I love both these games equally; in terms of my favourite Elder Scrolls, it's a tie between these two. Favourite Scrolls & why?
I love both these games equally; in terms of my favourite Elder Scrolls, it's a tie between these two...
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Just replace skyrim with oblivion and all is right
>Just replace mediocre game with a shit game and all is right
What did he mean by this?
Because shit taste
Everybody knows Oblivion (mobile) is the best followed by Redguard, Shadowkey, Battlespire, Stormhold, Dawnstar
Rest don't even matter, who cares
I still give it to Morrowind. While it is severely dated and was very clunky for even its own time, Skyrim aged way worse because it can't really make it up with other elements than gameplay.
Oblivion > Daggerfall > Morrowind > Skyrim
Morrowind > Skyrim >>>>>>>>> Oblivion
best graphics
best mods
best worldbuilding, lore, location and main quest
best dungeons
best nothing
Morrowind > Daggerfall = Skyrim > Oblivion > Arena
Oblivion with few mods is incredible experience. Vanilla is shit.
Not even joking or being edgy. Morrowind is just sad and boring
>play morrowind
>NPCs stand in one spot doing nothing all day
>don't even sleep
Immersion killed, uninstalled.
Oblivion is best TES, just get one of the various mods that fix the leveling system (just like morrowind needs a mod to fix it's leveling as vanilla has the same shity problem)
Morrowind > Daggerfall > Skyrim >>>>>>>>>>>>> Oblivion > Arena
>best mods
wtf is this meme? trying to mod oblivion is fucking hell
Morrowind > Skyrim > Redguard >>>> Shadowkey > Oblivion > Battlespire
Lol @ all these kiddies who grew up playing oblivion on their xblox.
If you´re not retarded and get mods like FCOM to work you have incredible experience
I liked Skyrim's main quest more than Morrowind's
all the games have the same lore
Skyrim > Oblivion > Morrowind
>best mods
Oblivion doesn't have Tamriel Rebuilt
Trying to mod any TES game is awful, but Oblivion has the largest and most varied amount of mods of them.
Skyrim modding is much worse as even simple things like replacing animations only works via extensive workarounds.
>oblivion doesn't let me to go on the date with Argonian qt
I was disappointed
what mods are required to make oblivion as good as possible?
Oblivion with mods is good and best quests is a meme rationalization nostalgiakiddies tell themselves to keep Sup Forums cred
They'll usually go "muh unique landscapes" or "OOO motherfucker", oblivious to the fact that these make the game bearable, but not actually good in any way. World design, engine limitations and lore are fucked beyond repair.
I bet you think enslaving sap-lickers is wrong.
I'd enslave her in my bedroom.
>implying Dunmer aren't sub-mer
>all the games have the same lore
No, they don't. There are a few recurring books and characters, but Morrowind elaborates on everything much more than Oblivion or Skyrim do, especially through npc dialogue.
Morrowind also has the richest background by far, while Skyrim has little and Oblivion next to none.
Better Cities
Qarl´s Graphic/Texture high resolution stuff
FCOM (huge mod, 4 mods in one)
Some mod that fixed the retarded faces
I'll continue this.
Skyrim had some of the best landscapes
Oblivion had best guild quests and normal quests
Morrowind best main quest (possibly worst guild quests. Skyrim's guild quests are an issue too but at least they have a story and aren't fetch quests).
ESO had most memorable characters
I can actually agree with this. But
>ESO had most memorable characters
That's quite surprising
so. Was CHIM real?
Or was it a make believe story made up by an arsehole who played dress-up make with his 2 fuckbuddies?
Morrowind guilds > Oblivion and Skyrim guilds with an exception for Oblivion Thieve's Guild
Why doesn't Oblivion have villages?
>mod the game with better cities and open cities
>Turns out the engine is hardcoded to shit itself and not even a super computer could get good fps in the imperial city
Thanks Bethesda.
>mmm (lore friendly addition)
>real time lock picking (chance based, based on your skills, but in real time so gotta keep a lookout for NPCs/guards)
>live another live (alternative start mods, can also turn off main quest/gates until you wish to start it)
>no psychic guards mod, stops them hearing you in a house 50 meters away
>multiple leveling mods
>unique landscapes
>city expansion mod
>mod that adds more npcs travelling about
I don't see why retards think modding Oblivion is hard, it's not much different from skyrim. The above is my "base" gameplay mods for oblivion last play through (had smaller mods in there), genuinely the best TES experience I've had since daggerfall.
Is there a reason why it wouldn't exist?
>What is Hackdirt
they're all shit.
But that's 100% wrong. Do you mean the EXISTANCE of certain guilds or the related quests?
I can say one thing. Progressing in rank feels most natural in Morrowind, followed very closely in Oblivion. It's dogshit in Skyrim.
But the questlines for guilds is best in Oblivion. That's because Morrowind's didn't have one really. If we include the great houses like Telvanni, Morrowid scores some points though.
If you mean, simply, there are better guilds in Morrowind, I can say maybe. There's far more in Morrowind and the exclusive ones are cool. I think Dark Brotherhood is better than Mora Tong though and most guilds are similar in both. It's really just Morrowind had Temple plus Great Houses
FCOM is ooo+mmm+francesco+warcy made to run together without overlapping
Hackdirt was cool but it exists solely for one quest.
>but Morrowind elaborates on everything much more than Oblivion or Skyrim do
so? still the same lore
Which of these mods make the world into a jungle? Which makes the game more lore friendly? Which mod makes it not run like ass when modded?
Is there a mod which revoices and rewrites all lines of dialogue imperial officers have?
That mod list, how good is it in differentiating between colovia and nibenay? Did you include a revamp of the Mage Guild and a rewrite of Fighter's Guild questlines? Is the main quest no longer a bunch of fetch quests?
ESO had recurring characters that went along with the main story, that far outshined characters from the other games.
I'm not saying the others didn't have memorable characters (Vivec, Martin Septim, etc) but ESO had much more and several superior characters
Hell, unlike in Skyrim, where you will always side with the Empire, you actually will like all alliances leaders
There are a few jungle mods but nothing is going to fix Oblivion throwing the established lore down the toilet.
Probably because they had to gate cities behind loading screens.
>do you job, here's a bunch of busy work people in our line of work have to do
>here are a few harder adventures you need to do to prove your rank
>oh shit, things went wrong/I became worthy to challenge guild master
>hey you you're such an awesome dude
>fetch me this oh god you're so helpfun
>go beat this ancient evil you're the best of them all
>you are guild master now awesome!
Fuck this masturbatory shit
>NPCs stand in one spot doing nothing all day
Use mods, faggot.
Exactly, Oblivion is an abortion that can't be fixed.
>there are people who think making leveling and combat bearable makes it into a "great game"
I can't wait to wander into a no-longer-level-scaled cave and find a bunch of half naked amazonian stronk womyn! I don't need lore, this is what Oblivion is all about!
No, don't strawman. That isn't what happens in Oblivion at all.
>Thief's guild
>help the guildmaster escape his fate and you take over
>Dark Brotherhood
>basically assassinate the higherups because of you being tricked and eventually replace one of them
and so on. It's done rather well.
Skyrim did it wrong... Not Oblivion.
I like Morrowind and Skyrim. In fact it's because of Morrowind that I like Skyrim, because without Morrowind I would have never gotten into The Elder Scrolls.
Literally in my previous post:
>exception for Oblivion Thieve's Guild
>Dark Brotherhood
Yeah, you enter and a bunch of fucking autists who hate life and kill for fun act like children, love you from the start. Cancer.
At least being dragonborn (fus ro dah XD) gave me an actual reason to be awesome and special.
CHIM is in Lore.
The only on that has attained it lore wise is Tiber.
The vast majority of CHIM ideas are fanon.
The Dark Brotherhood is so fucking retarded, holy shit. I seriously wished that Bethesda just dropped them and made the Morag Tong joinable instead of those "lmao so edgy lets praise a non-god" faggots. Normalfags love them, though, so it ain't happening.
>Khajit hates you
>the rest are your FAMILY and thus like you
>Fighter's Guild
>you're a nobody
>Mage's Guild
>Nobody; gotta get accepted by all cities first
>Fus ro dah XD
Christ, you're just trolling at this point
It's complicated. It had a strong storyline but yes, the actual idea is a bit silly. Skyrim especially made it bizarre as fuck.
Oblivion and Skyrim for the fact I can stack fire, ice, and lightning on a bow and nuke shit. Morrowind has best world though.
Oblivion's Fighter Guild was the best for me. Getting expelled and then having to go rogue with Oreyn to take down your rival Guild. Shit was cash.
I wished that TES expanded more on the characters, Oblivion should have at least a few followers. Oreyn was my bro, would be nice to travel around with him.
Shame it's the least played guild from what I've heard.
You can get followers from all guilds but they dont' do much
>thinking oblivion was worse than skyrim
The fuck is wrong with you oblivion had the best story and questing out of all of them EXCLUDING the main questline.
>Hist is a normal tree who's sap makes you lose your memory and kill people
Dropped harder than a dog turd.
Dragonbone Bow + Chaos Damage + Fiery Soul Trap + 100 Stealth + 100 Archery
That's literally the last quest. It's actually not that bad a concept.
Oblivion is pretty good when you patch their faces
I'm conflicted. The Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion had some really good quests (Whodunnit in particular) but the concept is so grimdarkedgy.
Skyrim DB > Oblivion DB
Oblivion TG > Skyrim TG
Skyrim MG > Oblivion MG
Dragonborn > Shivering Isles
Dawnguard > KotN
>some people actually play TES for the stoylines
Fuck that, it's all about the sandbox, do what you want side of the gameplay. Hell with Oblivion I used a mod (can't remember it's name) that turned off the main quest so it could just be completely ignored.
Add in other gameplay mods with survival elements like eating/sleeping/camping and just explore & interact with the world. No TES game had a more "living" world than modded oblivion, that's the fun part of the franchise to me.
>It's actually not that bad a concept
Yes it is you fucking redditor.
>Reading this thread
I feel like the Elder Scrolls series suffers from the Zelda Cycle more than actual Zelda games.
Which tree mod?
>Oblivion is best for immersion and exploration
>has worst world design
>has worst lore
>has worst graphics and voice acting
It's not even grimdark it's really just edgy
>ywn join the cult of god-emperor cuhlecain in a grimdark cyrodiil crippled by daedra where you purge xeno elves in your airship using stolen futuristic ayleid and dwemer weaponry
Why live
The fuck are you talking about?
Oblivion is the most annoying game to mod and the most unstable with them, by far.
>Skyrim MG better than ANYTHING
>NPCs stand in one spot doing nothing all day
It came out 15 years ago you fucking retard.
Skyrim's College had only two problems. It was too short and that one dwemer dungeon had attrocious design.
Oblivion's Mage Guild had the most boring storyline in all three recent TES games, terrible lore breaking elements and unlikable characters. Its dungeons were cookie cutter and boring, as if they used the worst game had to offer for the questline.
Morrowind, anyone who says otherwise has Down's.
>that one dwemer dungeon had attrocious design
To be fair, that applies to all dwemer dungeons in the series.
Curious here, what elements of it were lore-breaking? I know Oblivion shitted on the lore but what is specific for the Mages Guild? You're talking about Mannimarco aren't you?
See this is where I take my opinion that Bethesda are the "masters of mediocrity" from. All of these games are equally shitty, all of their pluses and minuses even out and I don't really have a favorite even though I love the series as a whole.
inb4 >b-but it was retconned afterwards
So did Gothic.
You really got me with that argument.
it's like eucalptus leaves. A human eats it, they die. But if koala does, nothing happens.
It's entirely possible for Hist to only be usuable for Argonains
>had the most boring storyline in all three recent TES games, terrible lore breaking elements and unlikable characters.
Isn't that just Oblivion in general?
>Its dungeons were cookie cutter and boring,
Yup that's definitely Oblivion in general.
Shivering Isles was good, and the dynamic schedules were neat at the time. The world itself, including its plot, was ass. Crawl through a copy pasted dungeon with no unique hand placed loot in any of them to get some RNG chest at the end.
Fun, Todd, real fun.
I think the explanation was something about the Warp in the West? I still don't know how that makes any fucking sense. Even if there was a mortal Mannimarco left behind after he became a god why would he be so much of a fag and not one of the most powerful necromancers known in Tamriel like he seems to be in Daggerfall and ESO?
>Hist is a regular fucking tree
I like how you're ignoring a part of the argument to focus on saying "I-I liked it" for berserk amnesia.
I dropped the college quest as soon as a ghost appeared and told me that I'm special for some reason. I'm already a dragonborne, please stop. Also magic sucks major ass in Skyrim.
Let's all appreciate how Todd turned Sheogorath from a dangerous, crazy and unpredictable psychopath god to a cheeeeeese meme god.
I hate Oblivion.
>Also magic sucks
Considering you can win both mage questlines without using magic at all, it doesn't matter.
>ghost appeared and told me that I'm special
It's a subversion. They came to help you fix the future you end up entangled in, so you will be special. But only if you do the questline.
>critiquing questline you didn't play
Simply epik user
I don't like Skyrim much anymore.
I went into the game thinking it was better than it was because of hype & reviews but every hour I kept realizing just how much you still can't do and its flaws showed faster than the other Scrolls games I've played.
It became my least played Scrolls game which is a bit surprising to me. Morrowind is still my favourite mainly due to the lack of hand holding, the quest choices, exploration and the definitely the world building.
>has worst world design
Oblivion has some pretty good world design though.
It's a generic as fuck fantasy europe for it's general theme, sure, but it's also pretty well thought out with a lot of memorable locations.
>has worst lore
That's also not quite true. Sure, there's the whole >muh jungle thing but the lore it actually introduces is just fine
>has worst graphics
What world are you living in where oblivion looks worse than morrowind.
>>critiquing questline you didn't play
Nice reading comprehension. I didn't criticize the entire questline, but just stated the reason why I was not interested in playing it.
Put your hand up if you avoid Skyrims main quest so dragons don't spawn to ruin your playthrough.
The College quest line is shit, defending it is only defending your shit taste.
Oblivion has some pretty good world design though.
>lot of memorable locations.
This is a sign of shit taste dude, as much as I hated the Oblivion Manimarco bullshit it was miles better than whatever the fuck that was in Skyrim.
The dream quest, the one where you're stuck in a well because of the ring, climbing a mountain and aquiring a dangerous spell which one-shots you if you fuck up the process, the Ayleid puzzle, commanding the battle mages and assigning them weapons to charge in and take out the necromancers, learning about the black soul gem and how to charge it(Only at certain necromnacer altars and like once a month) and so on and on and on. Not to mention no spellmaking which was one of the only redeeming parts of vanilla Oblivion.
>The College quest line is shit
No more than Oblivion counterpart. It capture the feel of a guild better than most questlines though.
>pretty well thought out with a lot of memorable locations
>good world design
Randomly generating half the map and then tweaking it isn't what comes to mind when you say good world design.