Are white people just inferior when it comes to making games?

Are white people just inferior when it comes to making games?
People of color have been kicking whitey's ass this year

>people of color

Are niggers superior in making games? Oh wait

>they don't make any

The yellows I suppose

Are you saying Japs white?
we're on team people of color. it's you vs the world, whitey

Have people of color made any good games?

>he thinks Japs and nigs are on the same team when it comes to game development

you love to group us all as shitskins when it's convenient for you, you filthy cumskin. people of color are getting ahead of you right now and you better be scared

Where? Where are they getting ahead outside of violent crime statistics?

cumskins commit more crime than most people of color. that's a fact

sjws consider japs to be white so this thread is pretty shitty

blacks just get the coffee while the superior race does all of the stuff that matters

is that why like 90% of american prisons are dirty niggers?

>people of color are getting ahead of you right now

>South America



>South Asia

You can't even figure out toilets.

You are fucking monkey that is a fact

Don't bring asia into this they are the majority of the world and don't need to be lumped with niggers

do japs look white to you?
asians literally came from africa you fucking mong. they are people of color

As someone who lives in St Louis I can tell you you are full of shit. Every night our news spends the first 15 minutes telling us how many niggers shot each other. Usually, around 10.

>you love to group us all as shitskins when it's convenient for you, you filthy cumskin. people of color are getting ahead of you right now and you better be scared


I wonder if they also commit the most sophisticated and profitable crimes.

good anecdotal evidence. Yeah that really helps your case

what does this have to do with whitey's inferiority at making video games?
also the only reason those people of color are in that situation is because cumskins literally destroyed their country

>also the only reason those people of color are in that situation is because cumskins literally destroyed their country

>shitskins can't even defend their own countries let alone make toilets

top fucking kek