Um, how can we even compete?

um, how can we even compete?

Other urls found in this thread:!D9RUGIyJ!Qz0bLNB9uc-T5Ogtw85IEw

what, your dick isnt that big?

thats kinda gross desu im so used to having that shit pixelated that i cant watch it uncensored now fml senpai

stop shilling your cuck shit, liberals

By having a job. By not having a criminal record. By having an education.

Basically, by not being a nigger.

White girl here. Black guys are hot, regardless if they're unemployed or have a criminal record, I think we have a natural attraction to darker skin since it has the same association to masculinity as fair skin has to femininity.
Would still prefer to settle down and have a family with a white guy but for sheer lust I'd definitely go black. I say this hypothetically due to being from an all white country so it's not really an option.

source pls?

Sup Forums please go

I was gonna fucking say
Seriously thought I was on Sup Forums for a second

when watching porn, do you prefer huge cocks?
and for one night stands, I'm guessing that you would prefer a big dick, and for long term relationships, you'd prefer something more modest.

Probably because this exact thread was on Sup Forums within the last day

>ywn be bigger than 5 inches
Tell me It's gonna be ok

>we have a natural attraction to darker skin
stop projecting your monkey fucking desires onto other women you degenerate slag.

it's never gonna be okay for you
minimum is 8 inches to fully pleasure a woman

White girl here, too. I'd rather suck off the fattest, nastiest, smelliest white dude than let some nig ape touch me.

this is why I gave up women long time ago. Traps are much better fucks.

A thick dick is nice for porn. For sex I get off on being a sub so taking whatever the guy has and being happy with it is kind of my thing so long as their attitude is right.

stop being a cuck white boi
pic related, something you should be wearing

Is this some pathetic attempt at a raid?




took a long ass time to find the source of the original gif

that webm your watching was made by me

gif related, shitty short loop

This was posted here yesterday.

Tall, Dark and Handsome has always been the characteristics of the ideal man. Did you never consider why white female x black male is a much, much, much more common partnership than black female x white male?
Dark skin is a masculine trait and black females suffer from being seen as too masculine by white men.

>animals thread
>deleted instantly
>cuck shit
>still here

>I think we have a natural attraction to darker skin since it has the same association to masculinity as fair skin has to femininity.

Is this why patriarchial white men have such toxic masculinity you collosal faggot? ps mutilating your dick doesnt make you a woman.

More like false flagging nu/pol/acks from Sup Forums.
I hope nobody actually thinks these kind of threads are actually genuine.
>BLACKED posters with gigabytes of interracial porns on their harddrives calling others cucks
Oh the ironing.

That's called racism, dear

6.5 inches long.
5.5 inches around

Boyfriend has the perfect dick imo

Is she giving birth to a log of shit?

>only white people post cuck shit

>tfw not available via TOR


Toxic masculinity doesn't mean they represent the height of masculinity. Quite the opposite since those exhibiting toxic masculinity are usually insecure towards their gender and reflect negatively on women to compensate.
Highly masculine, confident men are seen as very desirable since they show tremendous respect towards women but embrace their position of dominance without ever allowing themselves to feel threatened by a womans challenge.

Pick one and only one.

It's called having standards.

holy shit


You're literally the problem with the world. Here's your (you)

tell you what, I'll upload the video to this mega folder!D9RUGIyJ!Qz0bLNB9uc-T5Ogtw85IEw

It's not in it yet but it will be. Just giving you the folder early if the thread gets deleted.