Just lay your weapons down and suck my dick

>Just lay your weapons down and suck my dick.

Why did Valve feel this was necessary?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why did the valve add voice lines?

>You're ugly.
What did he mean by this?



>Pop quiz: how long's it take to beat a faggot to death? BWEP Sorry, time's up, you're dead.
How do they keep getting away with this?


Stop being so fucking childish, Valve

>DOMINATED! and I've been shaggin yer wife!

How is it that Sup Forums haven't completely shat on the entire Valvo corporation for one black guy cuck voiceline?

>the infiltrator is short circuiting my automatic turret!

volvo pls nerf

Soldier - Casual level is here
Spy - Mastermind level is here

>t. infantile spy main

t. spy main

>Valve never bothered to expand on that line with one of their Meet The videos
One job, Valve.

>cuck voiceline from the black guy
>it's the German who's the victim
Is Gabe Logan Newell, dare I pronounce it to the world, a crimson pilled /ourguy/?

>mad soldier mains

>Go back to TF2 because Overwatch's meta sucks ass
>mfw re-discovering the magic of Mini sentry Engie

>tfw inconsistent as fuck (some days I'm killing everything on two shots, other days I can't hit a fucking Heavy in front of me) so whenever I try to go on a Widowmaker Engie streak, I fail miserably

Take you 800 hour ass back to skial 24/7 2fort

This Gabe knows.

That exact shit happened to me, mini sentry aside.

Man Overwatch just puttered out.

>Then he used his white people money to buy two of every minority on earth. And then he herded them onto a closed space... and then he gassed the crap out of every single one!
wow valve. racist much!?!?!

It's true, soldier kills people ez and carries entire teams because he's OP, has no counter, and there's not one nerf in his future.

When's the last time you've seen a spy kill you or do anything for that matter? He is the fucking hard mode. Soldier is babby tier meant for people who think they're some competitive e-sport player because they can rocket jump real fast.

Engineer is objectively the best class.
You can't prove me wrong.

>Class sucks and is terribly balanced around competent teams = class requires skill to play

I still kill plenty of people as stock spy in pubs

You have to work for your kills, but I still think he's the most enjoyable class.

>I'm the cook
wtf steam???

>has no counter

Wait, isn't Medic completely insane and obsessed with cutting people open and fucking with organs? How does he have a wife? What does she look like? I'm fucking scared guys.

I'm jelly. All i can somewhat dominate with is soldier and scoot to an extent, good enough for pubs, but i hate playing both of them. Scout not so much but just getting tired.

>not countered by sentries, heavies, and shots from a range


I think he was saying pyro is soldier's counter.

>Sup Forums getting triggered by a black scottish cyclops insulting a kraut by saying he was fucking his wife.

The man's so fucking inebriated 24/7 (because he's a fucking abomination and he knows it) that I doubt what he said even has any ground in the reality of the game's world.

It's the pigeon.

I was.

But what about the tickets to the Gun Show?

>go back to TF2
>mfw when gitin gud as scout

Cow Mangler

ah. that makes sense. My bad.

But then again, I don't think so. Pyro has the airblast reflect, yes, but it suffers from having to get to close range to deal respectable damage.

Meanwhile, the soldier is already shooting the pyro's feet at a rate of 60-40 damage per "hit" that it would be difficult for the pyro to reliably reach the American with a speck of health.

A reference to the Soldier vs Demo update comic (they were supposed to go to a gun show before they got in a bitter fight). So technically I guess he actually wasn't drunk when he said that. Or maybe he was, and was just taunting soldier because he ain't going to the gun show no more.

you don't seem to understand the difference between skill floor and skill ceiling

spy has a high skill floor, low skill ceiling - currently, he's one of the worst designed classes in the game, depending on gimmick kills to be remotely effective

soldier has a low skill floor, high skill ceiling - the difference between a decent and great soldier is fucking immense

What's the best GL for Demo? By offense and defense perspective

cause pol isnt what you think it is you racist nigger

I'd say basic launcher for both, normal sticky bombs too.

If you wanna get special, then I'd say Loch and Quickie against big sentry nests. And Demoknight for fun. Has to be Targe and Eyelander with Booties or Peg-leg for dat SPEED BOOST

>when ubering a Pyro
>This is just like that time in Auschwitz!

jesus christ valve

_ ____ __ ____ _______

I prefer spies to snipers every day of the week.

Wow, Valve thought that "THAT" happened?

The Iron Bomber is one of the best sidegrades in the game. It's a fun mini-deterrent because who wants to stand on a grenade even though it would only hit for about 20 health?


I want to play Soldier?



>Medic put his wife's brain inside a bird


Because it happened in a magical age before this shit.

>Wow women have brains and it's as small as a pigeon's

>dominate demoman as engineer
>"Back to the plantation, you cotton pickin' NIGGER!"
how did this get through QC?

lol no

Even back when demoman was introduced people were going "wtf why is he black? his concept showed he was originally a scotsman stereotype."


i don't even care about the game anymore i just want more shit with these characters
>tfw no tf2 adult swim show


>in your language, eat cum faggot
What did he mean by his?

>tf2 adult swim show

My negroes. Overwatch got boring after like 200 hours, and here I am at almost 3k in TF2 and I'm
still finding new shit to have fun with.

>Pyro that high up
I main Pyro and you're full of shit

>no tf2 adult swim show
It was Valves fault

>we'd like to make a cartoon
>okay but we have this thing called a "deadline"
>ha ha nope sorry to waste your time

>tfw TF2 is a game in Venture Bros and Venture Bros is a show in TF2

Pyro is really hard to play against people who aren't bad desu

>reading all these fake lines in their voices

>Double S beats hammer and sickle, look it down!
I wonder what is the meaning of this phrase

Play defensively, stick to enclosed spaces such as corridors, attack from behind (backburner helps), don't be afraid to use the airblast + Reserve Shooter combo. The only people who complain about it are the pussies who think that the game aims for you.

Remember when we looked forward to updates?


Glad they cut this one down in retail

Double S = Stars and Stripes

I love you guys

noone even saw those concepts until way after release, stop talking out of your ass

>go in enclosed spaces so a soldier can shit on you while he waits for you to reflect
>backburner against good players
>reserve shooter against good players
At best you'll be reduced to playing airblast bitch and sitting on your medic/heavy and trying to keep spam away from them or babysitting an engineer


This is an actual skill difficulty scale by mechanical skill

>not even putting in "FRIENDLIES"

>putting pyro above engineer
Me again, you're full of shit

Christ alive, I remember when spies were retarded to disguise as medic because they had no uber bar.
And when you could disguise as a spy and try to run through the entire enemy team, and they would just try to go around for five minutes straight and not suspect a thing.

any class can be friendly


Why are the characters so fucking good in tf2 compared to overwatch? Is there even a single character in overwatch who has soul like this?
I could see 2017valve doing this actually. As long as someone else makes it, they'll just slap their logo on it and make millions off of it.

eh I do give engi too little credit because I dont play engi that much, but my friend who's a plat engi says it isn't so hard, but you could say its harder than Pyro

>At best you'll be reduced to playing airblast bitch and sitting on your medic/heavy and trying to keep spam away from them or babysitting an engineer
What's wrong with playing support/defense

there are a lot of things missing from this list

>You're alright

everything desu. why bother playing if youre not gonna play a class that can frag?


>t. heavy main

Valve would be redeemed in Sup Forums-Sup Forums's eyes once the his MEET THE came out. Valve knew a Black Scottish Cyclops was peculiar and did it to be funny.

>Uber a spy
>He starts flashing white and is unable to move

What did they mean by this?

t. scout main
scout isnt so difficult lmao you just need good aim and thats pretty much about it. I'd say that skill ceiling-wise solly and demo are way harder than scout

>sniper and scout
>you're alright

Why bother playing Scout, Medic, Heavy, Sniper, Spy, Engineer?

and? they still deserve to be on there as cancerous

frags aren't everything you kno