So pretty much everyone who actually played Just Cause 2 loved it, but I never hear anyone talk about JC3. What happened? What did they fuck up that kept it from catching on as strongly as JC2 did?
Just Cause 3
Pretty much everyone who actually played Just Cause 2 bought it on sale for pocket change, thought the gameplay was surprisingly fun for that price, then got bored of how repetitive it was fairly quickly. No one is going to buy JC3 for full price.
Surely there's more to it than that. JC3 has been on sale at this point too.
not for as cheap as JC2. I have just cause 3 and bought it for 20$, the game is more of the same but what raped the potential success was that it was horrendously unoptimized and they didn't care about the PC players.
>horrendously unoptimized and they didn't care about the PC players.
were the console versions fixed?
So they didn't care about anyone. Not exactly a recipe for success.
>it was horrendously unoptimized and they didn't care about the PC players.
What the fuck happened? JC2 was optimized like crazy and ran smoothly while looking good on toasters.
all the engine guys worked on Mad Max game instead
I never played it. Did it have the same god tier optimization of JC2?
It was stupidly fun but the story was bad and the optimization was pretty bad too
Ran about 45-50 fps on release but I loved the hell out of it and clocked around 131 hours and haven't explored everything
There is multiplayer now as well so having fun with friends
Just Cause 2 had more effort put/better design put into it than 3. If I recall 3 was put together by a different team.
The wingsuit is a cool mechanic, but it made the map feel smaller as it was much faster than parachuting around. The map in 3 itself was also much weaker, having just 1 climate, and only 1 big island with smaller isles leading up to it. The way 2's map was done made it feel larger even if it actually wasn't. 3 was too full and aware of itself and made the camp less authentic than 2. There was other stuff but these are the things that bugged me the most.
to re-iterate
ran 45-50fps at 4k on a single 980ti
lower the resolution and turn off the extra bells and whistles famalam
>Running below 4k on a 4k monitor
not a good idea
scales horribly
DRM means nobody played it.
its straight up absurd that the game wouldn't run at max settings on the best card on the market (at the time) at a decent framerate even at 4k. It simply doesn't look good enough to warrant that.
Yes if you are playing it on a PS4 Pro.
980ti is still right behind the 1080, has on par compute performance but it's gaming performance is just a little better than the 1070 and when overclocked compared to an overclocked 1080 I'm only within 10 frames at 1.5ghz compared to 2ghz
That's what stopped me from "Upgrading" and waiting for the 1080ti for a proper step up
Were any of the Just Cause games revered for their stories?
Nope still runs absolutely horrible on the PS4 pro too
drops into the 20s and still doesn't run at ultra
Basically with the wingsuit and the booster you're Iron man.
It's pointless to drive, so vehicles are useless. Bullets can't harm you and destruction isn't that great.
Nope they were all revered for there action and gameplay
But for some reason this one was heavily scrutinized for the story
What the fuck is up with these people, I really wonder?
Spend all this time on a game, can't get it to run properly, but they decide "Sure, let's release it anyway." Then even more time passes and they don't even make an attempt to fix it.
no where near as fun as JC2, but good for the $20 i got it for
game has a multiplayer mod but everyone playing is a non-burger so i always have shitty latency
I've noticed now that it has the EXACT same problem as Nier Automata (from square enix as well)
it has a stupidly high global illumination sample rate (128 elements) while 64 provides the exact same visual features and grant you an extra 20 fps
>4k monitor with a 980ti
I actually have two and the 980ti holds incredibly well with 4k on it's own as well
I don't get you consumers. Why should they bother fixing it if people already bought it? It's a waste of time and money.
Doesn't Mankind Divided, another Square Enix game, have performance issues as well?
Don't know what the issue with that is
>having two
Will you fall for the sli meme on your next gpu upgrade? I'm running sli 780s and things just aren't the same. I'll probably stick to single gpu from now on. Game devs these days don't even bother with sli support.
the 980ti is a 4k gaming card
exactly within the spec range on 3dmark
Because I haven't bought it yet and I'm not GOING to fucking buy it until they've fixed it.
>So pretty much everyone who actually played Just Cause 2 loved it
It was a game fun to fuck around for maybe 20 minutes, but there was nothing more to it.
And JC3 yeah, it was a horrible mess.
Shit controls, and they somehow managed to make the game both run and look worse, pic related is the game maxed out.
As another note, they went out of their way to hire the worst VAs possible, seriously, they are fucking atrocious.
Yeah I'll buy a 1080ti eventually but as of now SLI has never been a meme for me. Both my cards are heavily overclocked and there is SLI support for every game I play. I never ever dip below 60 FPS. If there isn't an SLI profile I just add my own with little hazel which is actually fun for me because I enjoy tinkering
Yea well, that's not a problem. Someone else will buy it and that's all that matters.
>As another note, they went out of their way to hire the worst VAs possible, seriously, they are fucking atrocious.
just like the first two games?
Pretty much, but here they are all shouting and it's just terrible.
Also, it has some game design issues.
>you have this harbor
>in order to conquer it you have to destroy like 150 objects
>they are not marked at all in the map
>then you have to raise a flag to win
>the place of the flag is not marked either
Is it your hobby to argue from the most stupid position possible?
They only made one city and copied and pasted it a couple of times
The wingsuit is pretty neat until you realize you're unable to close it and make a safe landing - you have to unlock the ability to stop flying. Until you do that, the most effective way to get your feet back on land is to fly face first into a building.
You also have to unlock the ability to aim your gun for some reason.
They got rid of all the collectibles scattered around the world that you use to upgrade your guns and vehicles, and they replaced it with audio tapes - if you care about the story, that's neat.
They threw away all the action hero shit like hanging onto the front of a speeding car to use it as cover.
There are invisible walls around ledges so you can't fall off, even though you have a parachute.
Rico is Italian now, or something.
If I'd never played Just Cause 2, I probably would have enjoyed it more, but it's pretty disappointing being a big fan of that game.
>it was much faster than parachuting around
I feel like they made the parachute + grappling hook slower to make the wingsuit seem more attractive.
I never thought it looked particular ugly but that's just me
I'm fairly biased towards the game though since I love explosions
No version was fixed.
Seriously, they did fuck all, they released the DLC and forgot about it, and the DLC were a scam too.
$25 for about 1 hour of content and a jetpack.
After a while I just get tired of tinkering. My point was that Nvidia is slowing down on sli support. Game devs too. Don't you get mad when a game comes out without sli support? That shit possess me off, especially if it's from a highly regarded studio. It sucks too because dual card setups look better.
>in order to conquer it you have to destroy like 150 objects
>they are not marked at all in the map
sounds like the 2nd game
>here they are all shouting and it's just terrible.
>arguing from the devs POV is stupid
You should start thinking about the other side of the coin. This is all a business and a business is to make profit.
I've only had about two come out in the past year which I've played that didn't have SLI support, that was doom and Nier, all I had to do was spend around an hour adding my own and now it works perfectly with no issues
Releasing a shitty game is not a good way of making profit. Look at No Man's Sky. Word got out how bad it was and sales plummeted.
I seriously don't understand why you feel the need to defend them. They aren't your friends.
Are you comparing an indie company to a AAA one? That's your problem.
>implying I'm not part of a studio
I'll just put it bluntly. When you need to make deadline, you make deadline. There's no ifs ands or buts. As long as the game starts and works then there's no problem, any fixes will be made the month prior and onward. If the company can't afford to pay us then we don't do it.
What are you not getting? Put yourself in our shoes. Are you willing to work for free to finish your project after you've already spent countless weeks doing unpaid overtime already?
It's simple really, if the company believes it can afford to keep working on it then they will. Take just cause 3 for instance. Clearly a cash grab wouldn't you agree? Do you think they'll continue to optimize a cash grab if people are already buying it? The resulting pay off would be nonexistent. I don't know how else to explain it for you. It should be clear as day.
>shit possess me off
Fuck off, spooky ghost. Sup Forums is for the living.
I see that you're enjoying your night user. What are you doing?
Waiting for the litter box to stop smelling so I can go back to playing Darksiders, lol.
Just decimated 10,000 faggots with Affliction and got my horsebro, Ruin.
Loving it. Top ten all time so far.
Darksiders 1 or 2? I played the first for a while and then got bored at one of the puzzles near the end. I just stopped playing after.
I hear 2 is much better.
why did you shit in a litterbox
First one.
My cat shit in the litter box, lmao.
Cat shit smells so heinous. No clue why. Dog shit smells nowhere near as bad.
I liked JC2 enough but it got boring pretty fast because all you had to do was get in an attack heli and win the game. After like the 3rd mission I flew to the middle of the desert just blowing stuff up and stopped out of boredom.
I decided to try JC3 after getting it for $10 with the dlc the other day and I like it much better. I've already put 60 hours into it and am only now getting bored. I get that some people say it's unoptimized but I'm playing it on max with a 970 and it only drops below 60 when I let off a nuke in the middle of a field of fuel tanks. It's all down to personal opinion I think but I'm hoping the release of the multiplayer mod on steam soon revitalizes it.
>I'm playing it on max with a 970
I'm convinced people who bitch about optimization have shit computers.
I don't have a beast PC, and I never have issues running games.
Yeah, I was concerned when I saw everybody complain but it runs fine for me. The weird thing is the only time it drops so does my GPU usage %. Like it goes from ~80% at 60fps then suddenly like 63% and drops to 47 or whatever. It's not anything else because the bottleneck in my build was purposely the 970 since I'm planning on upgrading next gen. Either way I've had fun with it, more than I expected to.
Is the story retarded? Skip cutscenes worthy?
No Man's Sky is hardly the only example. It was just the first one to come to mind. There are dozens of examples of video game series selling poorly and dying out because they half-assed it thinking they could survive on brand power and, unsurprisingly, the fans weren't willing to pay for a shitty product. Off the top of my head, Lost Planet.
Like, yes, I understand what you're saying about deadlines and nowhere did I say anything about working for free. I'm saying that you can't expect your game to sell well if you don't put the work in. If the optimization is horrible it's in your best interests to do something to fix it before the bad press gets out of hand. But like you said, JC3 is a cash grab. They were only concerned about the short term and sacrificed the long term as a result.
>Loving it. Top ten all time so far.
I remember your thread from yesterday. I'll admit you're getting me interested in finally getting around to trying those games.
It's always neat to actually somehow recognize an anonymous poster on a big board like Sup Forums.
In my opinion the cutscenes are weird. They're like abrupt and random. There's not a ton of them, basically like 30 seconds a mission and there's only like 15 missions. The story can be summed up in a paragraph and it's only there to give a reason to go to new places to blow stuff up. The game makes no effort to pretend to be serious but it's not Saint's Row level "wow so zany and quirky we want the south park audience xD"
>I hear 2 is much better.
This is one of those series where opinions are pretty mixed on this. They both have their positives and negatives so it's more a matter of what appeals to you more.
2 is no place for a horse
The Mediterranean environment is pretty bland compared to the tropical paradise of Manau. The characters were also unlikable. The reliance on doing challenges to upgrade your gear was also incredibly annoying. Many of these challenges were also impossible to do without said upgrades.