Dude don't cap you tryhard!

>Dude don't cap you tryhard!

trump is gay

>hightower servers

Why do people hate Trump?

While I agree with you in 99% of cases, capping in TF2 arena is just rude. Only cap if someone is just hiding or not playing.

Because he's an asshole.
Always was. always will be.


>why do illegal terrorists hate Trump

Pretty obvious desu

he's incompetent

>Why do illegal aliens, communists and criminals hate Trump?

Because they have to go back.

If someone uses the word tryhard as an insult you know they are the most butthurt little scrub imaginable.

Their Ego is so hurt they need to delude themselves, that if someone is better at the game than them, his personality or character must have some serious flaws.

>low energy president
>HUGE mistakes within the first month in duty
>always muslim tier angry

He has a big mouth, which makes him the elephant in the room in politics.

Trump University scams

>muh fee-fees

Wow, racist

The PRC hates him because he's going to make them give back the mainland to the ROC.

i call anyone who beats me a tryhard and anyone i beat a shitter

i think i subconsciously call people tryhards because i love it when people do that shit to me, it feels great and i want them to share the feeling with me

I don't like cockiness

He's a fake-ass phony and his fanbase is more obnoxious than Sony's and Undertale combined.

He's successful and that brings jealously

>Enemy team plays normally
>I join
>Rip the enemy team a second asshole
>After dozens of futile class switches the enemy team suddenly starts a conga line
>Kill them again
>"We're having fun user, why do you hate fun, fucking tryhard!"

dream on, he's (been) transformed to Bush lite already

That's the reason, though. If he didn't refer to women as fat pigs or attack everyone who disagreed with him people would like him.

Two divorces, four bankruptcies. Failed endeavors. Yup. He's successful alright


4 billion dollars

100+ successes for every failure

Migggght not not want to use cartoons made my a white supremacist to get your point across. Just a thought.

>he actually thinks Ben Garrison was a white supremacist

The only thing that counts is the end result and in the end he made a shitload of money.

he's also the POTUS

seriously i think trump is a dum dum doody head but saying that he's actually a "failure" is the most retarded shit ever. he's extremely successful, especially when you consider what he's working with

not even confirmed considering he won't release any recent tax returns

Cause he probably sucks at video games as badly as he does at being president


>supporting Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison

And what's wrong with white supremacy, again?

Yup. You're jealous alright

it lowers your value as a human being

He doesn't make me feel at ease as a president, he's too chaotic and opinionated, he's also very dumb and belief the most retarded shit. This is no longer about MUH ELECTION, the guy doesn't cut it as a president, in a lot of fronts and ways.

>but saying that he's actually a "failure" is the most retarded shit ever.

Republicans have control of all the branches of government and couldn't repeal Obamacare.

He fails so hard he even failed on the unfailable.

>women are shallow, hypergamous, treacherous

drumpf sucks

I hate him because he made this godforsaken board 20x worse than it was before which I didn't even know was possible

And what's wrong with that?
Individualism is cancer and led to the fall of Rome.

He's still anti semiotic,racist and homophobic.

guess who stopped the bill
not democrats

Heh...emotion is for the weak...

*teleports away*

>four bankruptcies
out of hundreds of businesses

it thought it was because of conditioned air

>having billions of dollars means youre unsuccessful if youve lost some money at some point

why is tryhard an "insult"? what is wrong with trying hard? should i slack off and let the enemy team win?

Sounds like people hate him because of hurt feelings than policies.


Only people with double digit IQs are unironic white supremacists/nationalists

That post started out promising, but then spiraled down into emotional argumentation and nonsense.

The person who wrote it is clearly less intelligent than they think they are.

>Uh-oh, looks like my retarded ass-backwards plan made to benefit the insurance industry (as opposed to the people they insure) isn't gonna pass because it's fucking retarded. Better call it off, that way no one will think that it was gonna fail!
I wouldn't have believe something as stupid as that would fool anyone had it not been for you. Oh americucks, when WILL you learn?

You're meant to have fun in games, not "trying hard" like your own life was at stake.

>He doesnt know politics should focus more on feelings than policies.
Ugh white nationalist nazi bigot much.

It's the thing losers say then they suck at something other than dick.

Video games are sjew nu-male libcuck shit, fuck them

>tfw quad digit master race

>lies about science / climate, scraps bills that protect it
>Russian ties
>tax cuts for the wealthy
>a fucking wall what the fuck is this, ancient china?
yup, looks like feelings to me too bud

We are going back to the days were bullying and asshole demeanor is celebrated instead of being condemned or at least avoided. What a world.

i like you now have to backpaddle after the 05 was leaked and he payed more than fair share bernie

not his plan, ryan's plan.
>3rd world street shitter in charge of foreign politics

It's more he damned near killed millions of people by attempting to cut their insurance with no plan to give them something better, and his cronies are going to make it so that companies can nickle and dime you for everything you do on the internet and can start dumping poison in your drinking water and forests, but ok

Maybe playing video games like their life was at stake is what's fun to them. Anyone who opposes this sounds like assholes to me, desu.

sounds like hurt feelings to me

Shut up cuck

>the leader of the United States is shitposting on Twitter

>>We are going back to the days were bullying and asshole demeanor is celebrated

>going back

Normies always celebrated bullying and asshole demeanor

People love to follow extrovert loudmouths, clever or not, since the beginning of humanity.

Minorities and their opinions are meant to be silenced.

Don't bother. Any legitimate issues regarding Trump are swept under the rug by his rabid fans and then they call you a cuck snowflake for disagreeing with them.

die sjw cuck

>ryan's plan

It's never Trump's fault, he always blames someone else.

Sounds like a total C U C K

>Why cant he be like the democrats and give us clean water

some of your points are valid but his so called Russian ties are pure unproven propaganda and your argument against the wall isn't very convincing either

Sounds like typical president stuff to me. No one complained when Obama had some shady polices and ethics.

>implying im not american myself
>implying i didnt just use americuck so you would actually READ my argument instead of just calling me a hurt feelings liberal
>implying it isn't his plan because he's been at several of the top meetings where it was formed
of course he doesnt want his name on it, now that its a complete failure. He's all about branding and your brainless dumbass self buys into it.
All you replubicucks that scream to repeal ACA don't even know what the fuck it does or what the fuck it means for you. you just know it's got obama's name on it and so you hate it

His lies are blatant, obvious, constant and he will never ever admit to have lied.

Fascism and nationalism are based off emotion.

When Trump gets arrested for treason, do you think he will be executed?

>No one complained when Obama had some shady polices and ethics.
>No one complained
holy fucking shit the delusion

this legit makes me angry

Good, brown people are the people who can't play vidya since their life is already a shitty CoD map.

You can only perpetrate treason by selling out your country to a nation we're at war with. Even if he did have ties to Russia, which I don't believe he has, it wouldn't be treason.

>"my" argument
how about the argument that it's a fucking wall you dumb ass nigger
the last time that shit was an effective way to keep people out was the fucking stone ages you moron.
if you look up ACTUAL facts (not alternative ones aka lies) you'll see that most of the people who are illegally in here GOT IN *LEGALLY* and just stayed after there visas expires. a fucking wall is gonna stop maybe 0.001% of people at best.

How about this for the wall: It's an expensive boondoggle meant to make dumb americans feel like they can blame their problems on an outside force instead of their own incompetence. It's not my fault no one will hire me to clean toilets, it's because the dang old lazy mexicans are snatching up all the work!

Not to mention it definitively will not do anything to stop illegal immigration to the states.

He didn't offend me but he did offend others. It's very professional of him when he constantly takes shots and insults those that disagree with him. He's like a 14 year old on a message board.

>Russian ties

who gives a fuck? Seriously. It really is fake news. The russians didn't force people to vote for Trump (in fact it was radical democrats that were forcing votes for Shillary at polling places), so it doesnt mean anything to the election.

>Sup Forums
>having mods

>listening to and accepting fake news

Well they did kill their BFF Saddam after all...

Yes, but thats the way it is and always will be.

But remember to either resist them or follow them.
But never sillentely take their shit.

Because he can't get literally anything done besides abolish TPP.
He didn't drain the swamp, he hired it.
He didn't lock Hillary up, she's running for mayor of NYC.
His travel ban didn't last.
He didn't repeal Obamacare.
Literally every single thing he's done has been an abject failure. And at some point the guy who wrote "Art of the Deal" better start closing them.

>facts that I dont like are fake news
I give you 10 claps out of a ten and a 5% tax cut on people earning over 3 million dollars per annum. You've done well, mr. republican


Have you heard of the inner-German border?
Illegal immigrants press wages down, that's a fact. No citizen would (and should) work for that.

Its almost like hes only been president for 2 months and things take time.

You can make logical arguments in favor and against any political system.

Even for those.

But what that guy posted doesnt qualify as arguments at all.