Probably the only good western game without political/sjw drama
Also why no PC?
Probably the only good western game without political/sjw drama
Also why no PC?
Its near enough confirmed that it's coming to pc
GTAV (next-gen release) = November 18th (late into the year)
GTAV PC release date = 4 April (few months after, still relatively early in the year)
RDR2 release date = 'Fall' (late into the year, will prob be around Oct. time, will most likely face delay, too.)
RDR2 PC release date = ??? Based off V's cycle, will prob be around Early-Mid 2018
Why do people keep up with this meme that games are good because of the company logo on the box and not judging it by the actual gameplay? Sick of this fucking shit.
>oh this fucking trash game is good because Nintendo/Rockstar made it
Meanwhile actual good westerns got overlooked like Gun, Desperados, Call of Juarez, but of course all these games had to offer was a great atmosphere, top tier gameplay and well written stories and characters, no Cockstar or Shitendo logo in site so you can circle jerk online about how deep and cool you are, so they got ignored.
>latinx caricatures
>white savior syndrome
>erasure of native americans and manifest destiny
just because it maintains the white status quo doesnt mean its not political
Denuvo mails leak,so it's not coming anyway and Rockstar will go maximum jew with horse cock cards
So in a year
CoJ Gunslinger is criminally underrated.
Honestly, the only good game Rockstar has made since SA was MP3, and that wasn't even their own property. RDR2 is just a vehicle for more shark card jewing. R* is pretty much dead.
Shark Cards are a fundamentally good idea and I'm excited for RDR2's online. My main hope is that it's similar to GTA V's. Otherwise, I won't care about it. Anyway, since the DLC's are free, Shark Cards are justifiable. This isn't disputable. You don't need to use any real life money in GTA Online.
Nope, there are some rumors that some of the protagonists will be black and female. Even Rockstar is lost, the last hope is CDPred, but they also hired a cucklifornian to help with the "cultural differences" of their next game.
>microtransactions are good
Rockstar FAGGOT who was leaking to gtag on /vg/ confirmed it
It doesn't matter, psnow will probably include ps4 games in year.
It's optional.
>pay to win is ok
Sup Forums can not have sunk this low. You are a shill, that's all I can conclude.
You've clearly never played GTA Online. You don't pay to win. You can buy a jet right off the bat, but it's up to you to get good. The thing is, you need the experience, otherwise, superior players will wreck you. There's no such thing as pay2win in GTA's online.
You won't bait me into this argument, shitposter-kun.
It's literally optional. There's nothing wrong with Shark Cards.
This has been the case in the majority of pay-to-win games , just because you can afford something doesn't mean you're not a scrub
GTA online is still pay-to-win
No it's not. You can't pay to win heists, I/E missions or anything. You have no idea what you're talking about.
game will run like shit, even on a ps4pro
snow region in red dead was fucking awful on ps3. it's going to be that x4
Time to bail out from this wreck,other thread two days ago got ruined too cause the p2w is ok guy
Fuck sake Kikestar sometimes ban people for no reason
Any given unintentional exploit to dupe money or lessen the grind without harming their sales is fixed and patched on the fly
Anything that comes out is overpriced and again if they suspect you for doing any shady business they will punish cause they just can.
Shark cards are not ok
You shouldn't be cheating. The bans are deserved. I'm not saying you should buy a Shark Card, I'm saying they're fundamentally okay. You want the money? Get good. If you don't want to, just buy a Shark Card. There's no shame in supporting them, since they give your ungrateful ass *free* updates.
time for your nap, grandpa
>the only good western game without political/sjw drama
Have you ever heard of Doom you blistering retard?
those games were alright, RDR shits on them in every way, Rockstar logo or not, you histrionic faggot
>Also why no PC?
Because Rockstar knows people are fucking idiots who won't be able to wait so they'll buy it on console first than on PC a year later.
I guarantee that they have a PC version already in the works but they aren't announcing it because of this.