He will never play Breath of the Wild
He will never play Breath of the Wild
>what is heaven
Robin seemed like a cool guy. I would have liked to hang with him.
if you believe in heaven, you should also believe in suiciders going straight to hell
He reincarnated into a QT girl
Yeah I've read dozens of stories of him randomly being a great guy to people for no real reason other than to make them happy. Also qt daughter.
A place where hopefully games below 60fps aren't allowed.
Not true at all
he was "suicided" by the governament user
just like paul walker
>being so fucking weeaboo beta that you name your own daughter after some retro weebshit
Post Dobson.
>I would have liked to hang with him.
> liked to hang with him.
> hang with him.
too soon
>he never got to see his favorite series ruined and turned into an open world meme
I'm jealous of him desu.
>nintendo invented the name zelda
He named his daughter after the video game character. Ocarina is his favorite game of all time. He explains it here
Alright so if he is in hell then he will be able to play BOTW then
A joke thief and a cokehead desu. Mostly energy and not enough material.
They only have PS4s in heaven
>committed suicide
Funny guy
He wouldn't anyway because it has "breath" on the title
There's a fucking commercial about it you fucking retard.
Sounds like hell
He killed himself so he wouldn't have to play more Zelda games
How do you rate his favorite games Sup Forums ?
>He never got to watch Evangelion 3.33 since he probably didnt want to watch a pirated version
>He died thinking it'd be good
>He'll never get to see the series end with 3.0+1.0
His favorite anemey?
literally who
Anyone that blames him for his suicde is inhuman.
He was bankrupt from having THREE (3) whore ex's sucking him dry from alimony. He was suffering from depression and addiction AND he had fucking dementia and was beginning to forget his family and lose all of his memories. He was going to be a vegetable.
If there is a heaven I wish they have a game where I can play as a alien lizardman conquering other planets in a big spaceship.
> Hear the new Zelda is coming out.
> Commit suicide so you won't have to play it.
Don't blame him.
> saved himself from playing "Ganondorf isnt actually here but Zelda is still worthless straightbait: the game"
was he /ourguy/?
he was an actor in a show from the 50's called dork and cindy.
i guess you could say he's breathless
Educate yourself, child.
Fuck off with your e-celeb bullshit, faggot.
Christ died for our sins, including suicide. The filthy papists came up with the "suicide goes to hell despite accepting Christ" rule to prevent their serfs from killing themselves due to the misery of Catholic rule.
>If he hadn't killed himself he would have made Mrs.Doubtfire 2 and been witchhunted by sjw liberal cunts for being transphobic
Suiciders go to paradise.
Do you think Robin Williams would have refunded his preorder of Yooka Laylee?
Remember that he only did these Nintendo commericals so you could pay the massive alimony that his wife collected every month. If he didn't do these ads he couldn't pay the alimony and could've been sent to jail
>he will never be your dad
a blessing and a curse
I always think my arms are super fucking hairy, but that man was an honorary werewolf. Godspeed you magnificent bastard.
He wants to fuck transvestite Link.
Why did he commit suicide anyway?
I like to believe the rumor that id Software modelled the Doomguy's very hairy arms after Robin Williams' arms.
Depression is a son of a bitch, user. Normal people like to pretend they understand the suffering of celebrities, but we'll never know what he was going through.
Legit cried for about an hour after i saw this posted on reddit a few weeks ago.;_;
Bankrupt because alimony
He had early onset dementia
Depression is not real.
Depression and he was showing signs of lewy body dementia
The people that make other people laugh hide the darkest demons
>the suffering of celebrities
>making stupid faces and crack fart jokes
>earn millions with this
neck yourself
>Those millions get taken from you by law and given to your soul sucking ex wives who have done Literally nothing to deserve it
have some respect you little shit
To be fair thats a perfectly reasonable thing to say to most women since they tend to act too emotional.
Would you name your son Link Sup Forums?
Her father had died recently before that tweet.
Now imagine having earned all those millions, and nothing you can spend them on will make you happy.
in heaven you get a fat gaming pc not a pathetic nintendo console
my wife son is called lean'q
What a piece of shit
Why the fuck do celebrities even get married.
>Zelda williams says something about wanting less immigration
>Nintendo issues cease & desist order on name "zelda" because they done want nintendo to be associated with alt-right movement.
And in heaven you will even have some games for your pc other than indy shit, mobas and shit ports.
>acquire fame
>acquire fortune
>acquire adoration of billions across the planet
>still unhappy
>finally understanding you are truly broken and there is nothing you can humanly do to fix yourself
Success can be a curse, user.
My father died once but I didnt instantly go to internet to tweet about it when it happened.
Nintendo wouldn't go all SJW like that, though. Japan is very anti illegal immigration. They love Trump, even advertise with his image.
I also saw a commerical saying blacks and gays are marginalised, so it MUST be true.
You might if you had thousands of followers that you could turn to as a form of support
The fact that he's more likely to nuke North Korea than Obama was probably helps his popularity in Japan.
I'd just get socially retarded people sending me tweets to calm my tits so why bother?
You couldn't even mention Doubtfire during the month of his death without getting screamed at by the trans brigade, people angry that you weren't concerned about Ferguson, or both
Dude picked the worst time to die, he got sidelined way to fucking fast in the news
She was basically raped by that tweet, you shitlord.
>2000 people agree with this shit
I wish i could nuke this planet. Are gooks the only one free from this shit?
working only for it to get cut up and set to ex's
skyward sword
So he was depressed, started to lose his memory and any money he got a hold of was instantly taken and to top it off the one thing he enjoyed the latest zelda actually sucked.Dont blame him.
He's immortalized in the game though
Iits out of proportion to be Really sad over 1 celebrity you didnt even know personally when people die all the time in a more unfortunate situations.
Shouldn't have killed himself.
nintendo did dit
But he looked so happy,
he would have killed himself if he ever played that piece of shit
He will never even Breath again
There's an NPC that looks like him.
I think it's just a coincidence personally.
Maybe he shouldn't have killed himself then?
There's an NPC modeled after him and one of iwata
>he missed the remake of the original zelda
>this could happen to us if we kill ourselves
video games truly are the best life support
He wasn't depressed, he was losing his mind so he offed himself while he still knew who he was.
I would kill myself too if Skyward Sword is part of the franchise I named my daughter after.