one of these threads
One of these threads
Agreed OP, Switch+PC master race
>tfw only A&W in my area is a shitty A&W + Long John Silvers combination joint
accurate as fuck, still can't find a switch to buy
>five guys
Wow fuck you op what did I ever do to you?
>Implying Burger King is good
The meat is fucking worse than McDonald's
I agree on the 3ds being in-n-out, however the selection of games is bigger than in-n-out's menu
>>Implying Burger King is good
That's what OP meant
Are you implying that Burger Shit is better than McDonalds?
agreed. ps4 and xbone should be switched. mcdonalds wins because breakfast
They're both shit, but at least BK has the decency to broil their patties.
>Implying Burger King is good
>The meat is fucking worse than McDonald's
At least Burger King actually HAS meat.
Mcdonalds burgers feel fake as fuck and never get you full.
So the 3DS just isn't worth the wait?
>no Freddie's
>no Steak n Shake
>no Sonic
>no White Castle
Pleb list
This. I've had both and with McDonald's I never really taste the meat as much with BK on top of Mcdonalds putting making patties bout thin as shit
>Americans get the inferior A&W while Canada gets the superior one
All the same that shit is too expensive in Canada now so I never go there anymore anyways
I always crave Wendy's after doing several guys.
Wow, sounds like you have a shitty mcdonalds
I could never stomach the fucking meat at BK. It's always fucking trash.
>no Carl's Jr.
>no 5 guys or in-n-out
dumb leaf
>non-americans will NEVER know this feel
leafs never fail to make me laugh
Vita is Shake Shack.
what did he mean by this
>tfw non-american
>only fastfood chains I know are McD, Burgerking and KFC
shake shack has vidya though
at least you don't have to suffer the dilemma of eating Chick Fil A every day and getting fat or denying yourself of that godly chicken and waffle fries to stay healthy
>buying drinks
Maximum goy.
A heart attack before you're thirty?
>eating chick fil a gives yuropoors a heart attack
why are you guys so week?
>Food Analogy
kys you fucking pleb
> can only emulate old nintendo consoles
No, really.
What did he mean by this?
Yeah but it's huge almost double the size of Mc DS or Jack's.
This is good
Five Guys is shit, tho.
Literally one of those consoles can be emulated, poorly.
>European education
>five guys
>twice the price of in 'n out for marginally better burgers
>don't even throw fries in the bag anymore
Yeah, nah.
t. calispic
>Wendy's being bad
I'm a Britbong but BK is better than McDonalds and Five Guys is overpriced
>what are multiplatform games
>twice the price
Like 50% more, but it's worth it.
>don't even throw fries in the bag anymore
The fuck kinda of shitty 5 Guys are you going to? Report that shit to the regional manager of that store.
You are right, he should have used some notably shitty sushi restaurant.
>Old nintendo consoles
Wow didn't know the PC was special because it can play multiplats!
The 3DS is indeed better than the PC. Excellent chart.
five dudes is fucking goat. Fuck your pepes m8
fuck off calispic
t. nebrakunt
Culvers is great.
Isn't A&W a rootbeer company? And what on earth is In-n-out burger?
> wiiu isn't old
absolute retard.
>tfw can't understand fast food analogies because the quality changes depending on the geographical location
A cheeseburger at Five Guys is $10 here in Commiefornia, a Double-Double is only $3.45. That's close to triple the price. Out of the ~4 different ones I've been to, only one threw fries in the bag, and only two had peanuts.
Nice strawman faggot
that's just the way it is
>We get first Chick-Fil-A within in non roadtrip distance in my city
>For a solid month we have people blocking highway exits wait in line for the drive-thru
>Cops have to show and tell the idiots to fucking go away
>For a few weeks these poor cops have to direct people who are literally causing traffic jams for chicken
>Walk in after parking across the street
>Expect line to be out the door
>Busy but by no means packed
>In and out in five minutes
People are fucking dumb or lazy I swear. Now, if only we had an In-N-Out up here. I tried Carl's Jr. while waiting for a flight in LA and was un-impressed.
>too cheap to buy drinks at fast food joints
>makes a jew joke
What about buying frozen £2 pizzas from Tesco?
asking for a friend
10 out of fucking 10
Anybody who eats fast food pizza needs to off themselves.
>Implying the PS4 is good
> PC can do everything!
> like emulate old nintendo consoles(except n64)
> W-what? Nobody cares about PS3, Vita, 360 and OG xbox!
Wii u was old the second they released the Switch.
Grew up on In-N-Out.
Honestly, you're missing out. Great burgers for the price point.
only non-whites hate chain pizza
>Great burgers for the price point.
Fucking this
Visited Texas for a couple weeks, got used to Whattaburger or whatever.
Came back home and actually had to take a moment to appreciate how relatively cheap a Double Double was.
>Five Guys
>Good, but expensive
Sounds right.
>not white
Sup Forums is calling
Italians are literally not white
most italians don't even identify as white
This thread is living proof that Sup Forums is full of obese faggots that eat enough fast food to be able to compare franchises with each other.
Why the fuck does this make so much sense
t. autistic skeleton faggot with no life
Wendys is actually pretty damn good with the Baconator being the best cure for a hangover in existence. Five Guys though is so god damn overrated. Everything else is pretty accurate.
Got cracked, DeS is playable
Why would you wanna emulate weebshit
All the exclusives on it are copy pasted dudebro FPS games
>OG Xbox
Refer to above statement
>"PC can do everything!"
Only in America
>having inferior genes
Normal people eat fast food 2-3 times a day.
a Burger King that has decent workers is easily the best
fast food is too varied in quality depending on what retards are working at the time to be properly rated anyways
Its 100% the opposite
This. I normally feel like Sup Forums is filled with at least moderately smart people but that perception is completely ruined when someone brings up fast food and tons of people start unironically comparing the merits of different franchises.
no, even in italy
non-whites hate pizza in general
>Wii u was old the second they released the Switch.
Ah yes, it has such unmissable titles as uh
the wiiu zelda
a rerelease of the wiiu mario kart
and a rerelease of the wiiu splatoon
>I normally feel like Sup Forums is filled with at least moderately smart people
Actually, maybe I'm just setting the bar low for "cheap".
In CA, EVERYTHING is expensive. So a $2 is real cheap for us.
when I lived in AZ for 2 years every Little Cesar's was flooded with niggers
>no, even in italy
Do you have anything to back that up? If the Greek consider themselves white why wouldn't the Italians?
>what on earth is In-n-out burger?
A meme that will put sauce on your fries and give you an open face burger also with lots of sauce
It's not bad but just OK, califags being the fags they are are desperate to talk it up because it's regional
See for fast food chains that blow it out of the water, that's without sit down places like Red Robin
What part? Lived in Ft Mohave/Bullhead City for a few years and didn't see a single black person.
This, nigga doesn't know what he's talking about. Grew up in an area with like 70% white and like 30% asian, the white kids wouldn't ever think of ordering from chain pizza while the asians would regularly order papa john's and domino's.
>If the Greek consider themselves white
This is incorrect also.
The greek and italian are olive at best.
I'm literally ashamed that you exist
>mio on xbone
you're a dumb idiot