>"How about [item] for [item with similar value]?"
>jewfaggot24 has left the server
"How about [item] for [item with similar value]?"
>"How about (decently lower value than the median value for the item)?"
>"You're gonna have to come to my city to buy it though"
>Ambush him halfway through his travel with a bunch of friends and take his money and other dropped shit
>He threatens to make my life hell with his level 5320215 alt
>Never does
Good old MMO times.
>Nobody farms item.
>Item becomes extremly valuable.
This is the worst.
>Dude, it's not a trade in interested in if I'm not ripping you off
>item thats not hard or expensiv to make
>price tripped up because the recipe is a hellish lucky drop
>tfw you make a ton and the only other guy is buying it out so you dont compete with him
>setting up automatic macros/addons and undercutting by 1 copper whenever something gets posted
>guy selling item you want
>How much?
>make offer
>send offer
>*guy has logged out*
>how about [5% lower than market price]?
>[Player] is ignoring you.
How is that supposed to work?
If he's buying for 3x the price, how are you less competitive in the exchange? Is the guy selling for 5x the price?
>put up item so that when the cheapest listing is sold, mine will be the cheapest
>come back next day
>item is 3 times cheaper
God this makes me so angry.
>spend (____) buying an item
>2 hours later
>same item 3x cheaper
>I'll trade you your rare item for 5 of my common item worth the same price
How about fuck off
>mfw the only pleasure I got on WoW's later days (WoTLK) was auction house jewry
Hit the gold cap three times.
>every time I attempt to trade in any game I get ripped off or commit great acts of charity because I'm too stupid to grasp the basics of economy
up the price X% to make up for the buy in loss
>buy out the market and raise the average price by over 100%
>faggots undercut eachother like retards and crash the market again
Great stuff.
>make friends with only other person with acces to certain items to sell at equal prices as to maximize profit for both people
Literally the best feeling in online jewery
>Wrath of the Lich King
>Sitting in Orgrimmar
>Stuck on cooking, want to level cooking but require a fish that is only in a certain zone to finish a recipe
>None on Auction House
>Can't be fucked to travel and fish
>Unequivocally run the AH, have goldcap
>Do a quick /who on the zone
>Start PMing lowbies in the zone giving out contracts, 1kg a stack (insane amount of gold at that level)
>mfw I have all the fish I need within the hour
>Put item up on auction house
>say in trade chat you're buying it for double
>enjoy your free sheckles because some silly jew thought he was going to make money
>friend selling obscure item for allot of money
>stand on opposite place "buying" it for more
>works everytime
>allot of money
>Sell item for a price that is noticeably lower than the average because I just want to sell it quickly and get rid of it
>Everyone starts undercutting me anyway
>buy gold
>tfw helping new players out with some gold
Serves you right.
>new 774 story in five days
who hype here lads
Hey I was just trying to sell 1 item, they're the idiots for not just buying it up and continuing to sell at the usual price.
>buyer keeps making low bids
>"nvm found a higher bidder"
This is a blue board.
I'm looking for currency you fuck