Why do people consider this good again? It's the same boring shit over and over again with shitty floaty combat

Why do people consider this good again? It's the same boring shit over and over again with shitty floaty combat

There's the buzzword again

Maybe you just don't like video games user.


The combat isn't floaty, but it's annoying how you can't hit multiple enemies in one swing with the great sword. And yes, the missions are fucking shit and the lack of 1v1 combat outside tournaments is an ass. I expected a sword combat game, not a broken RTS.

Try viking's conquest
The missions are a lot better


what did he mean by this

>amazing combat that is pure skill. the best combat ever.
>mix of the best genres; rpg, rts and grand strategy
>can command your troops as well as dealing with your enemies with your own hands and skill. (leading from the back or the front.)
>numerous different weapons to choose from
>numerous unit types to choose from to build your army
>the ability to lay waste to settlements
>numerous NPCs with different personalities to interact with.
>marrying your favourite lord's daughter
>hunting bandits with your bros
>laying sieges to castles and towns
>the magnificent journey from a hobo to the king of kings
>sandbox; pure gameplay

that was the main game.

with mods:
>the ability to fuck your wife(literally)
>making your wife a part of your retinue and fight your enemies with you.
>the ability to fuck your enemies(literally)
>fighting infidels

and that's just off the top of my head. it is a fantastic game. and the Bannerlord shall be glorious. if it ever was released

>it's annoying how you can't hit multiple enemies in one swing with the great sword

Go back to Dynasty Warriors.

in Bannerlord you can hit multiple enemies in one swing

>>amazing combat that is pure skill. the best combat ever.
opinion discarded

I don't care much for the singleplayer but I love the multiplayer, especially Napoleonic Wars.

>them 200 player fights
>that feel when you're one of the sole survivors
>that feel when 90 players of your team are watching as you have to take out the remaining 5 of the enemy team 5v1
>tfw you actually pull it off

Nothing compares.

these threads remind me of the monster hunter threads

>>the ability to fuck your wife(literally)
>>making your wife a part of your retinue and fight your enemies with you.
>>the ability to fuck your enemies(literally)
>>fighting infidels
what mods exactly

After playing like 500 hours it does feel repetitive desu.

the fucking part is dickplomacy.

the fighting infidels part is 1257AD

>tfw when two nations are attacking one nation
>break off and form your own faction
>give the unlucky faction the good ol tertiary buttfucking blitzkrieg
>they instantly ask for peace

archers on hill, infantry front and flank with cavalry: the game

100 Swadian Knights, F1, F3: the game.

like total war?

Damn, it's almost as if that was really a valid tactic that real people used.

The concept behind it is good, it's just that the idea was executed by a bunch of neanderthal turks.

Sounds like OP joined Swadia ASAP and tried to bring his horse up the mountain enough to hit Rhodoks with his word and came back with nothing but a facefull of bolts to a country at war with everyone.
That or you tried to solo an army while on foot.

Not him, but I'll explain why it's floaty and why that's not a buzzword when used when discussing Warband.

One thing Warband has in common with other games with shitty melee combat (like TES and Chivalry for example) is the fact that you can move freely while attacking in melee. This gives a feeling of weightlessness to attacks, lack of spacing, lack of punishing, invalidates move selection, etc.

Every game with lauded melee combat from Ninja Gaiden, Nioh Fighting Games, DMC, Dragon's Dogma, and even Dark Souls -- even if you think these are all shit -- are never referred to as "floaty" simply because they properly restrict movement while attacking.

Warband, Skyrim, Chiv are all the same shit; literally FPS adapted melee combat.

>This gives a feeling of weightlessness to attacks, lack of spacing, lack of punishing, invalidates move selection
all wrong

Make an actual refutation.

There's equally a problem with "locked in" movement, where the exact same attack animation occurs every time you attack.

Neither is accurate to what swordfighting is, which is about very subtle movement control during the attack.

Not that accuracy is actually necessarily fun.

warband is def a weightless floaty piece of shit tho..

I'm not making for an argument that any of those games are better at combat simulation -- just that they're not floaty pieces of shit.

>He doesnt have over 10,000 hours on warband
FUck off you shitter, get fucking good and play the game

Instead they're stiff pieces of shit

There is no refutation I can give to somebody who doesn't understant the fundamentals of the combat

Commander Battles in Napoleonic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all

>Ninja Gaiden, Nioh Fighting Games, DMC, Dragon's Dogma, and even Dark Souls
>consoleshit combat

>move freely while attacking in melee
Can't you in real life? Or are you just a fatty?

>weightlessness to attacks
Weight of an attack is all about sound design and animation. Look at Jedi Knight games, you're agile as hell but the attacks are all weighty.

>lack of spacing
There's spacing between committing your attack, unleashing damage, and returning to your original ready position.

>lack of punishing
You get flinched when damaged by enemies, that's punishing.

>invalidates move selection
Wrong. Like Jedi Academy, this kind of movement allows more improvised attack techniques, and therefore the move selection feels natural.

>DMC, Bayo, Nioh, Fightan, Ninja Gaiden, are "stiff."
kek. Stop posting any time.
>"I have no argument, I'm just going to say you don't understand shit and claim victory."
Nope. Chiv/Warband are slippery FPS-derivative turds with shit fundamentals and basically zero variety, even with all the crocked-up exploits in Chiv, it's still garbage.

Nobody plays in Australia :(

RP in Napoleonic Wars >>>>>>>>>>> *

RP = Commander Battles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Minisiege

Mount and Blade gives you independent control of the legs and torso movement, whereas Jap fighting games don't.

So although Mount and Blade is floaty shit that lets you bend the laws of physics, most melee in games is stiff as fuck in comparison

No argument.
>Ad hom implying moving around like a retard makes for a good melee game and also implying I can't deady 405.
>Doesn't know what punishing is.
>Doesn't realize spacing is shit because you can freely move with a outward extended hitbox.
>Nonironically thinks float minigames have weighty attacks.
etc, etc. I could be here all day, but I gotta go. Have fun with your games lads.

>incapability of changing movement direction and canceling attacks
>not bending the law of physics

>>incapability of changing movement direction and canceling attacks
but you can

No one in any of the conversations I've ever had describes those games as stiff except you, so I guess I just disagree with your sentiments. What you call "stiff" I'd call concise and focused.

Well, it's more physically restrictive in Jap games, rather than letting you do the physically impossible in Mount and Blade, like swing your sword hard while running backwards

>Walking one way and swinging your sword as hard as possible with a rook strike using torso compression.
>Changing the direction on something like that.

>moving around like a retard
Hah. Try "not moving around like a retard".

>Doesn't know what punishing is.
I've never been locked in a cuckshed like you, so to be honest, you're right.

>freely move with a outward extended hitbox
Of course people who swing their sword to the right while walking to the same direction have bigger hitbox than retards who stay in one place. Try hitting a mailbox in a moving car, you don't even need to swing your bat, you just aim it.

>Nonironically thinks float minigames have weighty attacks.
Nice argument.

You don't know what punishing is. Stop talking retard.

So the real complain is the lack of damage reduction when running backwards.

>Stop talking retard
gr8 argument. rly makes you think.

I'm gay

I really like Warband, I just kind of wish it was a little more fantastical.

I don't mean like fantasy fantastical, I mean I kind of wish legend building was a thing.
Like, if I kill 100 guys every battle by myself, people will be more hesitant to fight me, things like that. Why can't I be big dick Bazuso?

I wish M&B had witches, monsters, unique guilds, and dungeon crawling like TES.

I'm not going to spend effort refuting arguments with someone who doesn't understand basic terms, because then you have to take a detour to explain that. It's hard to have a meaningful conversation when you're too stupid and novice to have a basic vocabulary about this shit. "Don't debate with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience, etc"

>"I have no argument, I'm just going to say you don't understand shit and claim victory."

Now you're just being difficult.

could be neat

>mfw first playthrough of warband
>mfw confered Praven

Bring in the denars bois.

>27/80 achievements
>10k hours




It is pure skill.
You can even play it as a stealth game. When I play online I play as a Sarranid Assassin stealth archer. It feels good to parkour behind the enemy lines, kill a few of them and then wreck the last guys with melee.
Brainybots made me git gud at kicking, feints and perfect guard.

I never made an argument in the first place, I explained why floaty accurately describes M&B. You're the one trying to make an argument and not once have you touched on M&B not being a floaty piece of shit in any meaningful way, and instead tried to dismantle individual statements with such limited knowledge that I decided there was no meaningful reason to continue.

Let this be a lesson to you, retard; don't try to argue without it least a basic vocabulary

probably cheats
cheats disable cheevos

it kind of does. If you bump into a drunk they'll sometimes recognize you and beg for mercy.

And I made another argument to counter that floaty argument. Walking while swinging your weapon and cancelling the swing don't defy real life physics, therefore not floaty. To create the otherwise means creating artificial difficulty.

That would be shit.

There is damage reduction while backpedaling, though. The speed modifier takes into acount the speed portion of your weapon hitting the enemy is going at, relative to the enemy's speed. It's why mounted combat does so much damage, especially against other riders.
If you hit an enemy with a halberd, but not the head, the speed modifier only applies to the section of the haft (I think) that hits.
In a sense it's floaty because you're not forced to commit to attacks, but if you want value out of your hit, you're commiting anyway. Backpedalling is to get out of 3v1s or to keep pelting with a range weapon.
You only get fucked in the end if you're walking away from enemies while swigning.

That's not a refutation in any way however.
The floatiness that everyone talks about in M&B has nothing to do with someone's real life ability to swing a sword while moving. I'm not sure how this would, in any world, constitute an argument against my point.

Would it? It would be the perfect Conan the Barbarian simulator, with dungeons, exploring and the occasional big battles.
Oblivion with the basic Warband combat mechanics would be great.

Not him, but I definitely feel like Warband's attack animations could use a little bit more punch

>Download Warsword because I'm a nerd
>Start out as a Beastman
>Imagine cleaving swathes of people, raping a pillaging the Bretonnians and Elves, leading hordes of mutated Chaos worshippers, ransacking entire towns

>Get in game
>Any time I'm up against 3 or more people at the same time my weapon swings get fucked up
>Forced to kill one person at a time, regardless of the size of my weapon
>Prisoner interaction is borderline zero, only options are to sell them to slavers, let them go, or try and recruit the soldiers
>Turn on cheats to see what can be done with the last part there
>Become a Level >2000 Beastman with the best armor and weapons available, surrounded by loyal Witch Elves, Wardancers, Priests of Sigmar, Bretonnian Knights, Chaos Warriors, and Saurus
>Decide to try and take over an isolated city with an army of over 50 fully upgraded units from the assorted factions
>Get swamped by sheer numbers because despite having a fuckkhueg greatsword I still only hit one person per swing, and if any person in the swing is blocking it fails outright
>Have to deal with bullshit mechanics as well such as Elves dodging attacks that hit them square in the chest and Knights who have magical Holy shields every three fucking seconds
>Doesn't matter that I'm a Beastman because it changes literally zero aspects of the game aside from visuals

Really wish they dropped a bit of stupidity from combat. Being outnumbered means you effectively either backpedal until their shitty pathing AI lets you take them one at a time or you just flat out can't do anything.

>The floatiness that everyone talks about in M&B has nothing to do with someone's real life ability to swing a sword while moving.
So what does it have to do with? You haven't properly articulated your point either.

No, leave it alone. It's already my favorite Berserk simulator. And I'm not talking about the mid. Just vanilla.
Think pre-golden age, where most people don't know about and will never never live to see fantasy shit, but you still have lords running around with their purple heavy rhino knight cavalry. Put some Hirasawa soundtracks in the background and you're good to go.
If you wanna be Guts, though, play Dragon's Dogma.

They aren't mocaped, that's why they don't look very good.

Moving while attacking in-game is what makes it floaty. Literally the first thing I said.

literally a non-argument

>Tfw that Berserk mod for Vanilla had 'shockwave' aoe damage on swings with the greatsword.
>No other mod after it had it

At least I haven't played any, it was a nice addition.

And I invalidated that argument. You can move while attacking in real life.

>best combat ever
>no dodge
>no roll
>no parry
>no counter attack
>you are just a walking log with swinging sword
>best combat ever
no, thanks.

Well Warband is a bit sui generis, so I wouldn't mind a mod or another game based on that. That way we would have Warband as it is, which is pretty good.

Oh by I sure love playing prison escape in 200 ping servers

I thought the pure skill combat shit was bullshit until i saw a webm of a guy with a lance killing 3 people in multiplayer. I dont know what to believe

>no special attacks
>no different characters
>every weapons have the same boring moveset

game is trash 0/10

Are there any mods that can allow you to make a custom faction?

Weebshits are pretty gay though, pls don't associate classic high fantasy with any of those poor imitations.

Confirmed for never played the game enough realize how movement works.

And you know combat mods exist.

>incapability of changing movement direction and canceling attacks

Jesus Christ, how bad are you at this game? You don't understand the combat in the slightest.

Frankly if you can't hold your own in multiplayer you aren't really in a position to criticize the combat of M&B as you don't have any understanding of it. There are lots of issues with the game but it's not like you would care or understand any of them. If you came here expecting everyone to agree with your retarded unspecific claims that the combat is "floaty" and then make blatantly incorrect statements that you can't change your attack direction, you'd be better off just not talking about the game at all. It's not like you're here to ask questions or learn anything, as you'd rather defend your original viewpoint which has no basis whatsoever.

>playing vanilla


>>no dodge
You can dodge. Git gud.
>>no roll
>>no parry
You can parry your opponent of you time your swing really well.
>>no counter attack
Counter attack is as easy as swing+backstep+step forward.
If you're good at parrying you'll get good at duels, if you're good at moving and blocking you'll be a beast. During online sieges you can pretty much win a fight against 2-4 men at the same time if you move well. They normally hit each other. It's still very difficult, but once you learn the tricks you'll be a one-man-army. 3 archers in line will still fuck you up, probably.

This. At least have fun with Gekokujo, 1257, 16th Century, or Prophesy of Pendor. Vanilla and Vanilla+ mods are utter trash.

The game is literally based around speed and inertia to generate damage you mongoloid.

I was basically saying that M&B doesn't defy the laws of physics. That incapability statement is directed to other games, not M&B.


the post is mainly just directed at the shitposting OP

>Doing combat yourself at all in M&B

Fucking plebs, you have to command your troops and gain support from vassals, fighting just waste valuable atr points in STR and AGI

My only criticism of M&B's combat mechanics is how shitty the jumping is. Why the fuck does he jump like mario? Space should be reserved for dodging like in Severance, not jumping to the air.

That's boring af. That's like watching your wife's boyfriend do the fucking.

Jumping is a mechanic necessary to make sure the characters don't get stuck.

Why even bother refuting OP when he has already demonstrated he knows nothing about the game? Within this thread alone he has learned that everything he said you can't do in Warband, you can (dodging, parrying, changing attack direction, adding speed/weight to attacks). It's like he hasn't even played the game. His opinion is irrelevant. You're basically spoonfeeding him at this point.

you can all of those things except roll. It takes a bit more to do them, though. Nothing is bound to one button press ala dark souls.