What did you think of FFXV Sup Forums?

What did you think of FFXV Sup Forums?

It was pretty alright, but the story was disorganised and all over the place.

"gotta wait for the international version with two blurays discs worth of installation"

I liked it

I don't really like the combat either

I started the game and enjoyed it. Then I did what felt like 40 missions for that Dino fag until I got tired of wasting my time and wanted the story to continue so I just did main missions and well...it aint going anywhere.

Plus the combat isn't fun and doesn't make sense. Some enemies just destroy you, despite levels. Prompto constantly breaking the 4th wall is annoying.

And my one solace was to be finding cozy fishing spots--which there are, BUT your jackass friends won't shut up. NEW LINE! REEL THE ~OTHER~ WAY! EASE UP!!

Some cool aspects, but disappointed greatly/10

Made me crave Cup of Noodles

It's one of the weirdest games I've ever played. Feels like everything involving the gameplay was added last second, but its presentation and world are fantastic.

A mediocre game overshadowed by its peers.

Competing with Xenoblade X, Tales of Berseria, Nier Automata, Persona 5?
You better bring better than this shit.

>Prompto constantly breaking the 4th wall is annoying.

He's pretending he's a character from an in universe smartphone game.

Basically these, it was a fun ride and I enjoyed the characters bro'ing it up. Even that cheeky cunt Ardyn was so hammy it was hard not to enjoy him as an antogonist. The airship was a good touch. Definitely feels unfinished though.

Best FF.

This game surprised me. I ended up liking it way more than i expected.

The main problem of the game is in the presentation of the story, it had more things to tell than the game itself could handle.

Overall, it's a solid 9/10 for me.

Ardyn's VA is 10/10

>Prompto constantly breaking the 4th wall

I thoroughly enjoyed it and the new timed quests are extra added fun, but after reading about what this game COULD have been it really makes me sad. It was a clearly unfinished game with so much potential

Hunting shit in the open world was alright, but storywise way too much stuff happened offscreen or in loading screen or through phonescalls etc. and later on theyjust rushed through it


>It was a clearly unfinished game with so much potential
I'm surprised there hasn't been some hullabaloo about Tabata's recent comments on this.


I loved it, but it's really flawed

Also I didn't do any sidequests whatsoever, so that might be why I enjoyed it so much.


i kind of want to play it. i never had an urge to play any final fantasy before, so i also don't feel like paying $30 for it, since i've heard it's not great.

when will this piece of shit drop below $30 without special discounts?

I just picked it up again after completing the first chapter because the gameplay is just pure liquid shit and after the first tomb I think I'm about ready to drop it again. The story just fucking sucks, the gameplay is horrendous and the map is just pretty barren ground.