Mass Effect

>2017 RPG
>small spoilers
>arrive at new galaxy
>ancient tech that teraforms planets
>big bad evil guy wants to use ancient tech to kill more
>your asspull OP AI understands everything in life
>you stop big bad evil guy from killing everything
>he was just a pawn of a bigger plot
>game ends

What the fuck is up with this writing? Everyone is overdosing on these memes when the biggest fucking problem is the writing is shit in an RPG game, fuck me.

I'm having fun with it desu

Same. Combat is fun and the game still feels a little like Mass Effect but you can't deny the writing is garbage tier.

I mean most of the criticism for this game is valid but can also be applied to the previous ME games
>bad animations
ME games have never looked good.
>bad writing
>bad characters
How many good characters were there in the original crew? Garrus, Tali, Liara and Wrex? Nobody gave a shit about Kaiden, Jacob, Miranda etc. Andromeda has some good ones and some shitters.

>you stop big bad evil guy from killing everything
>he was just a pawn of a bigger plot
>game ends
DLC confirmed.

user are you fucking autsitic? I literally said nothing about bad animations or characters, just fucking writing and yet you bring it up? Are you a biodrone?


ME3 just had shitty ending, if you compare the overall story of ME3 and Andromeda there is a huge fucking difference

Are YOU autistic? I never said you said any of those things, that's just the general criticism of the game. Calm down. And ME3's writing was just as bad if not worse than Andromeda.
>Illusive Man
>the endings
I could go on.

Sure wasn't perfect but comparing the writing to that of fucking Andromeda is just stupid. There are no plot twists, no omg momenets, nothing. Probably the most unexpected thing that happens is that you find out the kett were created by exalted angara - big fucking deal. All im saying is that a SP game needs to have a strong main story, not filled with shitty mmo style grind/fetch quests.

God damn why does the armor in this franchise STILL look like shit? Gimmie something like pick related instead of autistic fishbowl and plastic looking garbage.

>Bland cast that is sort of just there
>Mediocre story
>Shoed in "diversity" literally the first sidequest in the game is saving an Indian guy from a white guy, so many NPCs look like Tumblr-designed faux Asians
>Awful character models, performance and optimization
>Meanwhile, a fucking ton of RPG elements added, character building is back and better than ever, weapon crafting/ customizing is great, the level design is surprisingly decent, the jet pack adds a ton of fun to the gameplay and the core gameplay is fun
>They even added the MAKO back

It's actually surprised at how ludicrously fun the game is, especially after ME2/3's Gears of War in Space gameplay. Bioware can actually make a good game if they wanted to, too bad their priorities are elsewhere.

>arrive at new galaxy
>ancient tech that teraforms planets
>big bad evil guy wants to use ancient tech to kill more
>your asspull OP AI understands everything in life
>you stop big bad evil guy from killing everything

Does the fact that your guys wandered into a different galaxy and decide to fuck shit up ever appear as a theme in the plot?

>no plot twists
>no omg moments

>omg the Illusive Man is actually indoctrinated?!
>omg the Reapers were actually created by the Leviathans?!
>omg the Crucible is actually the one controlling the Reapers?!
Give me a break, the writing in Andromeda might not be big and fancy but it's not cheesy hackneyed cliches at every turn.

more like at least 2 sequels

Aye, gona keep an eye at potential dlc/sequel. If they actually learn from their shitty mistakes this shit has some potential(probably won't but oh well)

not really, you go there and shit starts going really badly, you find 1 hostile alien race, 1 neutral alien race that fights the hostile dudes and some leftovers of this advanced robo race

Say what you want but I would want the action packed/actually interesting and epic story of ME3 than this borderline snorefest Andromeda was.

Probably half assed DLC. There's no way EA will let them live after this failure. Time to join Visceral games in the ditch.

>add the mako back

Did they fail sale number wise?

Is shit effect 3 worth playing if it were free(pirating this shit)?

Or should I just spare myself the agony of playing this cancer?

Sales are bad enough that they had to make the trainwrecks price 25% off so one can assume.

sorry i meant andromeda.

>expecting good writing from Bioware
>in 2017 no less

Mass Effect 3 had indeed some really fucking shit writing, but it had some good parts aswell. I remember enjoying the part with the korgan and genophage and the quarians and geth.

The NOMAD is suprisingly decent.

It still manages to be annoying at the start since someone thought it would be a good idea for the game to teach you how to drive it late into the first planet instead of when you first get it.

I kept failing to drive uphill for the whole planet and had to use the boosters, and when I reach the end of the first planet? The game says "switch to 6-wheel drive mode to go uphill"

I dont know user, i think it looks pretty sexy

That reminds me more of Halo 4 than it probably should.

Nope. That shit is more JUST than halo 4's horrible designs.

>the biggest fucking problem is the writing is shit in an RPG game
There's no such thing as a well written videogame, let alone RPG.

Writing should never be a central part of a videogame.
If it is, you have failed as a videogame developer.

No, those 20% sales are from only the PC version and only on cd key websites like GMG.
Those sites selling the game for 25% off is precisely the point of those websites.
Do you honestly believe they would put up a sale in just 2 days after launch?

>mako has no guns now
Sounds like a shit change on paper,is it that bad in the game too?

witcher 3 + its expansions say fuck off cunt

It's actually surprising how well it handled.
You'd think the game would glitch out when you tried doing shit like jumping with it between buildings, but by boosting and jumping you can literally drive over outposts.

The entire game, from how it's structured, to how it's been developed, and what the focus of the game is, reminds me a lot of MGSV.

Ah yes, The Witcher 3, the game that's 90% doing favors to do favors to do favors to know where Ciri might have been.
And of course, you'll mention the Bloody Baron, who is a proof of excellent writing because he lied about slapping his wife.
Don't even bother.

It was written by the Halo 4 writer, which explains everything. ME1 was decent because it didn't overly rely on space-magic mystical bullshit and then they decided to fill this one with it.

I don't really give a shit if it has space magic or whatever but literally NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS IN THE WHOLE MAIN STORY

This. Felt like a whole new fucking game. Slavs care and are based so it doesn't suck ass.

>ME1 was decent because it didn't overly rely on space-magic mystical bullshit
No, it just followed literally every single cliche in the ''generic space opera'' book, down to the awakening of an ancient evil.

Give examples of good writing, i'll wait.
>You can't

Citizen Kane

I can't give examples of good writing in videogames, there's none.
Videogames are written by talentless hacks and fanfiction posters who wouldn't make the cut in any other industry.
They only do so in videogames because the bar is set as low as possible. Videogames are the industry where the best examples of writing we have are Deus Ex, Thief and MGS2.
And people seriously ask good writing from this?
You don't want good writing, a fucking superhero movie-tier plot would satisfy you because that's all you've ever known.

Not him but fuck off, the Bloody Baron storyline is some of the best writing in gaming.

What is he a pawn of?

>Citizen Kane
I said give examples of good writing.
Try again.

It's so you exit the Mako and fight yourself.

This guy and Heart of Stone was written really well.

>hey, I hit my wife
Jesus christ, it's pure genius, I can feel Shakespeare breaking down in tears.
Seriously, it's hilarious how ridiculously low the standard for writing is in videogames that a character just lying is considered good writing.
Happened with this, and happened with Huey in MGSV.
It's fucking laughable.

Explain why.

People like that should quite literally be put to death. Hating on stuff like the bloody baron questline, the heart of stone questline and such - i don't understand. Either baiting or fucking retarded but in both cases autistic as fuck

Compared to Shitcher, or video game writing in general, even LotR is high literature

>small spoilers
>spoils the whole fucking story

God fucking damnit I hate people like you.

KOTOR2 is actually well-written.

I never said anything about him hitting his wife. The storyline as a whole is well written. Funnily enough, the worst writing in Witcher 3 is the main quest. You have some stellar writing in the side quests like Djikstra, Dandelion, Bloody Baron, the tower of mice, etc

That could be easily fixed by proper level-layouts,instead of removing content and making a choice that doesn't make sense.
Not the guy you were talking to but he's a really big cliche.

Why, because I admit that writing in videogames is garbage?
Because it's a fact that ''HE LIED'' is not good writing?

Isn't this the quest that ends in

The Mako's gun was always shit, don't pretend you didn't have more fun bowling people over with the tires.

overdesigned trash

The heavier cannon was fucking top, m8. Give it a knockback effect and balance it with upgrades so it doesn't start overpowered and end the game useless, and it'd be fantastic.

>muh AI
>muh SAM
typical sequelitis, shits all over the established lore
one random guy just happens to find out a way to develop AI that makes the whole geth and reapers fixation over synthetic life look like idiots

Sounds pretty damn similar to ME1's plot.

>me games have never looked good
the character animations in me1 are vastly superior to mea

Hyperguardian is better.
Look at this, it's so fucking bulky.

Djikstra's initial questline where you help him get his treasure back is phenomenal. Oh and let's not forget the Skellige questline. Or Yen's questline. Literally the only bad writing in Witcher 3 is the main quest and the fetch quests. The side quests are all amazing.

I still don't see examples of good writing anywhere.

>people that expect an ounce of quality should be put to death
>people that aren't completely mindless should be put to death
Fuck off Pol Pot

Aw fuck yeah m8 I've been saving up to make this because I wanna be a bit tankier. This shit looks nice. What are some good assault rifles? I just made the Valkyrie last night.

That intro level fantasy drivel.
Nice attempt.

I want to write Andromeda 2. I know I could do it, and better than what BioWare's stock could. I just need to make them notice me.

>That icon for Cora

ME games didn't have 10/10 graphics, but the problem here is the horrendous facial animations and voice acting


>implying the witcher 3 and is expansions is not quite literally the highest quality game we've had in the last 10 years

how is the MP?

Is hating on Tolkien the single greatest tell of an underage?

Yet it still easily outshines any writing found in video games, who are mostly just bad derivatives of it anyway (at least fantasy). Really gets your noggin joggin

>Gaunter O'Dimm
>Master of Mirrors
>Mirror of God
Heart of Stone focuses on Olgeird on how he was desperate to not look like a poor tool to his wife's family. O'Dimm takes joy in peoples naive suffering and grants him a wish for wealth in exchange of a "favor". That favor ends up killing his brother, stealing his emotions, making Olgeird kill his misses' father and then killing his wife. And in the end when he came to collect his soul by tricking him to stand on a moon painted floor to fulfill his contract of standing on the moon.

What do you mean Cliche? O'Dimm is probably the absolute best rendition of the devil ever made.

It's the hyperguardian one with the N7 helmet though, I don't like the hyperguardian helmet since it's mostly cristal, looks goofy.
And for me the best rifle is the one i'm holding in that pic since it's basically a minigun.
Not very accurate, but it shoots fast, it's called Soned.

I don't "hate on Tolkien", in fact I really enjoyed his works. I just realize that it isn't the second coming of literature Jesus

its decent you can prob get good 10-20 hours out of it but its very sameish, differecne classes with difference abilities and its just defend the point from attacking enemies not amazing but dece

Dont bother with these faggots, its as if they hate RPGs

>O'Dimm is probably the absolute best rendition of the devil ever made.
That's it, I'm out.

Don't understand how that's bait but okay be autistic like that. Doesn't make what I said untrue.

>Slurping this much pole cock when even rdr did the same character years ago

Oh cool I got a Soned 3 from a chest last night but haven't used it because I just made the Valkyrie. I'll check it out.

>I cannot refute this post so I'll say you slurp pole cock!

>Literally not even reading the rest of the sentence

I read something somewhere here on this pakistani tea forum that the most dialogue and scenes in the game, like about 90%, are light-hearted, abundant with jokes (no matter good or bad) and playful, that there are only a few handful instances where the tone is somewhat serious, professional and ...dark.

Is this true?

It sounds like a badly made discount version of The Citadel DLC but an entire game instead of a single DLC.

I want BioWare to write a Fate RPG!

Pretty much yea. It is very clear that the game is a lot more light-hearted then any other mass effect game. Pretty sure it was aimed at teens in their 15s-16s

Do your choices matter?

Or do the just change some numbers on a menu?

>Writing should never be a central part of a videogame.

They tries real hard to make Ryder unlike Shepards so when you're not doings serious plot things they tends to be snarky. And in plots things they gets very panicky.

On the main story, no they dont. if you dont do all side shit some irrelvant NPCs die at the end but other than that theres only 1 ending.

Well, they'd probably manage to make it even worse than Nasu, so I'd like to see it for the cringe value

Why focus on something that will never be good?

I hate on Tolkien because pages and pages of hobbit songs and verses is not my cup of tea.

from quite literally all the 90/100 rpgs out there, please go fuck yourself until you die

From someone who has read stories with more complexity than a Marvel movie, please, stop having shit writing.

As somebody who played all three and is about 15hrs in to Andromeda >Here's my take
I've been enjoying it and on the highest difficulty it's given me a good challenge. The frostbite engine was a great idea and the game really feels designed for you to explore. The only movement barriers it seems are the hard walls the game puts on its borders. It's definitely still a good mass effect game and it has elements from others thrown in and combined to make something new.
> EX: mining is done from neo-mako and you drive around and place a probe on a planet instead of shooting a probe from the Normandy.

But the writing is so annoying. It feels like every other dialogue exchange centers around "how much fun" that was supposed to be and how much fun ur having and if you pick the no fun allowed option the answers they give back to you are always cringey FUN IS MOST IMPORTANT answers. Like bitch I just told you it wasn't a good idea from a tactical perspective because lives are at stake and ur talking about fun. I don't know it just stuck out to me. And finally holy shit those facial animations sometimes. >or lack of animations
It's like watching emotionless mannequins, but it's hilarious enough for me to overlook terrible craftsmanship, you may not agree but the core gameplay outshines it's main flaws.

TL;DR cutscenes suck, games decent. If you liked any mass effect you'll probably like this.

>ME3 just had shitty ending

When will this meme die? ALL of ME3 was fucking garbage.

And that's why you aren't my nigga. The hobbit info-brick in Fellowship was fascinating. And Tolkien's the only fantasy writer I've seen capture just how often friends sing like retards at each other.

I'm not saying it isn't a slog in a bunch of parts, but just dismissing it all as trash is the definition of a contrarian.

>using epic unironically

Bravo Sup Forums