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Maybe if they hadn't release exclusively for Xbox One and the shitty Windows 10 store that would be different.

Capcom simply doesn't care, only Monster Hunter and Resident Evil keeps them alive.

If these series stop selling well that is when they will lose theit shit.

Spreading out shit to more plataforms won't make it sell much better.

Yeah but on release most people didn't know it was bad, also considering how PS4 players are still salty they didn't get DR3 it would sell a ton of copies based on that alone.

It sure doesn't help to alienate 65% of your readily available platforms

Monster Hunter XX already missed his projected sales deadline and Resident Evil might miss too

Capcom is dead

>Only 4.5 deaths per player
>In a zombie survival game

That's not a good thing.

I'm pretty sure there wasn't even any advertising.
Good though cause this piece of shit didn't need it

Sure as shit wouldnt make it sell worse


No one has an Xbone though.

I think you never really played a Dead Rising game in your life, you have to try really hard to die in these games since you always have so much health.

It's almost like people are just waiting for a Switch release.
Or that X was a step down from 4U.

>Resident Evil might miss too


I think it's on steam now, and even if it was on ps4 as well it would sell bad, it's easily the worst game in the series.
I still did have fun with it but nufrank is a fag, the story is shit and the world is dead

>Someone died in dead rising 4

>Mr. Kojima

are you shitting me


I don't even know why the leafs couldn't just copy what worked with the first DR.

Did that DLC with the true ending came out already or nah?

>Overtime mode DLC with the true end on April 4th
>starring Frank as a zombie cause he got infected! Ain't that wacky?

Honestly the whole damn game feels like the leafs attempting to do the first game but 'better' and failing hard at it

I don't understand why PS4 players are always so obnoxious when it comes to IP's. Dead Rising has always been known as a "Microsoft series," even if Capcom are Jews and rarely make exclusives anymore. i don't understand why people expected it would be a simultaneous Xbone/PS4 release.

>doing anything right


>believing in the shitting dragon

fledgling phoenix was better

Oh dear, Capcom, if you think about the money as you always do, then where are our sweet and many ports?!

>you have to try really hard to die in these games since you always have so much health.

What? Dying was a part of the strategy in Dead Rising. Not only that but the first game especially was brutal in terms of boss fights and so on.

They already released a good port of DR1 on the PS4, that's really the only one you need.

With all the bugs and glitches on release Xbox paid to be beta testers for this turd.

The leafs also did Dead rising 2 and it was the best one

The game was a terrible joke and an insult to Dead Rising spirit.
Hope Crapcom close that studio after this mess, because it was a downhill since DR2.

>best one
Debatable, though I respect your stance.

Damn, dude, what are you on about. He's not even wrong. I have Windows 10, but even if I was interested in that game I'd never buy it on fucking Microsoft store.

It's a good thing I'm not, because from what I'm seeing that game is really bad.

Kek, good one, the best one was

Every Canadian studio should be closed.

They clearly suffered some layoffs since then. The new devs talked a lot of shit about the writer of 2 and 3, but she was never as bad as zombie in a robot suit.

the first one, the leafs only casulized the franchise with DR2.

DR4 sold around 1M units.
XOne sold 30M units.

Horizon Zero Dawn sold 2.5M units.
PS4 Sold 60M units.

Which one was a bigger failure?

But isn't dr1/2 on ps3/4

I really I was home because I would post my entire collection of reaction images

DR4. Horizon didn't shit all over a great game that came before it.

>fucking leafs
More like fucking Inafune.
Remember he's the one that gave all these Capcom IPs to western studios before bailling ship

But weren't the only two good DR games (and I assume the other shitty ones) made in Canada?

Yeah but Horizon released 3 weeks ago right? And it sold 3 millions not 2.5

Thats one million a week since launch you dingus and its not even holidays or a stablished franchise

At the time it seemed like a good idea. He helped them with 2, how could he have known what they would do?

The original DR team in Japan still oversaw 2's production and had final say on everything. 3 is when they let the leafs run wild on the franchise.

>Dead Rising 3 comes out
>meh, it sucks
>hopefully this is the series' low point and we can go back to decent DR games
>mfw the next game is much worse in literally every aspect and the IP is dead

Sounds like someone skipped the first and best game

You can get insta-killed by some bosses in it even if you're level 50

Yes it will. Steam is a much better platform. PS4 is a better platform that XBONE.
PS4+Steam would have given them more sales.


spoilers: the game is shit no matter what you play it on because its not dead rising anymore.

2 was pretty decent, but he also gave DMC and Bionic Commando away too.

The man clearly couldn't be trusted especially since he was the one that got clover studio shut down

DR1 was a 360 exclusive until last year when it got ported to PC. DR2 got a PS3 port but pretty much no one on PS3 bought it. DR3 was a Bone exclusive until MS realized nobody was going to buy a Bone just to play it and then they ported it, and DR4 was on PS4/Bone at launch.


I got my hopes up when in OTR they acknowledged people's love for 1 to the point where they returned features and Frank

How do you go from that to removing Frank's VA and psychopath bosses, which were what made the games



>The new devs talked a lot of shit about the writer of 2 and 3, but she was never as bad as
>writer of 2

You know, I've noticed that girls tend to be the ones who write stories about older men or father figures fighting for and protecting a young girl/their daughter, which are honestly some of my favourite kinds of game stories. It's just funny because I often see women bitching about that being a male power/savior fantasy or whatever.

don't delude yourself. xbox one games still sell more than their PC counterpart.

>Rumors the real ending is part of the paid dlc
>Faggots going on and on about how it's just a rumor
>It's true

Western devs are garbage and anything Canada touches turns to shit, no exceptions.

what I do not understand is why no one is spamming the forums with this shit, they have no actual mod support you can really run rampant on that place

>capcom will die and sell all their ips to sony in your lifetime
feels gucci


Of course it will. Sole reason ESO sold more and have more active players than FFXIV.

inafune lead it with the dr1 team giving feedback, the team was also mostly older men who just never hit it big in the game making business. No one from DR2 is a part of the dr4 team I emt the dr2 devs they were fat or old

This is Capcom Vancouver

Hopefully this dishonor the leafs have brought will lead to DR5 being Jap

I never saw this because 4 seemed like it was going to be shit anyway but something as basic as not being able to pick up items in the environment is just, don't even know how to put this into words. They missed the point so hard it might as well not even be called Dead Rising. Not even 3 was this bad.

>turning decent Ip into souless grab terrible games or be lucky enough to sit on the IP to not let them anyone use it.
Fuck no, i would choke on a bag of capcom dicks then let Sony use it.
They don't even have respect for their own IPs, i have no idea what they would do with Megaman or DMC.
DmC 2 definitely

I did not mind frank never being the star again actually I think the game works best with a new survivor every game

Nobody cares, literally. The game is a trainwreck. The IP is so dead they sold a season pass that took over a year and multiple delays to release any content for it. Meanwhile, part of that content is overtime mode and the real ending of the game. Dead Rising is dead.

>implying the more bigger base more will sell
when this meme will end

good. I'm at the point where I would rather a series I loved died rather than slowly being eroded to appeal to casuals and dying anyway.

It amazes me how much people missed the point of the first one.

>when you're shitty business practices make your game sell like shit, forcing you to rely on timed exclusivity deals and focus group bullcrap, making your game sell like shit, forcing you to rely on timed exclusivity deals and focus group bullcrap, making your game sell like shit, forcing you to rely on timed exclusivity deals and focus group bullcrap, making your game sell like shit, forcing you to rely on timed exclusivity deals and focus group bullcrap, making your game sell like shit, forcing you to rely on timed exclusivity deals and focus group bullcrap, making your game sell like shit, forcing you to rely on timed exclusivity deals and focus group bullcrap, making your game sell like shit, forcing you to rely on timed exclusivity deals and focus group bullcrap

wow sales numbers thats very interesting im going to not only subscribe to statitistics major chinese man but post screencaps of his twitter on Sup Forums i am a big fan of hearing about how things are selling

Dead Rising 2 was just a slightly worse retread of Dead Rising 1 with a worse starting speed, better survivor AI and it gave you poker, which counts for something.

There's OTR which gets rid of Chuck "muh daughter" Greene's shit but they started writing Frank as "witty" and aloof instead of corny but determined.

Dead Rising 3 has my favourite bosses in the series but the art design is fucking horrible and Nick Ramos is a non-character.

Dead Rising 4 looks fucking horrible and I'm not touching it.

Favourite is still easily Dead Rising 1, but it's got it's own problems with the melee-to-melee fights (Kent, Brock) sucking, endgame strategies rendering Psychopaths trivial when they're easily the best part of the game, survivor AI being seriously retarded (let's just run into each other instead of climbing up on the Rooftop) and that the Carlito story doesn't really go anywhere despite having such a great beginning.

But yeah Dead Rising 4 looks like shit and I hope the studio fucking dies. I don't even care that they brought back Nathan Drake's brother just to kill him off.

Welp, time to go do a run of DR1

I'd been burned out from dedicating a playthrough to Transmissionary but now I think I'm ready

Horizon did 2.6mil in its first 2 weeks (gamespot.com/articles/horizon-zero-dawn-sells-26-million-copies-in-two-w/1100-6448779/)

Dead Rising 4 just recently hit 1mil and it was released back in december 2016 on both the Xbox one and PC.

>1 million people played DR4

That is some bullshit.

this is revisionist history, Dead Rising 2 was him and his team having no new ideas and him wanting to prove he was right to capcom, he said that the west can help reinvigorate japanese series by working with them. DR2 proved it was true.

Capcom saw that western devs can churn out succesful capcom games.

he actually denounced it long before launch saying he wanted it to be codeveloped by a western studio it was capcom japan who had alex jones pick a western dev team, and look even then he was kind of proved right, Itsunos team helped with vergils downfall and even with a shit game they made a decent little game.

>bionic comando
he actually defended them when capcom was demanding they make it gritty when grin wanted a neo 80s game, this was stated clearly in the dev diaries how they praise inafune


Prove me wrong.

Here are the issues that kept it from reaching its goal.
1. Released on the wrong platforms.
2. Literally no advertising.
3. It's hot fucking garbage.
So basically, they did nothing right.

I disagree the forum is filled with defenders I think it would be fun to show them shit like that hen they say this game is the best with weapons

>requirement OS win 10

Go fuck yourself :=)

Wasn't Frank's snarkiness in OTR explained as his fame getting to his head and then him becoming a washed-up celebrity? That made sense, actually, it wasn't that far off from his attitude in DR1 past the point where he is infected.

Co-op was a great call, the bad survivor AI was probably the sole problem of DR1 that made the game a real pain because it was the more difficult to escort survivors than to actually defeat any enemies

Dead Rising 3 has your favorite bosses? What? They were all completely laughable (le muscle tranny, le dick cannon guy, le fat scooter woman) whereas in DR1 they were seriously creepy to the point where it was funny despite being disturbing, in DR2 they had nice ones too like Chef Antoine

Has outsourcing an IP to western developers EVER worked for Capcom?

Western devs just do not understand Japanese game design. Not even worth it to try.

>Goal is to sell 2 million copies over the course of 4 MONTHS

That's extremely low expectations and they couldn't even manage that. DR is dead. Thanks Capcom.

It was already dead.

At least capcom did something right by re-releasing the first game
The only thing that's really annoying about it is the survivors are barely more intelligent than the zombies themselves, getting them to move safely around the place is a fine art in itself

Honestly, I feel the best option would be to gut Capcom and divide their IPs up amongst the big three.

>Give Nintendo Mega Man, Monster Hunter & the Clover games. Have Retro make a new Mega Man with fully 3D models, keep cranking out Monster Hunters and contact their buddies at Platinum to work on Viewtiful 3 and Okami 2.

Give Sony Street Fighter and Resident Evil since they generally sell well on Playstation, maybe throw in DMC since Nintendo's got Bayonetta for the forseeable future.

Microsoft gets Dead Rising since they had a hand in ruining it in the first place.

DR 2 OTR By far the best game

-Best Frank
-Best Bosses
-Not Retarted Hard like 1
-Supperior Plot
-Good Leveling
-much better time management

Could it be that North Americans are incapable of satirizing North America in the same way DR1 did?

Look at most of the bosses in that game and they seem to be a Japanese stereotype of Americans taken to the disturbing extreme and they could nail it so well because they can perceive that, whereas the people participating in those stereotypes can not?

>listening to someone with a total hack as their avatar

Don't trust Shufags

i hope they sell RE to sony just to spite that piece of shit mikami
fuck him

Wouldn't even bother on a first playthrough. General rule of thumb is if you can carry them/hold hands, get them to the security room, otherwise just get the recruitment PP and let them get fuckin eaten.

Once you start getting shit like the Mega Buster, Lazer Sword, or the speed to reliably get the TBCC, then you can start reliably getting them out with little issues beyond the recruitment time combined with time windows and spawn limit.

Man I love the skateboard.

I was talking more about gameplay, but ok.

Canada is an SJW hive, doesn't surprise me that they'd try to tone down the violence and also specialize in making "non-games". They clearly can't handle real games, only cinematic shit show games.

DR2 was pretty good all things considered. Sure, Chuck wasn't as charismatic as Frank, but mechanically 2 was leagues above 1, plus the co-op mode was much more engaging than it had any right to be.

1 isn't hard when you realize that replayability isn't just a feature but it's the intended game mechanic that you're supposed to use to enjoy and complete the game

Look at any of the achievements in the game and it's clear that you were intended to dedicate playthroughs to focusing on different things

There's about 5-7 playthroughs of stuff in those achievements in itself, if you try to cram those into one playthrough you're going to have a fucking heart attack

I like Capcom games, it's just their dumb business practices and corporate structuring, along with farming out their IPs to hack western devs, that just sucks.

Well, I mean, neither are fantastic. DR2 hardly turns DR into Ninja Gaiden or something.

Personally I prefer the original, but DR2 and OTR were definitely a lot better than DR3/DR4.

Swap Isabela and Rebecca

I didn't even know some of this shit. DR1 was really a well made game.

Fuck off, monkey.

DR1 or DR2 psychopaths?