How were the PS4 inFAMOUS games?

How were the PS4 inFAMOUS games?
Is Sucker Punch still alive? They haven't made anything in forever.

There's another one?

I haven't played either of them yet.

I believe First Light is a side story to Second Son. It's download-only if you're in the US.

I think he considers first light a stand alone, I can see the confusion if so.

To be honest they were a real let down. I mean they are still playable, and I would even suggest buying them on sale, but it seems like they didn't really fill the game that well.

Shame, I was disappointed with 2 due to how ugly they made Cole, the awful turn the game took after bertrand was replaced with the beast and the lack of ambient sound in the world (oil rigs make no sound at all???).
Was hoping they got better

second son was just a glorified tech demo for the ps4. it was a huge downgrade compared to the past 2 games.
all the powers felt the same and it seemed like they just had multiple powers just to show off the ps4s capabilities (at the time).

first light was ok. super short though.

People are hard on them but I really enjoyed them

Sucker Punch are rumored to be making a new IP, expect it to be revealed at e3

They're working on a new IP. Back before E3 last year when it was debunked that they were working on PS4 Spidey, with Insomniac correctly said to be the actual devs, the guy on NeoFAG who posted it said they're working on a new IP, not more inFamous or Sly.

I've seen people here saying that it's some kind of open world brawler game, but I don't know where that comes from or how true it is.

Second Son was really fun and looked amazing, but it felt short and incomplete.
The entire story feels like you're doing to warm up to the main part of the story, but then suddenly you're fighting the final boss.

The final power is also missing most of the features of the other powers, which really makes the game feel incomplete.
The activities outside of the short story are just collectables (besides the spray paint minigame, which is kinda 'cute' but gets old fast) which don't even unlock anything significant.

Still, the combat is fun and the powers have lots of neat traits. It's worth playing if you can get it cheap enough to justify the length.

Second Son was really disappointing imo
is right
Visually the game looks stunning, but the world is void of anything fun, and all the powers are just variants of the same basic formula.
Also the story pretends to be headed somewhere and then decided to jump right to the end like an hour before the game ends

Also I hate they went with the "Everyone died, but people still got powers". They should have gone with "Normies all died, freaks are the only ones left". That would have been an interesting setting.

A Mad Max game with superpowers would be fun.
Or InFAMOUS: Breath of the Wild

They would have, but I believe they made the good ending canon, because that was the one people completed first the most, or something to that effect.

Hell you could have side chapters as one of the few human survivors trying to survive.

Yeah, but that always felt stupid. Almost everyone does the "good ending" first in any game.

Unrelated note Ice waifu>Fire waifu

they are good

I feel like everybody who hates Delsin just played the Evil version

Second Son has the most insufferable protagonist of all time, which is a shame because it's still pretty fun and looks real nice.

Haven't played First Light.

both games were fucking awesome

I think Delsin was a chill dude

First Light is better to me

I don't hate Del I just hate how he LOOKS. He's very much "that kid", you know?

It was my very first PS4 game as it was free on ps+. It looked pretty and I was kinda into it because I've never played consoles before, but I got bored shortly after. Meh game with nice visuals

Delsin was cute, but he was a bit of an asshole teenager

Both of them were dumb. Ice girl cried a lot and complained, fire waifu was an 8 year olds power fantasy who spoke like the black girl from the rugrats.
She should have had Ice/meth powers instead of ice powers

Shame about only having 1 island

I took every good choice

He's a fucking idiot who should have listened to his brother. Written like some boardroom design-by-committe "cool" character with all the personality quirks of a Tony Hawk NPC.

Is basically does look like Eric Sparrow in a beanie

he's the asshole i wish i was

that was his character flaw dumb dumb

Played all of the games, infamous 1 and First Light are the best ones. Infamous 2 was decent but had a major case of sequel syndrome where it couldn't quite capture the magic of the first one.

Second Son was okay, but Delsin is a cringe-fest and the smoke/concrete/video powers all felt really gimmicky and useless, almost like there were too many options, as weird as that might sound, but none were really fleshed out or focused on. Kind of like, jack of a bunch of strange trades, master of none.

I prefer FL to SS because although it was shorter, it focused a lot more on developing by far the most fun infamous power since lightning and it had a lot of replay value in the survival modes. It's probably one of my top 10 favorite games

Second Son has the best gameplay of the series.

I like Second Son but what happened to the writing from 2?

>infamous 1 and First Light are the best ones. Infamous 2 was decent but had a major case of sequel syndrome

This is the correct opinion.

Infamous 2 was fucking amazing m8 ill bash yer fuckin head in

Second son was alright, MC guy actually turned out to be pretty decent, however they gave him the worst design possible.

I don't know, 1 was amazing sure but 2 was fucking incredible
I remember going around new marais ice launchin and thrusting like a motherfucker

what is Delsin best power-set and why is neon?

Infamous 2 was a better game then infamous 1 in almost every possible gameplay wise.

They fucked the morality system, Infamous 1 you had a great balance in being a hero and doing things for survival. Infamous 2 you just juggle between hero shenanigans and being a dick for no reason.

The way they handled the ending was also stupid, the only way to pick the logical ending(siding with the beast) was to have infamous karma, which means you have to spend hours killing cops and street performers to lower your karma.

Best was his TV power because of the mobility it had. Nothing compare's to Fetch's powers though. Her powerset in First Light was LIGHT YEARS beyond anything Delsin could do in Second Son. It was really jarring because I played First Light before the main game and was expecting Delsin to have similar powers to her once unlocking the neon ability.

>siding with the beast is the only way to ensure the survival of the conduits
>better kill some civilians first though

It was the only way to ensure someone survived the plague, there was no evidence the rfi would cure the plague other then some conjecture that Wolf was working on a way to cure the plague as well.

If the rfi didn't cure the plague, humanity would have been fucked. However Conduits are immune to the plague so they would have survived.

The writers originally wanted siding with the beast to be the canon ending and make a sequel on it. However due to massive disputes with the rest of the staff, they decided to base it on trophy data. Which was stupid because of how fucked the morality system was, players didn't have the option of picking the ending they wanted because they were arbitrarily tied to their karma.

I heard the First Light thing is a bunch of SJW bullshit.

Anyway, it looked like they pushed it out to a lot of people for free.
It was one of the early PS+ games.

everyone in infamous moves like a sly cooper character when they talk

Played both sides, starting with Hero, I fucking hate Delsin. That said, I actually preferred him in evil mode because he had a couple stronger lines that felt pretty natural for him and the ending was MUCH better. The only issue is that there are like 3 new lines in the whole fucking mode. Gameplay still sucked though unlike evil mode in InFamous 1 and 2. The problem is that he's just fucking obnoxious the entire way through, saying retarded one liners and shit nonstop while I'm playing and just didn't get any good character progression or anything in either mode. It doesn't help that the side characters, including his brother, don't really influence his character much either. It was a slight problem in 1 and 2, but a major problem here.
He's just not that good.

>I heard the First Light thing is a bunch of SJW bullshit.
its just a Tumblr girl killing drug dealers, I don't really remember anything SJW-like.

So what happened to weeb /po/ girl? Shame you couldn't absorb her powers and create a paper katana folded one mirrion times

The most disappointing part of the game was finally getting a game set in my hometown and having it be nothing like it.

Screw them for that.
Normal people going extinct and only supers remaining in the ruins is a fairly untapped setting.

The climbing system and a lot of animations are carried over too

Yeah that was such a huge let down, the paper power looked really visually cool too.

>InFamous 1 with the mechanics and graphical fidelity of 2.

Oh boy, my penis can only get so erect.