Horse pussy

horse pussy

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Makes sense, getting fucked is the only thing she's good at.

>ROBOT horse pussy

orisa's based on a bug you dunces

buffalo pussy


What did it mean by this?

Zoo thread?

looks BADASS

>4 legs
>made by a child genius

So what's this character like?
All i can tell from my 10 minute test drive in the training range is that she's just S76 with higher capacity, lower recoil, more health and with a more useful and overall just better toolkit.

Could only be better if she was a unicorn.

I want to cum inside rainbow dash

Her gun is great but her hurtboxes are fucking huge. She dies a lot quicker than you'd expect when her head soaks up all projectiles in a mile radius.

I dunno. The rounded armour plates and mandible-like design of the hair made me think of a beetle when she was first revealed.


/mlp/ pls.....

>using anything but the heracross skin

Has anyone else noticed Orisa's butt moves quite a bit during her Halt emote?
Not that I've noticed or anything

nice fucking sameface

Seemed to me she was Based more on a Cow
Cause of the Horns and the fact she was made in India and by a shitskin and that they worship Cows like they were the last Cow on earth


but she was made in africa user

When will she be available for ranked play? I avoid QP like the plague.

What did they mean by this?

nice toaster

OR15 is the best skin



It means the game's playerbase are autistic manchildren too shit to play TF2.

Do you play with a paddle?

>I don't think orisa's default skin could get any worse

Summon the almighty one.

Too bad i dont have related images

It's an ox or some kind of ugluate thing idk. not a bug.







why tf are there no Orisa SFMs yet

Sombra had sfms in hours of her release

>literally has a rhinoceros beetle skin

You can't just say horse pussy and not post related pics.


Fleshfags have terrible taste is why

They can't just tape Orisa's head to the top of a generic female body

There's literately no reason to call him.

Sorry you losers. It's in the game. It's part of her character now. So go complain about it to all your non-existent friends.

>wanting Lee Goldson anywhere except a shallow grave

>it has a BUG SKIN so it's definitely based off a BUG
Oh, alright, then I guess Pharah is actually a Native American, Torbjorn is actually a pirate, and that Zenyatta is actually a kid's christmas toy then?

Pharah's Thunderbird skins are taken from Native Canadian design work, which is what she is.

and mercy is a WHORE

>mfw she wasn't the next main tank hero


America the continent, leaf.

You think the Natives recognize your borders when your own people can't? I'm sure Muhammad's grateful

>be a shit Widowmaker
>can ALWAYS land headshots on that big fucking bowling ball Orisa has for a head


I'm saying the designs are Native Canadian, not Native American, you dumb slut

>Pharah is Native Canadian

Are you retarded?

I just want her to flirt with Bastion while waiting for the match to start

Half Canadian, Half Egyptian
It's in the comics

Orisa feels fucking great to play. She feels like, for like of a better word, a tank. Slow and lumbering but can take a shit ton of damage while dishing it out too.

Only thing I feel weak against when playing as her is Genji because of her slow projectile speed and his mobility. Also divecomp teams in general feel like they give her trouble.

So by that logic, would you also agree that Torbjorn is of pirate descent?

Orisa and Bastion is a great team up, I want more of them

>What a cute little bird!
>Bweep bweep!
>But not as cute as you

Rainbow cunt sticks out like a sore thumb.

>Sorry you losers. It's in the game. It's part of her character now. So go complain about it to all your non-existent friends.

Why are you so angry user.
We didnt even complain about orisa or the skin, we just memeposted

Yeah I know what you were doing. Lee is an autistic, dogfucking cuck that has no right being anywhere on Sup Forums. How dare you try to draw that faggot out of hiding, even ironically.

You seem to know more about that person than i do and you seem quite invested in your hatred.

I just know he comes and shitposts if ponies are mentioned.

>Autistic man children
>Playing TF2

Pick two

>TF2 player
>not an autist

She's pretty squishy but her abilities are awesome.

Am I missing something here?

Ponies are very tiny and hidden in spots.

Ask , he's the world-renowned expert on all things MLP.

Stop trying to push this false narrative

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

It's related to the twilight hammer guild in warcraft.

>Applejack is on the right side of the rightmost gold plate (the gold paintings lining the bottom).
>Rarity is near the two men hold spheres. The man with the crown is looking at her. If you go straight up from AJ, you will find Rarity.
>Twilight is just behind the chalkboard on the ground in the bottom-right corner. The man with the compass is looking at her.
>On the right side, above both the sphere-holding men and the people looking at the chalkboard; there’s a man writing in a book. Fluttershy is looking over this man’s shoulder.
>Rainbow Dash is resting on a cloud in the top-center.
>Pinkie Pie is on the chalkboard being propped up by a woman on the bottom-left. If you don’t believe me, look up the original picture, and you will see that the spot Pinkie is in on this board is blank.

are you fucking retarded?
it is shown in the comics and the skins are a nice hint

Halt! is an awesome way to maneuver the enemy team into ults and off cliffs.

Fortify is a lifesaver against Mei and Zarya's Ultimates, stops Reinhardt cold, and is a good CC-preventer and damage reducer all-around.

Her barrier is pretty weak, but stronger than Winston's and can be placed anywhere, and can give Reinhardt time to get his barrier recharged.

Supercharger is an awesome tide-turner, plop that drum down and protect it and watch the enemy wither and melt.


Also, can a mod please delete this Equestria Girls character named Watermelody
And this humanized Fluttershy here

Mercy's damage boost
Ana's nano boost
Reinhardt's shield
Dva's cannons
Zarya's gravity well

A shitty hybrid of everything

Orisa is a fun character to play.

Surprisingly good at all ranges with enough options to keep alive while you pull out after drawing too much enemy attention.

>being a degenerate


Kek does he really fuck dogs? What a fucking lowlife.


No, that's just a false narrative horsefuckers like to make up because they'll grasp at straws to find anything to try to make him look bad. If he actually did, they would've found court cases and shit like they did with Nick Bates.

>you can literally just derail threads you don't like by posting pastel coloured horses and the mods will come delete the thread you don't like for free
Wow, really makes you think...

I love when he pretends to be a third party, thinking it's not obvious as fuck it's him by his posting patterns.

I would smash that so fucking hard that the earth would split in two

He literately admitted to putting his penis in a dog's asshole.

Isn't that right... Lee?

How did you even find this thread?

That's disgusting

He's just as degenerate as the bronies

He has every single thread open and scours them all for any sign of ponies.

That's a mere photoshop someone made up to further this bullshit rumour.
How do I prove it? You can go to KiwiFarms where that was "supposedly" posted. Can't find it? That's because it never happened.
>lol that's because he deleted it
But I imagine the replies to it would still remain, and the supposed screencap and link would be in the first post of that thread, where all his info is.
But alas, it is not.

It's pretty obvious that the whole thing was made up by horsefuckers in a blatant attempt to cover up their own lust for fucking actual horses.

Dog Fucker

>provide actual evidence and theories as to expose the truth
>"lol no"
The idiots I find on this site sometime.

Lee, look. You're autistic.

You can't help yourself if you fantasize about fucking dogs anally. It's all part of the horribly disfigured and FUBAR cycle that is your genes.

This rumour and lie has been going on for a fucking year, so let me show you where this started.
Is this really what you want to believe? Some faggot's MSPaint drawing just so you could make yourself feel better about watching a shitty toddlers' show?


Oh so this is the source of 90% shitposting on Sup Forums.

did bronies kill this guys parents and rape him or something ?

I would believe just about any user with a screenshot of your autism attached to their post before I would believe anything YOU said. You have zero integrity.

And frankly, I'm having a hard time believing your dumb-doxxed ass claiming Photoshop when the rumor in question was you sticking a tip against a dog's asshole just to see what it "feels like". Somehow, that sound like it would be right up your alley.

At the very least, you can't deny you've yelled at the disabled for just being disabled. I know that for a fact.

>your autism
You mean someone else's hackneyed comments designed to deride someone else?

>Somehow, that sound like it would be right up your alley.
You are seriously deluded if you actually think this.