Who's gonna buy this game to piss off THE TRUE Social JW?
I'm buying Switch,PC and PS4 versions.
Who's gonna buy this game to piss off THE TRUE Social JW?
No one, its over just refund their money or bring john back
what did jontron even have to do with this game
I'm gonna buy it anyways.
Who cares if playtonic are pussies and who cares if a fat irrelevant gayme reviewur is in the game. I just want to play my goddamn banjo three-ie
He was a voice actor for a character at one point, until he was accused of being "le nazi" and he was booted from the game.
People are being extra butthurt about this and trying to boycott the game now.
I don't like playtonic's decision either, but who gives enough of a shit to start a gay online riot over vidya politics
>Playtonic BTFO an e-celeb
I fucking love them.
As if they were ever going to buy it in the first place.
Youre not even worth a (you)
He donated a lot of money on kickstarter, and got to be a voice actor for it.
Days before release, they let NeoGaf convince them to do something incredibly stupid. (That, or the game is shit, so they created a controversy to explain their shit games shit sales).
Does anybody know how to get a refund on kickstarter? Im just asking because any thread on steam will get banned or locked away so not sure what else to do
>As if they were ever going to buy it in the first place.
Many of the people ticked are the backers themselves.
Oh, and since the announcement, the game lost 40% of it's pre-orders on steam.
>so not sure what else to do
Do a chargeback on your credit card/debit card instead.
Tell your bank the product was misrepresented.
you can't and you're not entitled to. You can charge back from your credit card company but you'd be acting illegally. There was no false advertising, JT was introduced after funding was complete.
>accurate even days after release
Oh I see, well thanks I will look more into it, hopefully I can get the money back
Uh, wrong? They confirmed him in February of 2015 when the Kickstarter didn't even start until May of that year.
the thing is some of the devs were saying it's retarded to be upset because people don't get to hear someone make random noises as voice acting. but that means the devs think their entire game's voice acting is retarded by that logic. it's just a shitshow
>tfw wasn't going to buy it anyway
Fuck Drumpf, and fuck white people.
You do realize that there was massive uncertainties in those numbers, which are stated in it? The biggest reason for the changes is just random fluctuation. I hope you're not going to make the claim that 1700 people cancelled their pre-order between March 14 and March 15 despite absolutely nothing happening then.
You can't make very good conclusions from a dataset where your 1σ (I believe) uncertainty is 50%.
Even if it's not super accurate, a ton of people on their official forums and the steam forums want their money back.
So much so that the community managers have been locking threads.
I'll leave this to the mathfag above you
So. Judging by this thread, all the whiney gamers who threw tantrum and wanted to refund the game are PC fags? I'm not surprised desu desu because that's what they are actually.
>are all the whiney gamers who threw tantrum PC fags?
Well they listened to the whiny gamers who wanted John out of the Game. Why it shouldn't work again?
PC master race here.
We don't expect consolecucks to understand taking care of their consumer rights, it's ok. You can bend over for corporate masters if you wish.
I usually pirate everything because I'm a stingy nigger but since BK is one of my favourite games ever I was considering purchasing this game, but after the latest shitshow, this is one game I will NEVER EVER spend any money on.
Stop being a SJW. No one cares about your e-celeb or about your agendas.
And let me add that I will most likely never ever buy a Playtonic game, assuming they make more, the game honestly looks a bit shitty, so I don't think it'll sell that good. The game looks like a soulless clone of BT, which is objectively not a good game. Lots of empty spaces, extremely situational moves, tons of backtracking, and on top of that the character design is uninspired (unlike BK/BT) and the music is pretty bland (again unlike BK/BT).
>he can voice whatever character he wants
I'm buying it on PS4. I saw Jontron's tweet thread and it was pretty ignorant at parts, but i don't think him being in the game would matter that much. He just doesn't know what he's talking about.
I also don't really care that he got removed. I'm going to buy the game and have fun. Why do people get so self righteous and up in arms over every little thing? just get over it, it's one small cameo that was removed.
I'm so glad this game is flopping in hype. They really fucked up. This false flagging shill thread proves it.
Oh wow, I seriously hope people just opened their eyes to see their eyes were open and realized the game looked like an unfinished buggy rip-off and not just be bitching about some voice act shit.
>ywn go back to a time when jon hadn't been redpilled
who gives a shit
are you really not going to buy this game JUST because of this?
whiny bitch
It's our duty to buy copies for our friends too to piss of nazis
>talks about the TRUE sjw
>buys 3 copies to appease some liberal cuckstudio that celebrate diversity
Really makes you think.
This is great! Keep on the good fight follow warriors!
>t-they were never going to buy it!!!!!
Even if you don't buy a copy, they'll sell tons.
Even if the JonTron fans that backed the game demand refunds, it made all its money.
YES bros!!!!! Let's show these SJWs the real might of Sup Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, they won't. They're just a bunch of nobodies releasing an old school looking game. Jontron fans were their core audience, and they pissed them off to no end and outright mocked them, so gg.
If you´re not going to respond to someone´s comment don´t reply to them. Fuck off attention whore
If they don't want a bigot in their game, even his lines are literally gibberish not to mention irrelevant to his character in-game. Then Playtonic must also not want their game to be funded by bigots.
No body is asking for anybody to get fired or pushing for Jontron being put back in the game. Just a mere innocent refund. What is exactly criminal about this?
what? really?
>Jontron fans were their core audience
12 year olds are now nostalgia fags?
Reminder you are on the wrong side of history
I'm just supporting my Sup Forums bros!!!!!! Let's stick it to them!!
If you´re not going to respond to someone´s comment don´t reply to them. Fuck off attention whore
The thing that gets me is that if you watch any of Rare's "making of" videos you can tell they're all a bunch of raunchy cunts who love taking the piss. There's no way in hell that these blokes give one shit or a damn about women, queers, or colored people. This leads to the conclusion that there isn't much Rare floating around in the development tank and whatever publisher they've teamed with is forcing the whole matter as a PR stunt.
I personally hate ecelebs regardless of which side of the culture war they are on - and when nonwhites (read: the roach in question) champion white nationalism (saw a lot of this at HWNDU) I don't really understand what could possibly be motivating them other than intense self-hatred.
Either way, not issuing refunds because the company's PR holds an opposing politcal stance to paying customers seems quite unethical from the company's standpoint.
Reminder that you're a faggot who spends all his life caring about dumb shit online.
>what is population density?
Nice assumption. Wrong as fuck, but nice.
I'm just supporting my bros on the Sup Forums!!!!!!
>I will make claims about what an anonymous poster does with his/her life
This is the level of discourse with libtards? No wonder they lost
are you rusing me right now?
apologize Sup Forums
Why is Sup Forums so libcuck now?
wait you don't think jontron's fanbase are literal children?
This. PlayTonic was the last company I expected this from because I thought it was old Rare. Turns out it's just another cuckstudio.
it's shareblue
they've been here since gamergate but have been ramping it up in spite of their devastating defeat in the election
Rly makes you wonder
>flyovers and rural hillbillies
top jej
>eceleb gets taken out of a game
>expecting me to be upset
>tfw to intelligent too be a SJW of the right
Behold, I am economically ever so slightly conservative but socially progressive! You have never seen the likes of me before, so I understand if I'm intellectually intimidating!
>This is the level of discourse with libtards? No wonder they lost
>I will make claims about what an anonymous poster does with his/her life
They won, friendo :)
>Libtards: The Post
nobody likes you
seemed to be enough to win the election.
>but muh popular vote
You don't win at chess because you have the most pieces, sweetie.
No, I don't think people on the internet I don't like are all just children. Look for a better derogatory term.
Wow man, you're sooooo cool and witty. Please tell me more about the right and how badass and epic you guys are!!!! Trump FTW!!!!!!
I feel bad for them too but at the end of the day, they did this to themselves. They wanted to please NeoGAF and make it political, this is what you get.
Ughh you guys are becoming so cringy.
You seem upset :^)
How fucken new are you? Sharebue didn't even exist in 2014 dumb cunt, it's just the usual neofags.
Anyway that faggot had a heart attack because the Rothschilds want him gone.
>They won
>People in cities can't support Trump
kek, I'm glad he got in over Hillary. Doesn't make flyovers or rural losers any better. Only thing worse are southern cucks. I was only pointing out that the meme map you posted is retarded.
I've been looking forward to this game for a while. I'm not going to ignore just because some babbies are mad about some e-celeb bullshit.
It's interesting just how poorly they played their hand. In getting rid of JonTron they've essentially said it's okay for people to change their minds about someone based solely on political views, and yet are refusing to allow their customers to do the same, all whilst demeaning their own product to save face. I understand they were in a situation where no matter what they did some people would get pissy, but the way they've handled it is fucking spectacular.
Because the wind changed.
I dont think he donated, he was asked after tweeting about the game and how hype he was for it
>8 years
>You don't win at chess because you have the most pieces, sweetie
I haven't played chess in like 20 years but i am pretty sure that exactly how you fucking win
ctr/shareblue/anti-gg gamerghazians it's all the same libturd trash
it's not retarded. it shows how isolated hillary supporters are compared to the actual productive areas of america
Fuck no it's outsiders. Sup Forums never was and never will be liberal.
The newfags have taken over the board, if you couldn't tell. Not even 7 years ago Runescape, e-celeb, and game grumps shit wouldn't have been tolerated. Now it's posted unironically.
>jontron fans aren't children
I don't care about youtubers
Let talk about the game. From the first gameplay videos to this day the game look uninspired, AD look like shit, It's the work of people who are totally out of touch. And the gameplay look mediocre (the physic and gameplay phases look shallow . If AAA are the cancer of videogames, Normies Nostalgia and the Indiespocalypse are the cancer.
Wow!!!!!! Awesome man!!!!!!!! Haha, I'm totally loving this epic meme 8 years of Trump!!!!!! Yeah bros!!!!! He's one of us!!!
>apologize for Playtonic to setting off every grenade they could a week before their launch.
Fuck they could've just not said anything at all and no one would've been the wiser. God damn, they're stupid.
>been looking forward to this game since it was revealed
>not many threads about it usually
>internet man does a thing
>you can't talk about the game anymore without hearing about it over and over
Still gonna have fun with the game though, no doubt.
>8 years
>actual productive areas of america
>it shows how isolated they are
why don't you post a population density map
t. neofag
>actual productive areas
>Most of the money comes from cities
What did he mean by this?
I never I don't like em. I don't think about eceleb fandom but if you're honestly suggesting adults consider themselves "fans" of jontron, then idk what to tell you man. Best of luck in life, you have a lot of it ahead of you.
Now that Sup Forums is permanently on board in YL threads, what's the next step of Playtonic's plan?
Wow!!!!!! Awesome man!!!!!!!! Haha, I'm totally loving this epic meme 8 years of Trump!!!!!! Yeah bros!!!!! He's one of us!!!
Oh sure you take out a lot of pawns and knights, but the winning objective isn't simply "clean the table"
baito desu
But it is?!?!?
is "population density" your designated buzzword to attempt at swaying opinion here? you fail.
which states would survive without each other tho? hint: it's not the hillary voting ones