>he fell for the Ryzen meme
He fell for the Ryzen meme
past_gane game
Ryzen isn't made for gaming but you can play games on it.
It only excels in processing/editing.
If they didn't add "gaming" nobody would buy it
>he is corelet
dat Crysis and GTA5 shutterfest on 7700K
Why do I think you're a shill?
ryzen isn't a meme friend its dropping the price of the actual CPU manufacturers
i fucking love ryzen for that
only idiots fell for this meme.
>bringing 4c/4t to i3 price
>4c/8t to cheapest i5 price
>6c/12t to unlocked i5 price
>8c/16t to entry i7 price
>if successful, Intel will have to follow suit, as well as make all Pentiums 2c/4t, not just a special edition
Y'all are always going on about how 4c/4t is the minimum for gaming nowadays, Ryzen is aiming for just that. You'd best fucking hope people fall for the Ryzen meme, botherman.
>Not even i7-7700k can run GTA5 on 60fps minimum at 1080p
Yes, Ryzen is not as good as the core i7.
But it is a good enough replacement, which will pay a KEY role when they start to roll out APUs with this chip and their undeniable superior GPUs.
A fuckton of long lasting laptops and "GPD-Win likes" using those chips.
>Over 100 frames of min/max difference
wew lad that's one shitty game engine.
get out of here pajeet
>75fps in GTA V
Intelfags on suicide watch
>average fps is the same
>7700K 5GHz
>min 47fps
Fuck GTA V
Implies GPU bottleneck
GTA V and Fallout 4 are literally the two worst optimized games for AMD. This is cherry picking. And even with that, if you're multitasking or streaming, Ryzen will do better than i7
And even with that, do you see those fps? They're far above 60 with Ryzen. It's a non issue.
>GTA V and Fallout 4 are literally the two worst ports
>Sup Forums defending an amd procesor with facts
Sup Forums is very smart and very bored.
The last thing you want to leave on Sup Forums is a button that launch a nuke.
Imagine being one of the unlucky guys who happened to be building their first PC when Sup Forums was shilling this shit.
>paying 1000$ less and having 3fps lower on average is unlucky
>Don't upgrade GPU because CPU is old and bottlenecked, and you can't afford wasting money
C'mon user, use your industry savvy.
I-it's frame latency, guys. L-lower is better!
Where's that chart that "btfo" Ryzen?
Because it was a frame timing chart, and yes Intel did have faster times, but also THREE TIMES as much difference between min/max, so it stutters like a bitch?
60 FPS + ~8ms latency difference is massively favourable over 80FPS + ~30ms difference, plus you're getting it cheaper too.
It could be worse, you could've fallen for the Kaby Lake X meme.