiece edition is the best one (not the shitty 3d one) but it uses an utterly ancient version of quicktime and you need to set up compatibility for it.
Thank you user.
I really feel bad about pirating good games, and it also feels wrong to me to pirate GoG games
I loved them when I was younger and I've just replayed them again, up to halfway through Myst 4 at the moment.
My favorite is Riven, for it's perfect melding of gameplay/puzzle and story/world building. Everything comes together as a complete whole, like a Rachmaninoff symphony. A literal 10/10 and the pinnacle that other point and clicks should aspire to.
Myst 4 is amazing and comes in at second place. The enhanced graphics and interactivity really help with the immersion, and they did a masterful job with world design and puzzles. That said I never finished it.
Turn down the light and up the volume
I played that version this time around and I liked it. I didn't like the free movement though, I kept with the click-to-move option.
Never finished these when I was young. Should I try again?
Your definitions are retarded and you're a faggot
Masterpiece RealMyst lets you point-and-click but doesn't have the jarring screen transitions of the original.
I beat Riven back in my college days without consulting a walkthrough.
Still my proudest video game achievement.
Can we talk about The Witness?
No, this isn't the Sudoku thread.
same here. i still have the blank journal book that came with myst filled with my retarded doodles and sketches of the puzzles for both myst and riven.
No, go away.
Is Witness considered inferior?
Also, is there a version of the original Myst game that runs well on Win10?
>Is Witness considered inferior?
Most games are inferior to Riven
It's a literal 10/10
You can play the original Myst in scummvm
Seconding this, I needed to use Scummvm to run Riven