>Asks for video gaems

>doesnt just get equal likes/dislikes but also gets tripps
Is there anything this God cant do?

Other urls found in this thread:


ummmm ew sweetie you do realize that man hates Jewish people right? please stop watching a literal nazi honey mkay? thx

he can't not gas the jews

Sup Forums btfo by the leader of the alt-right (evil nazi, literally hitler of video games)



is this Sup Forums or you just trolling?

hey honey, get back in the kitchen before i rape the shit out of you! haha!


>that one father on reddit who got upset Pew "red pilled" his son

Is this the new meme? acting like tumblrs?

>you've lived long enough to see this faggot become a common thing on Sup Forums

What's this shit meme now?

>not writing sweatie instead of sweetie

Source, seems like bants.

Be funny, entertaining, smart, stop being cringe incarnate, list goes on

its a Sup Forums thing.
Basically a weird crazy woman that stalks trumps twitter and says "sweetie" in every tweet. She is fucking crazy and completely irrelevant but its a somewhat popular shitpost

He could lead a revolution if he wanted.


lying cunt eceleb

Calling people sweetie is how everyone on Tumblr posts when they want to be condescending, it's not from a Trump maymay.

Now this is a master memer who knows potential.

Im telling you man

Good, yes.
Behave like Tumblr.
I'm sure it's a good idea.

>video gaems
>e-celeb shit
Man, I'm tired of seeing this board getting filled with more and more normie shit, but I'm also curious about how low it can possibly get.

>mfw the "a lot of assumptions being made about me being his father" part instantly cracked me up because I thought it was gonna be "my wife's son" situation.

This place has ruined me.


Is the thread still avaliable?

>m-muh safespace
>I sw-swear I'm an o-o-oldfag!!!!!11!1!!
kys my man

yes fellow Sup Forums goys! Don't pay attention to the people pushing your agenda! Only post kotaku and polygon articles!

Okay I'll give you that I'm drunk and just naturally shit at inference but where did you get that from my post my guy

FUCK I missed

Newsflash internet is normie shit.

>Is the thread still available?
idk how to look for it. up to you.

I laughed.

quick google just came up with people linking that screenshot unfortunately

The problem here is that it's only showing the thousands digits. It's entirely possible it's an uneven amount because the rest of the numbers are hidden.

Shut up retard. He doesn't even dislike jews, he just likes to be edgy.

I think he's close enough fampai

Found it near the bottom of the first page, the OP is deleted but comments still available



Some bitch on Twitter made a name for herself by being cringey as fuck and talking down to anyone that isn't a cuckold a feminist or a Jewish muslim





Get a load of this jewbag

Gas the kikes, race war now pussy

>pol is satire
>LOTR has no allegory
>the jews are innocent victims in modern history