Why are you still on Sup Forums tonight instead of actually finishing/completing that game you were playing earlier?
Why are you still on Sup Forums tonight instead of actually finishing/completing that game you were playing earlier?
yeah sweetie? don't tell me what to do. kthx.
I feel obligated to get all the korok seeds but I can't find the drive to do it
not in the mood
>Why are you still on Sup Forums tonight instead of actually finishing/completing that game you were playing earlier?
What about you?
I've finally got some free time and it's too late to get started playing anything but I can browse Sup Forums for a couple minutes before bed.
Because I finished Automata a few days ago and are still dealing with the ennui
Why do people like little girls so much?
Because I was playing Warhawk and then I got mad and ragequit.
Look up the song "Little Girls" by Oingo Boingo. That's why.
Why are you?
tight cunny
>I can browse Sup Forums for a couple minutes before bed.
>browse Sup Forums for a couple minutes
>couple minutes
There is no such thing
What do you mean with 'earlier'? I haven't touched a game for about 6 weeks.
I have completed my entire backlog and am never buying another video game again.
Because that's the oldest kind of girl that will talk to them.
Because completing Rayman Origins is a pain in the ass.
I never finished botw. Idk why but began to dislike pretty much any game without multiplayer
Because I'm bored of everything in my backlog
Because my complete lack of self discipline is ruining my life.
Because I fucking hate video games
I beat Until Dawn before though. Got some shit outcomes so I'm gonna replay it.
That chris section at the end is pure REEEEE
Because Trails in the Sky is slow as fuck and I'm lazy.
Bitch I just finished playing through Bullet Girls (Not recommended).
I actually stayed away from Sup Forums and places like youtube for like 2 weeks in order to finish Zelda. I'm quite proud of myself for resisting the urge.
I only enjoy Muramasa Rebirth in short spurts.
I played games for like 5 hours today and saw a movie (the new Power Rangers).
Because I require food so I dont pass out while playing BotW all day.
I love 2017 already. So many games
I completed Nier Automata half an hour ago.
Hello I am le pedo weeb and I never had sex before lol
I just got home from waitressing at work user. I'm too tired to play vidya
I game in the basement. Litter box is in the basement. I wanna play Darksiders, but the cat just took a shit. ;(
i literally just finished up my witch hunter in ultimate dipshit
I can't tell if it's good or not.
I don't feel like playing devil survivor 2 or finishing my 4th playthrough of Bayo 1
Please, please, please do it. I know you can. I believe in you.
Because I fucked up and didn't eat the umbilical cords in Bloodborne and so I didn't fight the moon presence. I had all the cords I just didn't eat them. I feel stupid, I'm not in the mood for vidya right now.
I'm on the shitter.
It's still active?
Oh hey look its the attention whore making the ''why are people so mean in online game'' thread.
Because I needed a break from NieR automata.
I did the A2 missions in route C and just wanted to take a break. Don't wanna burn myself out on a good game, y'know!
the sewers are definitely the worst part
you know how to stack turns to juggle all the enmies in the air and basketball them right?
Cause I just got off work, and I'm deadass tired user.
How was it
Automata burned me out on videogames so much that I've started playing tabletops.
I still miss playing Automata so much
I hate weebs so much. Watching moeshit should not be allowed.
Hell no, I hit them up in the air and then I knock them down with Marco because it looks anime as fuck. I have no idea what I'm doing. I didn't think they could continually be juggled in the air.
The movie was OK. I'm not really a power rangers fan, I didn't watch it growing up, but my older brother did and I saw it with him. It was obviously aimed at kids though.
Every dish needs a little salt to make it taste right.
not allowed to, i'll get yelled at
>I've started playing tabletops.
I'm sick, and I drink when I play video games, and I probably should not drink tonight
those lips are gross
It's literally the only thing that circumvents Nier destroying my schedule.
>Finishing/completing Dragon's Crown
>Haven't finished Inferno mode or started ultimate mode.
>barely started the labyrinth of chaos
>Probably a few other things I haven't done.
i have my work cut out for me.
Already did, im just crying in the corner for all those bros who sacrificed their save data and shared those support messages at the end of automata. God bless your souls my niggas.
Because I'm a retard and chose best girl's story first instead of saving her for last. Now I'm having a hard time choosing between Terra and Ven.
I see you are a man of taste as well
Which one has brunette/black hair?
Jokes on you, I'm playing in my handheld while I shitpost
Less gross than yours.
Because I work in TV. When I'm not at home ignoring my wife with vidya, I'm at work, like right now.
Because I'm stuck in a dungeon room and I'm too retarded to figure out what I'm missing.
I was playing the Spla2n Testfire. Can't play that any more until 7 AM tomorrow
ust finished The Witness and I'm cooling relaxing with some Sup Forums before starting another game
Because it's actually the morning and I just got up
I just completed Zelda user, and I'm currently preparing class/checking Sup Forums out cause I don't feel like working right now
My condolences
Adding to this, I bought a ps pro recently, and have been continuing my chapter 3 side quest adventures in FFXV. I enjoy the game a lot, I'm at level 42 and have gained a pretty cool collection of weapons. I only wish the controls had a little more depth, I'm a big fan of character action games and I'm aware this was meant to be an ARPG. I look forward to unlocking the infinite airstep, I have a feeling this will increase my enjoyment of using spears and swords.
Because I bought Andromdea and I can't stomach playing any more of it just to provide Sup Forums with more hot memes
just stop man, the (You)s aren't worth it
Worked 11 hours today and I'm too fizzled to focus on my game of choice.
Because Im too lazy to actually do all of these bullshit "collect 10 x" quests in mhgen after doing all the 2* quests. My inner autist prevents me from just doing the key quests so I can get to high rank.
I am at work
dumb brat poster
When I'm 50 years old, alone, and jaded, I'm going to adopt a young orphan girl, and raise her to give her freedom and opportunities that she wouldn't at an orphanage.
When I see that smile on her face when she is able to pursue her dreams, my heart will break and I can pass knowing I made a difference in the world.
When I'm browsing Sup Forums (on my phone) I can just turn the screen off or turn it away, if anyone comes near
When I'm playing games my mother/sister can just come into my room and be like "nyenyenyenye why you play games nyenyenye get a better job buy new clothes nyenyenye why you so lazy nyenyenye if you have time to game you have to time to work more" because any breathing second I'm not a miaerable fuck like them they get angry at me
So I just browse Sup Forums
Going out of my way to not commit to a single player game until P5. Hope to work on a project in the meantime but that seems unlikely.
>that game you were playing earlier?
what, you mean last week? that's the last time i played a game. it was imouto paradise, i was just playing it to fap.
I've been playing the same fighting game for the past 5 hours on netplay
I'm tired right now
getting gud is rough
It's too late for me user. I spent sixty american dollars on this and I'm going to drag every one of its hilarious flaws out into the light
Work to cure your gaming autism.
There's a happier life waiting for you.
You think they'll let you adopt?
Only the jewish trans lesvian couple can get children to molest and the rest get sold to be prostitutes.
Old cis white male should check his privilege and he is probably a pedophile as well
It's almost 12 here, playing games late is a bad habit.
Just play games naked, no woman in their right mind would fuck with you then. Or you could just go out of your way to be annoying/strange when the come in. Maybe also put on reruns of Seinfeld too loud so that's all they hear 24/7.
Because my GTX 470 died and I'm waiting on my new card.
But then I wont have every checkmark like I did in 4U. I need them checkmarks, man.
I finished a research paper earlier and I'm just completely burnt out. Too lazy to get up and play Zelda. Been killing myself the past two days to try and finish that paper.
It was supposed to be submitted by 11:59. I got it done at 12:06 and it wouldn't let me submit it because it was too late.
So I'm just sort of sitting here basking in my failure, too tired to do anything.
Still deciding what to play on my hacked 3ds, or play some lightly modded morrowind
Because I'm at the final boss in DaS3 and the last DLC doesn't come out 'till Tuesday.
>no woman in their right mind would fuck with you
I have homework to do.
What games were you playing?
Drop the trip, please.
You don't need a name. For real. I don't want to filter you.