Gameplay > Graphics

I'm sick of people thinking graphics are the sole being of a game and that if graphics lack, then the game is a total waste of money and lack anything else.

>Owns $3k PC
>Nintendo Switch
>Xbox One

So not a Nintendo fanboy, just a gamer who likes good GAMEPLAY.

Other urls found in this thread:

There is no excuse in 2017 to have a game looking like absolute dogshit


if you freeze an enemy then hit him the framerate drops to 5....NEXT GEN

Must be your system, mine doesn't drop during combat.

Yes it does you delusional lunatic, it happens to all systems.

>game doesn't run at a stable framerate, let alone 60
>tons of input lag
>even then the game still isn't that hard

Game is a 4/10 at best. Overrated garbage I'm afraid.

user, you realize that it costs money to make games look good, right?

In fact, the push for graphics is what has increased the average AAA video game budget from $1m to $100m.

Graphics are the most important factor to me, if it looks less than 1080x60 then it's not worth it.
Deal w/i

Stop stealing our Awoos.

Also it will be a 98 on PC.

I really don't give much of a fuck. Though of course with the advancement of technology I expect the games to look good.

Anyone who solely rates games according to grafix on the other hand is probably an underage newfag.

are you retarded?

>Overrated garbage
>Subjective opinion

I personally enjoyed the gameplay and yes, the graphics aren't AAA quality, it still suits the feel of a Zelda game, which isn't an valid argument in graphic discussion, but still holds a nostalgia on the hearts of LoZ fans.

But the gameplay and physics engine is what sells it for me.

It was 98 when that picture was made and CBF to change it to 97

framerate drops ruins gameplay.
but for this game it's okay right?
this's how delusional Nintards are.

>Ghostbusters: Die CIS scum flops
>Trump is President
>Normies fighting back against liberal poz
>Nier shits all over everything Anita Sarkeesian stood for
>Zelda is back

2017: The year when leftist cumshitters are getting obliterated in every front.


Did you even read my post? I did not once argue about the graphics. I argued that a game in 2017 should not have drops below 30 FPS. That alone disqualifies from being good, let alone great.

he's talking about game quality, not about nostalgia. shit is overrated as fuck.

They even make fun of gays and trannies in this game!

Gameplay > Music > story/graphics

Story and graphics enchance the game, but without the other 2. Its a shit videogame.

Visual novels do not apply

There's a reason nethack and dwarf fortress are infintely more complex than farcry or skyrim.


I hear the "PC version" is better.

As a liberal, Zelda franchise is abhorrent to me. The blonde hair characters signal that "whiteness" is goodness while the villains in Zelda are ALWAYS POCs.

Players who like Zelda are doing a disservice to progress and equality

>Heroes are always white
>villains are always POCs

Whoa.. its like real life.

it doesn't have good gameplay because it doesn't have a dodge mechanic for combat, you're stuck with an awkward back flip that gets you caught in every swing or a useless sprint

>scores are based on politics now




Play The game first, faggot.

i dont get it

fucking nu Sup Forums


you're not wrong.


I think it looks amazing. Now what?

Still don't get the connection between white nationalists and anime. Why the fuck would someone who enjoys ANOTHER NATIONS CULTURE AND ADOPTS IT be a fucking nationalist?

If they were consistent, sure. I'm the same as OP, have everything, BoTW is the best game so far this year. Sorry mommy won't let you go buy a Switch, user. It's real nice.

I'm still mad that people actually think BOTW is a 10.

but all the champions are minorities

After the calamity the population of each group seems pretty even.

After playing Owlboy, I realized graphics and story are like frosting.

You cannot eat a fucking cake that's all frosting. That's fucking gross.

inb4 food analogy. kys I eat burgers like you for breakfast.

because they are NEET's who get easily manipulated

Nationalism =/= supremacy user. It just means prioritizing your citizens and morals first, not hating everyone else.

Is Owlboy shit?

Yeah, the guy who's set up to be the final boss all game dies in a cutscene. I'm not going to put a spoiler tag because if you do play it there won't be the expectation.
The puzzles were all so easy I could figure them out and I'm fucking retarded.
The game itself is only ever fun for 20 seconds at a time with an hour or so in between.

It's not horrible, but getting to the end is just like "What the fuck did I do that for?" The pixel art is fantastic but that doesn't make the game good.

1 goron city, 1 rito city, 1 ruto city, 1 gerudo city, 3 hylian cities, and one mixed city that properly shows the race ratio of the game by having 5 minorities living in the streets while all the Hylianians have the houses

Our Lord and savior has already taken care of this nintenbro

Using a 2009 hardware as your main platform is quite a big one.
"But the Switch", i don't count a game that use only 1/3 of the memory and half of the main GPU features as a switch game.

Play it on the switch on mobile mode.

i don't care about graphics but it's the only reason to make us buy new consoles and GPUs. therefore you're a cuck with your $3k PC and new gen consoles if you only care about gameplay

the big budget is what ruined modern gaming- the bigger the budget the more copies they NEED to sell, so they need to appeal to casuals
also advanced graphics limit the gameplay (for example, D44M can't have hordes of enemies because that would result in your PC fucking melting)

This. Any time you check out pcgamer they're just talking about some new overwatch update, or advocating piracy, or "check out these cosplayers!" Never about games.

Are these the shitposting hours or what? Why does BotW attract so many epic trolls xD?

Post good but old games

If a game looks like shit that just means they didn't even bother making the gameplay fun either.

one of those cities you're talking about is Sheikah, Sheikah are different to Hylian.

Implying PC can't be for major media projects and gaming
