I'm so conflicted on whether to buy this game or not

I'm so conflicted on whether to buy this game or not.
It's a lot more fluid than KF1 but seems more cartoony than KF1.
The weapon handling is great, everything seems like its supposed to but some of the guns "feels" very similar. There's very little bang like there was in the first game.
Should I get it Sup Forums? I had a lot of fond memories with KF1.

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Pls respond Sup Forums, I even got triples.

Play the free weekend that's going on and then decide later if you want to play more of it for the price they're asking.

Its a bit better then L4D with more progression and challenges but the heavy metal music can be a bit annoying. Game is enjoyable but gets boring really easily. I say go for it, its a bargain right now but I don't doubt steam summer sale will lower it even more.

i've been playing it alot, I only had 1 hour during last free weekend

I did, hence the question. The only other problem I have is no friends to play with

It's alright.

>no friends to play with
Me neither and I managed 300 hours of fun. Though it wasn't all at once, there were long break periods because the game is repetitive, but honestly it was the same for KF1 for me.

Just look for a class or a set of guns you really enjoy and see if you are willing to spend $15 to be able to enjoy that

Once you hit rank 5 you can get perks for your classes every 5 levels, up to level 25


Alternatively you can get Rainbow Six Siege for $5 more than KF2

>played 20 hours and got a refund when it went out of EA
Feels good, fuck Tripwire

I already have CS:GO.

I'm also conflicted but on something else:

I have a 144hz monitor and a GTX 1070. I have my KF2 with a modded .ini that allows me to have more dead bodies lying around which leads to really immersing and cool-looking scenarios like webm related. Thing is to have this game on ultra and then also have a bunch of dead bodied all over, you gotta sacrifice a lot of frames.

I'm conflicted about whether I should sacrifice the 144 fps which looks REALLY nice and smooth with KF2 and it's 200 fps animations, or whether I should give up on 144 fps and settle for locked 60 fps for more dead bodies and gibs lying around (about 40 max).

Which should I do, Sup Forums?

who give a fuck about the bodies?? They will stay there after and during the round anyway

The max dead bodies is how many show on the ground. By default it's 12, which is only a few and doesn't make it look as gruesome as seeing 3x more gibs and corpses lying around.

You know something is up when nobody on Sup Forums don't give a single fuck even with trips

It is a fucking scam. All they have accomplished was a cash shop before the game is even finished. Shows where these feminist faggot's priority lies. I hope they fucking go bankrupt.

Now that they've been out for a couple of days, how good are KF2's flare revolvers on any perk that benefits from them?

Pretty great, on pyro you can run Microwave gun and dual revolvers by the last couple waves

>All they have accomplished was a cash shop
That's bullshit even by Sup Forums's standards of retardation. The game has a lot of effort put into it and content, they just don't have very good prioritizing. For example, if I was the lead dev, I would have tried to focus on getting the modding tools and mutator menu at full capacity before launch because the modding community would be able to make more maps/modes/characters and the community would have more to do or work for.

Their zedconomy thing was somewhat justified too because I remember it going through a lot of revisions in early access.

Just get it you fool it's good fun now.

Already own the game and am very much on fence with it.
It's definitely enjoyable but it seems like less of the original killing floor, but I currently just attribute that to it being heavy development and an unfinished state right now. But I do wish the maps where bigger like in the original.

If you've played the free weekend and enjoy it, then it is worth the current asking price. I've owned the game since release have clocked 375 hours in it one of the best co-op games out in my opinion.

My only complaints are it lacks the b-movie feel of KF1, the community is full of retards that don't play as a team and microtransactions, prices of skins are retarded would prefer DLC packs like the original had.

I'd say I've had maybe 1 bad game every 5 or so due to shit players.

>Their zedconomy thing was somewhat justified
>if I was the lead dev
>The game has a lot of effort put into it
>>>and content
not even subtle, try again in a few hours shill

could have been amazing.
ended up being so-so.
there are worse games out there.
there are better games out there.
my expectations were too high.

can you give a quick tut on how to do it or should I google?

Does anyone else feel that the maps are way too small and that trying to bunker down by welding door shuts is obsolete.

All I have done so far is run around in constant circles. I was hoping there was more of a bunker down like those poor bastards in that movie Dog Soldiers.


motherfuck the only "revisions" to the zedconomy are more drops (what sell for like 3p each) and the fact you can salavge shit what half the time takes 10+ days and then you can sell some shit skin for around 15p. The prices are completely retarded, market and in-game store. Skins shouldn't cost upwards of £90+

Most of the maps on HoE end up being holding out in cheap areas each wave without even welding the doors due to it being somewhat redundant. Maps aren't too small just poorly designed, you're able to just kite everything on lower difficulties.

The Descent is the smallest map and is my favrouite.

Exactly. This shit is a fucking scam. They'll finish this fucking game, someday. Fucking kikes.

>just quotes random elements of my post that have no connection whatsoever and then spout shill

Well at least your retardation's consistent.

>the only revisions it underwent
>says 3 drastic additions/changes

Well you proved my point for me. They're not convenient but they clearly used the time in EA to experiment with it. I also remember the UI for the inventory going through at least one revision, but I can't remember what it was exactly.

The spawning in this game is kinda weird as well.

This thread is proof this game was over hyped garbage, and was DOA.

The spawning is weird. I think they wanted to make it more "dynamic" like left 4 dead but don't actually know what the fuck made it dynamic.

What's the point of the swat class? what is the niche it fills in a team?

I swear the scrapping of items was added post launch i could be remember correctly but in early-access it remained mostly unchanged.

I would prefer either £3-£5 skins that can be applied to any and all guns currently in game or DLC bundles like the previous game, the shit they're pulling with crates and rng on rng is just pure bullshit and greedy, no company deserves a free pass on that shit.

Trash mobs, can also be a decent off-medic with the smg.

>The spawning is weird. I think they wanted to make it more "dynamic"
So, you cannot "git gud" at the game. It is going to be rogue-like with spawn points, making ti impossible to plan out strategies to deal with zed groups.

I thought demo and support where the trash clearers. Mostly the support

I'm on the same boat as OP, I haven't played the first in a long while, but I loved it.

Also heard the second game doesn't have an "insult players", so that's concerning.

doesnt even have a thanks voice command its so retarded

> Want to purchase the deluxe edition
> Says I already own KF1 and will not get an extra copy
Not even in my inventory?
What is this kikery?

They should have had the varying customization they currently have but then just sold packs. Or at least made it so that you unbox full sets, or even if you unbox one item you get all of its colors/variations. It's retarded that you can do things like unbox or find a headband and it's just one of 6 or so colors, or that you could unbox a gun and you have to hope it's a less/more battle-worn version instead of the wear and tear being "styles" like TF2's had for half a decade.

The more and more I read this thread the more I want to go back to the glory that was killing floor 1, I think I'll boot that up again soon.

Demo and Support are for big zeds. This can explain it better than I can.


I thinkt hat was their intention. KF1 was pretty much going into the designated camping spot on the map and cleaning up shit, then running around if you were a retard who would inevitably die early or felt like living on the edge.

In the early dev blogs, they'd talk about wanting people to be on the move. I don't mind that but the game could use more maps that actually compliment that. The new mode sounds like it does that, but I haven't played it so dunno.

I thought you will get it into your inventory.

I've been seeing myself reverting back to the old game. Just more fun. It feels like it a completely new team developing KF2. Like they fucking forgot why people liked the first game. I don't know what fucked up thing happen in between to change the flow, but these devs have no idea what they are doing, nor care about their demographic. They seem like legit cucks.

I completely agree with you on the packs and colour/variations, the rng on top of rng is what annoys me the most, I can deal with spending £2/3 on opening a crate and not knowing what item I'm getting but then having it look like shit due to the condition is ludicrous.

Hell I'd probably drop like £10 on a bundle of Skins for all of the weapons currently in a perk, at least then I know what I'm getting and it's not going to look like someone threw it in a blender.

>they wanted to make it more "dynamic"
>enemies have hundreds of spawn points, but only for the sole purpose of spawning within 10 feet of you

ff, the least they could have odne was randomize it so it's possible to get trapped by spawns. Hell, even adding certain elements in each map area (when they kinda did) like vents, torn fences, or an alleyway would have made it feel better than them just popping into existence behind the next corner you're gunning for.

>buy deluxe edition
>get KF1
>give it to friend
>refund deluxe edition
>friend still has KF1

that's my guess

I think the only thing the conductor does is just lower the spawnrate for 20 seconds whenever someone dies to give you a moment to breath

They finished it 5 months ago

Demo and support can do both big zeds and little zeds.
the grenade launcher is great for groups of little zeds, the RPG is great for big zeds

You bunker down more on harder difficulties and with more players. If you're playing alone then you can only really run around.

you get it in your inventory

Reminder for any new players to at least take a medic pistol with you since it basically doubles your healing capacity for only 200 dosh and one piece of weight, and healing rewards small bits of dosh back. Some perks can get cross-perk bonuses with other medic guns if you want them.

Similar to Commando, but has flashbangs that are great for temporarily stopping large zeds and fuckhuge magazine sizes. The differences are much more pronounced the further you go up in levels and crouching + ADS with no speed penalty is hilarious

It's more a new map than a new mode. You go down a pit between waves that leads you into a prefab room that's random each time except for the first and last waves, most of them are rather tight and small. The idea is alright but you may or may not like the execution.

We need more folks helping and teaching the new players how to get better, good on you user.

Spent $20 on it. Don't regret
It's fun if you take breaks, especially since they're slow on updates
Progression is a tad too slow, but it's not that big of an issue.

The new map sort of makes you camp out in a new camping zone every round.

Each area is too small for you to actually move around in so you have to kill enemies as fast as they spawn.

It's a damn good map though, really gives you some KF1 vibes. It looks incredible.

Can you REALLY tell a difference between 60 and 144 fps?

Personally I got sick of too many corpses after a few hours with it on. They keep flying up in zed time as soon as something explodes, blocking your vision and dipping FPS up and down like mad when really packed with gibs. They also stack so they get in the way of your sight like that too.

Have it on as long as you like it and turn it off after that.

Oh, quick tip: always get the medics pistol no matter what class your playing
You can heal teammates and you won't be losing out on much else weapon wise

Somebody give me the rundown on the differences between 1 and 2.

>make randomly generated map
>call it a survival mode
>don't make the waves infinite still

When will they stop being retarded and realize an infinite wave mode would do wonders for this game? Basically rip off CoD zombies and add leaderboards and everything (along with general personal statistics).

So true
>used to lurk killing floor general on /vg/ when the game was in early access
>new people come in and ask something or discuss something they found cool
>get bombarded by elitist veterans who shit on them until they stop posting
>general dies


It's more than twice the frames, so you obviously can. Everything's incredibly smooth and then 60 fps becomes really noticeable (think about 30 fps to someone who plays at 60 fps). The thing is that a lot of high-end games require a good GPU to even get consistent 144hz, unless you play not so demanding games like MOBAs or source games, or basically any non-AAA that doesn't have high-end graphics.

>They finished it 5 months ago
Then this game was released way earlier then it should have.
The amount of repeated dialogue I get in the same wave let alone match is annoying
The clunkyness and lacking variety in the quick chat menu
And the way it seems there's no impact with what class you pick besides how fast you level them because you can play any role as any class with the right weapons and strategy
Maybe it's just the masacist in me but kf2 feels so much easier compared to the original so there's almost a lack of challenge.

An endless mode is something they have considered on their community roadmap, but who knows if they'll actually go ahead with it. I think it would be pretty cool though.

>implying being elitist is bad
I know you can stick a pipe up your ass nigger. Hold some faggots hand.

The elitist are just as bad as some of the new guys who don't give a fuck about learning how to handle the higher difficulties.

Personally I just host my own server so I can kick people being cunts and every so often i just boot it up on Normal/Hard and try help out low-level and new players, did it on a few free weekends was pretty satisfying seeing people get better at the game, but then you get that one guy who just goes around roasting big zeds with a flamethrower 24/7 then shits on the team because he died.

Good to know the community still has people willing to help others though.

>They finished it 5 months ago
>feels unfinished and leaves a lot of be desired
Are you fucking kidding me? Its not nearly as fun as it should had been. I cannot even insult players for being fucking shits at the game. Was this made by fucking women or are the devs trannies?

Only time it's justified is when you've either tried teaching someone how to get better and they refuse to listen or some low level fuck joins HoE.

Banter is fine but don't try and hide having a shit personality with being a dick towards other people.

>faster zombies overall
>there are reskinned variants of certain zeds with special abilities
>more than 2 voice actors
>less swearing
>medic uses special 'medic' weapons
>smgs go to their own smg class
>sharpshooter doesn't get to dual wield pistols
>pistols go to their own pistol class
>currently not as many weapons but it's getting there
>same with maps; there are currently like 15
>certain weapons are "crossperk", so the support gets full bonuses with the trenchgun, for example
>music has gone from 100% industrial beats to 30% industrial beats, 70% christian metal (a lot of demon hunter)
>weapons are smoother and more realistic but arguably less punchy
>no more expensive P2W DLC weapons or big skin packs
>individual skins/cosmetics sold on a cs:go/tf2 style market

It's only $15 just get it. I have over 100 hours, still fun.

Also the new flare pistols are amazing, I felt like a wizard.


There's a middle ground between being a spoonfeeder for mouth-breathers and then being a cunt who has a stick so far up their ass they'll actively drive out anyone who tries to discuss anything that isn't numeric values on a spreadsheet.

>Only time it's justified is when you've either tried teaching someone how to get better and they refuse to listen or some low level fuck joins HoE.
>Banter is fine but don't try and hide having a shit personality with being a dick towards other people.
Are you from bioware or blizzard? I just need to ask because the anti-bant mentality is something progressive cucks really force on player communities. No wonder these games are no longer fun. People are to affraid to get banned for insulting shit players. I hope you kill yourself.

>I cannot even insult players for being fucking shits at the game
You can use text chat for that, and it would have been only like 3 lines for that like in KF1 anyway.

Only voice command I really miss is a Thanks command.

So why is there no insult? Have a woman on the dev team right?

please stop trying to hide your shit personality with being a dick to other people

>>sharpshooter doesn't get to dual wield pistols
Doesn't get bonuses/experience for pistols*

banter is fine, just being a cock 24/7 drives new players away. But if the only thing you find is fun is insulting people then you might need to find another community to degrade.

>People are to afraid to get banned for insulting shit players.
Am I the only one alive who doesn't mind being told he's bad because that mean I can learn and improve

>typing insult instead just commands
>misses thanks command but not insults
I really think testosterone levels in Europe really is sunk. No wonder they are stuck in nihilistic suicidal genocide.

>>>sharpshooter doesn't get to dual wield pistols
Mean while gunslinger gets to rock the lever action and get juicy experience with it

Apparently cuck devs do. This must be an entirely different dev team cause this game is shallow on personality, and campy grit.

When someone saves or heals you in the middle of a wave, I want to say thanks really quick. Insults can vary more than "thanks" when typed, and hearing the same couple of insults in KF1 got old anyway, so I don't miss it.

Everyone who disagrees with you isn't some cuckold SJW. Take a break from Sup Forums.

I don't mind being told I am bad, I don't mind being told I am good either. If I am happy with the way I am playing, I am good.

But I do mind limited communication options. I fucking loved card games and spent years dreaming of the day I would have a bunch of card games playable online. The day has come, I have a bunch of options but can only talk to my opponent in Infinity Wars. Which means it's fucking impossible to meet people and make friends playing the goddamn game. Which means the fact that the game is online is pretty much irrelevant.

>saves or heals you
or heals me*

Aren't Flare Revolvers looking pretty great for a Gunslinger Tier 2? LAR is still pretty great in its hands, but yeah.

>Everyone who disagrees with you isn't some cuckold SJW. Take a break from Sup Forums.
>muh Sup Forums boogyman
I get it nigger, you're a shill cuck that come here to try and convince some idiots to play your watered down remake. No one cares anymore about your cash shop full of broken promises.

Yea, but there was something so nice about being the top of the board carrying the team then have that one guy near the bottom complain you didn't save his gun, so you do insult players and they fucking rage quit.

user pls

Triggered eh?

>very little bang
the FUCK are you talking about?

You're the type of people that make gaming communities complete shit. Throwing insults left and right because you're just a shitty person lacking personality. You're acting as childish as the sjw cucks who get triggered by everything.

New age of gaming needs safe space. These devs are legit cucks for making a safe space in a game about bloody zed killing carnage. Holy fuck these game fell from grace. There is no personality because of it.

Anyone who played the original got what he meant.

guns in KF1 were really really loud

>spout bullshit about europe's suicidal tendency
>spouts cuckold and has to bring women and trannies into the conversation constantly
>not the most blatant display of Sup Forumstardedness possible

I played over 600 hours of the original and if you are implying that the guns in KF2 don't have impact then boy you could not be any more wrong.

You sound like some loser who literally has one to many insult thrown at you fucking being a shit and just cant let go of your mum's teat. Yet feel like you can tell a person's character traits through an anonymous image board with lack of banter.